A noted pundit recently wrote the Republican Party is doomed to failure if its best hope is for the Democrats' united front to splinter into unproductive disunity.
That may well be, but the comment started me thinking about a favorite Bible passage, one that I've not only included in sermons but taken to heart as God's way of facing overwhelming odds.
"Jumpin' Jehosaphat!" Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet, often blurted that name on the old TV series right before Superman soared into action. So when, as a new Christian, my Bible studies came across the name, I was interested. First of all, there was nothing in 2nd Chronicles chapter 20 about Jehosaphat jumping. But what I found was and is invaluable.
Jehosaphat was king when the united armies of three enemy nations marched on Judah. He called for God's help, and the people came together in a nation-wide prayer meeting. "...We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us," the king prayed. "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You."
Then the Holy Spirit came upon Jahaziel, a priest, who spoke God's response. It sure wasn't the answer I was expecting, but I've done as instructed, and I assure you IT WORKS!
"Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army," Jahaziel said. "The battle is not yours, it's God's. ... You will not have to fight this battle."
The next day, before Judah had to face the combined enemy that threatened their country, their very lives, Jehosaphat bowed to the ground and worshipped. Inspired, the king arose and told the people to "have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in His prophets and you will be successful."
What Jehosaphat then ordered just doesn't make sense, certainly not for military warfare. But this was spiritual warfare, just as it is today.
The king actually assembled a choir on the front line and had the singers march out AHEAD of Judah's soldiers! As the choir began to sing praises, the Lord went to work on Judah's behalf. One enemy army turned against another and then the third. Nobody was left alive when Jehosaphat arrived on the battlefield.
Prayer and praises to God won the day way back then. They still do today.
The Democrats represent a massive combination of God's enemies. Many are evil, or at least under Satan's control. And evil, by definition, cannot long stay united. God will see to it -- IF we will follow the example of Jehosaphat: Pray and praise, because the battle belongs to the Lord.
We do not know what to do, Lord, but our eyes are on You.
Friday, November 21
Easter bunny, tooth fairy, global warming ...
The Easter bunny, tooth fairy and global warming are childhood myths that make us reach for our wallet to continue their illusion. But the latter is going to cost us far more than plastic grass and hard-boiled eggs or occasional quarters under a pillow.
As a "strategic communicator" for a Fortune 500 electric utility that sought to corner the market (at least the entire western grid), I was one of several assigned to research industry Godzillas who potentially might stomp on our shareholders' Tokyo -- acid rain, electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) and global warming to be exact.
You see, the thing most dear to CEO and VP hearts -- their golden parachutes -- depended on identifying threats that could endanger their company's status and profits. So each issue was researched thoroughly.
Acid rain? Nothing to it. Coal-fired power plants were not guilty of doing damage where their smoke drifted. No, soil content was found to be acidic long before the advent of electricity.
EMFs? "Ummm, maybe it would be best to watch where we build power lines so the incidence of cancer in children living nearby isn't increased to a level that attracts public attention," the brass was told. In other words, evidence was serious enough to be carefully watchful.
And global warming? A political hoax, obvious back in the '80s. Whatever existed in "scientific evidence" was more than offset by factually supported data that pointed to climatic cycles. Besides, the board was urged, look at who's behind the still unproven theory.
Then as now, they are socialistic radicals intent on championing any cause that sticks it to corporate America, hastening the day of doom for hated capitalism.
Number Obama among them. Remember, it was Barack who welcomed summer's skyrocketing gas prices. Why? Because jumps at the pumps would help condition Americans to go along with socialistic mass transit and accept the radical environmental agenda intent on turning the United States into just another European country.
BHO would like nothing better than for us to junk our SUVs and oil up our bicycles. Boy, all those expensive-but-unused bike lanes should start looking good to us any day now.
Drill here; drill now; pay less? Well, terrorist-supporting OPEC sure did drop the price of gas like a heavy rock in order to scuttle that issue and get their candidate elected. What's a little less money to some of the richest men in the world when they can help put their choice in the Oval Office who will surrender Iraq without a shot and backburner the war on terror.
So energy independence now is off the table at Democrat-dominated Congress and at the left-leaning White House -- all in keeping with whatever it takes to undercut capitalism. Saving our planet from the dreaded hoax of global warming now will go into overdrive.
Expect power-hungry politicians to blacklist scientists who reject global warming alarmism, for congressmen to threaten companies that fund climate-change dissenters, for public schools to preach the unfounded theory as solid as evolution, and for mainstream media to ignore or smear any who dare speak the truth.
Unscrupulous scientists candidly admit the need to twist the facts to paint an uglier picture in order to greedily fool a misled public into accepting their conjecture as gospel while of course keeping our tax money flowing.
As for me, it's laughable if they weren't so deadly serious about the sham. I like what former senator Fred Thompson said:
“It seems scientists have noticed recently that quite a few planets in our solar system seem to be heating up a bit, including Pluto. This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non-signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists who run their air-conditioning at 60 degrees and refuse to recycle.”
You know, twice this fall I've dusted snow off my car here in Virginia -- and it's not even Thanksgiving yet. Right now, as I shiver on a 32-degree afternoon, I realize I can't stand much more of this politically inspired global warming.
Oh, but it's just a weather cycle, proponents counter. To which I say, my point exactly.
As a "strategic communicator" for a Fortune 500 electric utility that sought to corner the market (at least the entire western grid), I was one of several assigned to research industry Godzillas who potentially might stomp on our shareholders' Tokyo -- acid rain, electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) and global warming to be exact.
You see, the thing most dear to CEO and VP hearts -- their golden parachutes -- depended on identifying threats that could endanger their company's status and profits. So each issue was researched thoroughly.
Acid rain? Nothing to it. Coal-fired power plants were not guilty of doing damage where their smoke drifted. No, soil content was found to be acidic long before the advent of electricity.
EMFs? "Ummm, maybe it would be best to watch where we build power lines so the incidence of cancer in children living nearby isn't increased to a level that attracts public attention," the brass was told. In other words, evidence was serious enough to be carefully watchful.
And global warming? A political hoax, obvious back in the '80s. Whatever existed in "scientific evidence" was more than offset by factually supported data that pointed to climatic cycles. Besides, the board was urged, look at who's behind the still unproven theory.
Then as now, they are socialistic radicals intent on championing any cause that sticks it to corporate America, hastening the day of doom for hated capitalism.
Number Obama among them. Remember, it was Barack who welcomed summer's skyrocketing gas prices. Why? Because jumps at the pumps would help condition Americans to go along with socialistic mass transit and accept the radical environmental agenda intent on turning the United States into just another European country.
BHO would like nothing better than for us to junk our SUVs and oil up our bicycles. Boy, all those expensive-but-unused bike lanes should start looking good to us any day now.
Drill here; drill now; pay less? Well, terrorist-supporting OPEC sure did drop the price of gas like a heavy rock in order to scuttle that issue and get their candidate elected. What's a little less money to some of the richest men in the world when they can help put their choice in the Oval Office who will surrender Iraq without a shot and backburner the war on terror.
So energy independence now is off the table at Democrat-dominated Congress and at the left-leaning White House -- all in keeping with whatever it takes to undercut capitalism. Saving our planet from the dreaded hoax of global warming now will go into overdrive.
Expect power-hungry politicians to blacklist scientists who reject global warming alarmism, for congressmen to threaten companies that fund climate-change dissenters, for public schools to preach the unfounded theory as solid as evolution, and for mainstream media to ignore or smear any who dare speak the truth.
Unscrupulous scientists candidly admit the need to twist the facts to paint an uglier picture in order to greedily fool a misled public into accepting their conjecture as gospel while of course keeping our tax money flowing.
As for me, it's laughable if they weren't so deadly serious about the sham. I like what former senator Fred Thompson said:
“It seems scientists have noticed recently that quite a few planets in our solar system seem to be heating up a bit, including Pluto. This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non-signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists who run their air-conditioning at 60 degrees and refuse to recycle.”
You know, twice this fall I've dusted snow off my car here in Virginia -- and it's not even Thanksgiving yet. Right now, as I shiver on a 32-degree afternoon, I realize I can't stand much more of this politically inspired global warming.
Oh, but it's just a weather cycle, proponents counter. To which I say, my point exactly.
Barack Obama,
global warming,
unproven theory
Get ready for attacks on conservative radio ...
Brace yourself for an unprecedented government assault upon the First Amendment. President Barack Obama will lead the charge, wielding his cloaked version of a “Fairness Doctrine.”
Arch liberals have been waiting for this coercive opportunity since 1987 when the Federal Communications Commission, under President Ronald Reagan, scraped the original Fairness Doctrine, allowing conservative talk radio to mushroom into popularity across America. The whiners can't wait to silence the hated Rush Limbaugh, who skyrocketed to a position of great influence as a result of Reagan's repeal that freed radio stations to air what listeners wanted to hear without having to include what they didn't.
President Reagan saw it right: America must have the opportunity to hear an alternative voice to what passes as reporting on the nightly news. As Rush is known to say: “Don’t ask me for equal time; I am equal time. I am the rebuttal to the liberal, mainstream, drive-by media.”
Now, with control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine to stifle conservative talk radio’s criticism of the Democrats' so-often-failed agenda.
Obama claims to oppose that, however, knowing such a blatant move surely will inspire an outraged march on Washington by listeners of Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Bill Bennett and other hosts. (Come to think of it, now's a good time to launch a pitchfork-sharpening business, offering free maps of DC to spur business.)
Ah, but the president-elect still is counting the days to the strangled death of conservative talk radio! Just listen to the opening of Hannity's radio show for a collection of Obama's sound bites against Sean. Makes you wonder: Has a presidential candidate ever had so much to say against a broadcaster?
Eschewing a frontal assault, Obama plans to sneak through a side door to silence that pesky conservative voice. The FCC, you see, has an ambiguous rule called “localism” that requires stations to serve the interests of their local communities in order to maintain their licenses. Obama, who will immediately sack FCC Chairman Kevin Martin upon taking office, needs only three votes from the five-member FCC to redefine localism in such a way that handcuffs conservative talk radio.
Warning signs abound if you look closely. Check out Jack Thompson's report at Human Events for more details.
The skulduggery already is afoot: the FCC has called for permanent station advisory boards, made up of community officials and leaders, to periodically advise of local needs and issues that ensures diversity of on-air content. That way, any station that fails to appease “local community leaders” will lose its license.
Can't happen? Well, answer this: What organization first successfully used FCC “localism” to silence a station?
Answer: The United Church of Christ, Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s highly-politicized denomination. That's right, the racist reverend's Office of Communication, Inc., yanked a broadcast license away from a southern station deemed not to be covering the civil-rights movement fairly. The precedent is set!
Hummm, you gotta wonder about anyone who, with a straight face, claims such chicanery didn't influence him over a 20-year association.
So, like I said, brace yourself! One way or another, the attacks are coming. Let your conservative voice be heard and help America get it right!
Arch liberals have been waiting for this coercive opportunity since 1987 when the Federal Communications Commission, under President Ronald Reagan, scraped the original Fairness Doctrine, allowing conservative talk radio to mushroom into popularity across America. The whiners can't wait to silence the hated Rush Limbaugh, who skyrocketed to a position of great influence as a result of Reagan's repeal that freed radio stations to air what listeners wanted to hear without having to include what they didn't.
President Reagan saw it right: America must have the opportunity to hear an alternative voice to what passes as reporting on the nightly news. As Rush is known to say: “Don’t ask me for equal time; I am equal time. I am the rebuttal to the liberal, mainstream, drive-by media.”
Now, with control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine to stifle conservative talk radio’s criticism of the Democrats' so-often-failed agenda.
Obama claims to oppose that, however, knowing such a blatant move surely will inspire an outraged march on Washington by listeners of Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Bill Bennett and other hosts. (Come to think of it, now's a good time to launch a pitchfork-sharpening business, offering free maps of DC to spur business.)
Ah, but the president-elect still is counting the days to the strangled death of conservative talk radio! Just listen to the opening of Hannity's radio show for a collection of Obama's sound bites against Sean. Makes you wonder: Has a presidential candidate ever had so much to say against a broadcaster?
Eschewing a frontal assault, Obama plans to sneak through a side door to silence that pesky conservative voice. The FCC, you see, has an ambiguous rule called “localism” that requires stations to serve the interests of their local communities in order to maintain their licenses. Obama, who will immediately sack FCC Chairman Kevin Martin upon taking office, needs only three votes from the five-member FCC to redefine localism in such a way that handcuffs conservative talk radio.
Warning signs abound if you look closely. Check out Jack Thompson's report at Human Events for more details.
The skulduggery already is afoot: the FCC has called for permanent station advisory boards, made up of community officials and leaders, to periodically advise of local needs and issues that ensures diversity of on-air content. That way, any station that fails to appease “local community leaders” will lose its license.
Can't happen? Well, answer this: What organization first successfully used FCC “localism” to silence a station?
Answer: The United Church of Christ, Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s highly-politicized denomination. That's right, the racist reverend's Office of Communication, Inc., yanked a broadcast license away from a southern station deemed not to be covering the civil-rights movement fairly. The precedent is set!
Hummm, you gotta wonder about anyone who, with a straight face, claims such chicanery didn't influence him over a 20-year association.
So, like I said, brace yourself! One way or another, the attacks are coming. Let your conservative voice be heard and help America get it right!
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss ...
Sigh! So much for hope and change:
In calling his second major shot as president-elect, Barack Obama picked pro-abortion Tom Daschle as Secretary of Health and Human Services. The former U.S. senator from South Dakota, known for taking no prisoners as Senate Majority Leader, will replace pro-life advocate Mike Leavitt, who has been working on protecting pro-life doctors and nurses. Sigh!
As the health secretary, Daschle will likely play a role in shaping Obama's health care plan, which has come under fire for possibly including abortion coverage or mandating that hospitals or insurance companies cover abortions. Sigh!
Hope? Not for pre-born babies. Change? Yeah, a sad step deeper into, not out of, bitter partisan politics. This isn't reaching across the isle; it's throwing a sucker punch!
To quote the Who from Don't Get Footed Again: "Meet the new boss; same as the old boss." Not at all what voters expected from the messiah's mantra on the campaign trail, huh?
Reminds me of a Fanny Mae lender who died and arrived at the pearly gates, where Saint Peter gave him the choice of heaven or hell after visiting each.
First up was hell, and the lender was stunned to see a gorgeous lush-green golf course, complete with a ritzy clubhouse that offered plenty of booze, massages and an unending poker game. Then came heaven, a serenely beautiful place of peace and tranquility.
When Peter called for the decision the next day, the lender said: "Well, this might surprise you, but I think I'll fit in better in hell."
"So be it," Peter said, pointing to the elevator. Down the lender went to his exciting and attractive destination for eternity.
But when the doors opened, the Fanny Mae lender was greeted by blast-furnace flames and searing pain. As Satan emerged from the fire, the lender cried out, "What happened? Yesterday it was so beautiful..."
"Yesterday," Satan hissed with an evil smile, "we were campaigning. Today you voted!"
In calling his second major shot as president-elect, Barack Obama picked pro-abortion Tom Daschle as Secretary of Health and Human Services. The former U.S. senator from South Dakota, known for taking no prisoners as Senate Majority Leader, will replace pro-life advocate Mike Leavitt, who has been working on protecting pro-life doctors and nurses. Sigh!
As the health secretary, Daschle will likely play a role in shaping Obama's health care plan, which has come under fire for possibly including abortion coverage or mandating that hospitals or insurance companies cover abortions. Sigh!
Hope? Not for pre-born babies. Change? Yeah, a sad step deeper into, not out of, bitter partisan politics. This isn't reaching across the isle; it's throwing a sucker punch!
To quote the Who from Don't Get Footed Again: "Meet the new boss; same as the old boss." Not at all what voters expected from the messiah's mantra on the campaign trail, huh?
Reminds me of a Fanny Mae lender who died and arrived at the pearly gates, where Saint Peter gave him the choice of heaven or hell after visiting each.
First up was hell, and the lender was stunned to see a gorgeous lush-green golf course, complete with a ritzy clubhouse that offered plenty of booze, massages and an unending poker game. Then came heaven, a serenely beautiful place of peace and tranquility.
When Peter called for the decision the next day, the lender said: "Well, this might surprise you, but I think I'll fit in better in hell."
"So be it," Peter said, pointing to the elevator. Down the lender went to his exciting and attractive destination for eternity.
But when the doors opened, the Fanny Mae lender was greeted by blast-furnace flames and searing pain. As Satan emerged from the fire, the lender cried out, "What happened? Yesterday it was so beautiful..."
"Yesterday," Satan hissed with an evil smile, "we were campaigning. Today you voted!"
Friday, November 14
White guilt? Done; over; dead and buried ...
For weekend reading I offer an atricle from the Philadelphia Inquirer by Tom Adkins, publisher of www.CommonConservative.com
White guilt? Done; over; history
There go my fellow conservatives, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. Not me. I'm virtually euphoric. Don't get me wrong. I'm not thrilled with America's flirtation with neosocialism. But there's a massive silver lining in the magical clouds that lofted Barack Obama to the presidency. For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America:
The Era of White Guilt is over.
This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn't give a fluff about skin color and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man. Not just any black man. A very liberal black man who spent his early career race-hustling banks, praying in a racist church for 20 years, and actively working with America-hating domestic terrorists. Yet white Americans made Barack Obama their leader. Therefore, as of Nov. 4, 2008, white guilt is dead.
So today, I'm feeling a little "uppity," if you will. For more than a century, the millstone of white guilt hung around our necks, retribution for slave-owning predecessors. In the 1960s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black Americans, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution to the country's problems. But if a black man can become president, exactly what significant barrier is left? The election of Barack Obama destroys the validation of liberal white guilt. The dragon is hereby slain.
From this day forward, my tolerance level for having my skin color hustled is exactly ZERO. No more Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "God Damn America," Al Sharpton's Church of Perpetual Victimization, or Jesse Jackson's rainbow racism. Cornel West? You're a fraud. All those "black studies" programs must now teach kids to thank Whitey. And I want that on the final.
Congressional Black Caucus? Irrelevant. U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.)? Shut up. ACORN? Outlawed. Black Panthers? Go home and pet your kitty. Black separatists? Find another nation that offers better dreams. To those Eurosnots who forged careers hating America? I'm still waiting for the first black French president.
No more quotas. No more handouts. No more complaining that "the man" is keeping you down. "The man" is now black.
It's time to toss that massive, obsolete race-hustle machine upon the heap of the other stupid '60s ideas. Drag it over there, right between free love and cop-killing. Careful, don't trip on streaking. Just dump it. And then wash your hands. It's filthy.
Obama's ascension also creates another gargantuan irony. How can liberals sell American racism, class envy and unfairness when our new black president and his wife went to Ivy League schools, got high-paying jobs, became millionaires, bought a mansion, and are now moving to the White House? How unfair is that? Now, like a delicious O. Henry tale, Obama's spread-the-wealth campaign rendered itself moot by its own victory! America is officially a meritocracy. Obama's election has validated American conservatism.
So ... Wham!!!
That's the sound of my foot kicking the door shut on the era of white guilt. The rites have been muttered, the carcass lowered, dirt shoveled and tombstone erected. Dead and buried.
-- Tom Adkins
White guilt? Done; over; history
There go my fellow conservatives, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. Not me. I'm virtually euphoric. Don't get me wrong. I'm not thrilled with America's flirtation with neosocialism. But there's a massive silver lining in the magical clouds that lofted Barack Obama to the presidency. For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America:
The Era of White Guilt is over.
This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn't give a fluff about skin color and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man. Not just any black man. A very liberal black man who spent his early career race-hustling banks, praying in a racist church for 20 years, and actively working with America-hating domestic terrorists. Yet white Americans made Barack Obama their leader. Therefore, as of Nov. 4, 2008, white guilt is dead.
So today, I'm feeling a little "uppity," if you will. For more than a century, the millstone of white guilt hung around our necks, retribution for slave-owning predecessors. In the 1960s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black Americans, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution to the country's problems. But if a black man can become president, exactly what significant barrier is left? The election of Barack Obama destroys the validation of liberal white guilt. The dragon is hereby slain.
From this day forward, my tolerance level for having my skin color hustled is exactly ZERO. No more Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "God Damn America," Al Sharpton's Church of Perpetual Victimization, or Jesse Jackson's rainbow racism. Cornel West? You're a fraud. All those "black studies" programs must now teach kids to thank Whitey. And I want that on the final.
Congressional Black Caucus? Irrelevant. U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.)? Shut up. ACORN? Outlawed. Black Panthers? Go home and pet your kitty. Black separatists? Find another nation that offers better dreams. To those Eurosnots who forged careers hating America? I'm still waiting for the first black French president.
No more quotas. No more handouts. No more complaining that "the man" is keeping you down. "The man" is now black.
It's time to toss that massive, obsolete race-hustle machine upon the heap of the other stupid '60s ideas. Drag it over there, right between free love and cop-killing. Careful, don't trip on streaking. Just dump it. And then wash your hands. It's filthy.
Obama's ascension also creates another gargantuan irony. How can liberals sell American racism, class envy and unfairness when our new black president and his wife went to Ivy League schools, got high-paying jobs, became millionaires, bought a mansion, and are now moving to the White House? How unfair is that? Now, like a delicious O. Henry tale, Obama's spread-the-wealth campaign rendered itself moot by its own victory! America is officially a meritocracy. Obama's election has validated American conservatism.
So ... Wham!!!
That's the sound of my foot kicking the door shut on the era of white guilt. The rites have been muttered, the carcass lowered, dirt shoveled and tombstone erected. Dead and buried.
-- Tom Adkins
Barack Obama,
Philadelphia Inquirer,
Tom Adkins,
white guilt
GOP now locked in life-or-death struggle ...
The struggle for Republican Party leadership in reality is a decisive spiritual battle for America’s soul.
The life-or-death fight -– hey, no exaggeration! -- pits entrenched big-tent moderates against conservative candidates who want to emphasize such social issues as opposition to abortion, stem cell research and homosexual “rights.”
"Free the GOP," moderates demand! End the hostage situation by "social fundamentalists," people like you and me who base our votes on abortion and stem cell research. Unless the GOP freed itself from our grip, they insist, it the party will continue to lose.
Hogwash! Marriage amendments pass from coast to coast, proving the party's conservative base is alive and well. The grass roots just isn't buying "Democrat-lite." The Republican Party has lost two general elections by forsaking conservative principles.
Kick us out to be rid of thorny issues? Free the GOP from the moral weight that holds it back? Only for an even worse defeat in 2010!
This is a crucial struggle that ultimately will decide America’s fate: Do we get it right? Or do we as a party again go left and get it wrong!?
So cross Jim Greer off the list for national party leader. Florida's Republican chairman told the New York Times, “We can’t be obsessed with issues that are not the issues that are important to American voters.”
And number Florida Gov. Charlie Crist among those on the left, er, wrong side, too. The moderate used the Republican governors in Miami to say the GOP must reach out to minority voters and tackle emerging issues like the environment and global warming, while somehow remaining true to its Reagan roots of lower taxes and lean government regulation.
If that sounds good, or at least OK, then listen to this: According to Crist, the party must take a "broad" view on abortion. "There's different ways to approach it,” he said of abortion, “different ways to communicate, different ways to utilize — I think Ronald Reagan had the right formula for doing that."
There is only one logical, scientific and spiritual way to look at abortion: Life begins at the moment of conception. Anyone who stops that God-created process ends the life of a human being. Period.
And according to the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That pre-born baby has the same rights as its mother, except that in the vast majority of cases nobody speaks up on behalf of the child.
No, this is not a lesser consideration that's supposedly unimportant to American voters. Besides, it doesn’t matter what people think; it’s what the Almighty says is right.
If moderates don't see the need or have the courage to fight for what's right, then they must not be allowed to lead -- because this is THE issue if we want God to bless America during this time of trouble.
The life-or-death fight -– hey, no exaggeration! -- pits entrenched big-tent moderates against conservative candidates who want to emphasize such social issues as opposition to abortion, stem cell research and homosexual “rights.”
"Free the GOP," moderates demand! End the hostage situation by "social fundamentalists," people like you and me who base our votes on abortion and stem cell research. Unless the GOP freed itself from our grip, they insist, it the party will continue to lose.
Hogwash! Marriage amendments pass from coast to coast, proving the party's conservative base is alive and well. The grass roots just isn't buying "Democrat-lite." The Republican Party has lost two general elections by forsaking conservative principles.
Kick us out to be rid of thorny issues? Free the GOP from the moral weight that holds it back? Only for an even worse defeat in 2010!
This is a crucial struggle that ultimately will decide America’s fate: Do we get it right? Or do we as a party again go left and get it wrong!?
So cross Jim Greer off the list for national party leader. Florida's Republican chairman told the New York Times, “We can’t be obsessed with issues that are not the issues that are important to American voters.”
And number Florida Gov. Charlie Crist among those on the left, er, wrong side, too. The moderate used the Republican governors in Miami to say the GOP must reach out to minority voters and tackle emerging issues like the environment and global warming, while somehow remaining true to its Reagan roots of lower taxes and lean government regulation.
If that sounds good, or at least OK, then listen to this: According to Crist, the party must take a "broad" view on abortion. "There's different ways to approach it,” he said of abortion, “different ways to communicate, different ways to utilize — I think Ronald Reagan had the right formula for doing that."
There is only one logical, scientific and spiritual way to look at abortion: Life begins at the moment of conception. Anyone who stops that God-created process ends the life of a human being. Period.
And according to the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That pre-born baby has the same rights as its mother, except that in the vast majority of cases nobody speaks up on behalf of the child.
No, this is not a lesser consideration that's supposedly unimportant to American voters. Besides, it doesn’t matter what people think; it’s what the Almighty says is right.
If moderates don't see the need or have the courage to fight for what's right, then they must not be allowed to lead -- because this is THE issue if we want God to bless America during this time of trouble.
Gov. Charlie Crist,
Jim Greer,
Republican Party
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ...
Some supposedly in the know believe President-elect Barack Obama's broad victory will be accompanied by broadly appealing policies and broad-minded appointments.
These experts find solace in the fact only 22 percent of 2008's voters say they are liberal, that 44 percent are moderate and 34 percent conservative. They point out Obama won by convincing an ideologically stable electorate that he isn't a radical, not by shifting the electorate toward radicalism.
Therefore, they claim, Obama will govern as a centrist, not a radical, so there's nothing for us to fear.
I disagree. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you'd better duck!
Think about it: Obama knows he in truth is the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate. He further knows he brings the least administrative or executive experience of any President-elect into the White House. He of course knows his long-developing plans for America are not what the people want, but he also knows he has successfully deceived a majority into voting for him and now has a golden opportunity not possible in Stalin's dreams.
That takes a great deal of exaggerated pride or deluded self-confidence, doesn't it? Say, isn't that the definition of hubris?
In football, the spot where a runner went down or a referee's penalty flag can mean the difference. Right or not, it goes in the W column and counts as a victory, without an asterisk, toward a bowl berth or even the national championship.
Obama got all the breaks. He prevailed because he fooled enough of the people enough of the time to capture the world's biggest prize for the left. Do you really think he won't now wield the full power of the Oval Office to make good on his win and bring his unAmerican plans to reality?
Be ready for this ungodly enemy of capitalism to do everything in the power of his stealthfully gained office to rewrite the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights, criminalize Christianity and subvert this great nation as far as he can for as long as he can -- until we, the people, finally wake up and put a stop to his subterfuge.
These experts find solace in the fact only 22 percent of 2008's voters say they are liberal, that 44 percent are moderate and 34 percent conservative. They point out Obama won by convincing an ideologically stable electorate that he isn't a radical, not by shifting the electorate toward radicalism.
Therefore, they claim, Obama will govern as a centrist, not a radical, so there's nothing for us to fear.
I disagree. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you'd better duck!
Think about it: Obama knows he in truth is the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate. He further knows he brings the least administrative or executive experience of any President-elect into the White House. He of course knows his long-developing plans for America are not what the people want, but he also knows he has successfully deceived a majority into voting for him and now has a golden opportunity not possible in Stalin's dreams.
That takes a great deal of exaggerated pride or deluded self-confidence, doesn't it? Say, isn't that the definition of hubris?
In football, the spot where a runner went down or a referee's penalty flag can mean the difference. Right or not, it goes in the W column and counts as a victory, without an asterisk, toward a bowl berth or even the national championship.
Obama got all the breaks. He prevailed because he fooled enough of the people enough of the time to capture the world's biggest prize for the left. Do you really think he won't now wield the full power of the Oval Office to make good on his win and bring his unAmerican plans to reality?
Be ready for this ungodly enemy of capitalism to do everything in the power of his stealthfully gained office to rewrite the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights, criminalize Christianity and subvert this great nation as far as he can for as long as he can -- until we, the people, finally wake up and put a stop to his subterfuge.
Barack Obama,
radical socialism
Wednesday, November 12
'Evangelical left' did its dirty work well ...
It sounds like an oxymoron: the evangelical left.
The two words just don't go together. Yet in present-day America, where bad is good and good is bad, liberals craftily are "evangelizing" people off the straight and narrow, using religious terminology and concepts.
The “Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant,” for example, is a leftwing league of politically correct leaders intent on dragging America down the slippery slope faster than ever. The ruse concocted by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, along with former vice president Al Gore, fooled far too many right-minded Americans, who even now still are blind to the unholy threat.
The gathering, held Jan. 30-Feb. 1 in Atlanta, was nothing more than a Trojan horse, a smokescreen out of hell to promote the liberal agenda. It wasn’t even thinly disguised. And it worked, setting a model successfully used by Obama and other Democrat candidates.
This new liberal voice in reality belittles and opposes courageous believers, who make their stand on the inerrant Bible. What’s worse, ungodly media finally have a “respectable” religious mouthpiece that will say whatever liberals need in order to lead Americans further astray.
Created by politicians, not preachers, it was held only days before Super Tuesday’s primaries. One left-leaning speaker after another took the pulpit –- including avowed evolutionist Gore, who was proclaimed a “prophet.”
Carter opened by calling for unity among all Baptists by complying with homosexuals, condoning abortions, conceding Bible errors and continuing separation of church and state. He indirectly likened unwavering conservatives, who refused to compromise their beliefs, to cancer in the body of Christ.
As a conservative believer, I think you agree that our bedrock doctrine is NOT tolerance for diversity, but tenacious adherence to the gospel of Jesus Christ, Who is more than capable of transforming anyone out of anything.
Throughout the event, however, “narrow minded” and “intolerant” conservatives were urged to yield on differences that divide Baptists. Fundamentalists were criticized for being “divisive” and “not forgiving enough” of those in the Covenant who believe the Bible is flawed, or that it’s OK to abort the pre-born and embrace the liberal political agenda.
Gore, who charged $35 a plate, interspersed his 90-minute closed presentation with slides of Scripture. He used Luke 12:54-57 to say it is dishonest, and thus sinful, for anyone to claim global warming is merely a theory rather than a scientific fact. A Covenant spokesman said the program was off limits to media because Gore didn’t want the slides of Bible verses “getting out to the Internet.”
While Carter has religious credentials, you’ve got to wonder what qualified Clinton or Gore to address such a gathering. There’s no doubt, though, that all three former Southern Baptists are hard-core, died-in-the-wool, card-carrying liberals.
The Covenant, which also showed Gore’s documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” didn’t stray far from the Democratic Party line. The Iraq War was opposed to the point the U.S. Army was not allowed a booth to recruit chaplains.
Activist Marian Wright Edelman urged solving the problems of America’s children by making sure the Bush tax cuts don’t become permanent. And novelist John Grisham, who called for an end to the death penalty, offered this advice to Baptists: “Stay out of politics.”
The event accomplished its purpose by helping to lure progressive Christians into the secular liberal web and thus divide the vote while forging a seemingly believable political force worth quoting on the nightly news.
The question that exasperated me is: How so many Americans could vote for change without knowing whether the changes would be good or bad?
How could hundreds of thousands of supposedly evangelical Christians dutifully enter voting booths without first asking God's will? How could they instead pull the lever for increased abortions, homosexual unions, loss of religious freedom, socialism and ultimately godless Marxism. How could Christians be so easily deceived when it is abundantly clear socialism has never, ever, not once come through as promised?
It could have been worse, but only half of professing Christians register to vote, and only half of those registered actually make it to the polls. So, in reality, we ourselves are responsible, one way or another, for the leaders we get.
It’s time for God’s people to stand up for what’s right -– yes, even in political circles. Especially in politics!
We must counter the false prophets in waylayed pulpits who have been urging church-goers to end poverty, homelessness, AIDS, racial division and usher in world peace. And of course not to dirty our righteous hands in politics.
It’s obvious those of us who hold traditional Biblical values have a vital role to play in the days ahead. This insane notion we shouldn’t address anything political was a lie born in hell designed to destroy our God-honoring nation.
We cannot again let the unholy enemy, seeking to take our nation out from “under God,” marshal his unwitting forces for decisive action on the next Election Day to further sweeps America under his disastrous spell!
We must not let other misguided Christians ignore, twist or water down God’s inerrant Word in order to make it politically correct -– and thus render it powerless!
We MUST make our voice known! If we don’t, the words of Edmund Burke may soon be our nation’s epitaph: “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”
The two words just don't go together. Yet in present-day America, where bad is good and good is bad, liberals craftily are "evangelizing" people off the straight and narrow, using religious terminology and concepts.
The “Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant,” for example, is a leftwing league of politically correct leaders intent on dragging America down the slippery slope faster than ever. The ruse concocted by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, along with former vice president Al Gore, fooled far too many right-minded Americans, who even now still are blind to the unholy threat.
The gathering, held Jan. 30-Feb. 1 in Atlanta, was nothing more than a Trojan horse, a smokescreen out of hell to promote the liberal agenda. It wasn’t even thinly disguised. And it worked, setting a model successfully used by Obama and other Democrat candidates.
This new liberal voice in reality belittles and opposes courageous believers, who make their stand on the inerrant Bible. What’s worse, ungodly media finally have a “respectable” religious mouthpiece that will say whatever liberals need in order to lead Americans further astray.
Created by politicians, not preachers, it was held only days before Super Tuesday’s primaries. One left-leaning speaker after another took the pulpit –- including avowed evolutionist Gore, who was proclaimed a “prophet.”
Carter opened by calling for unity among all Baptists by complying with homosexuals, condoning abortions, conceding Bible errors and continuing separation of church and state. He indirectly likened unwavering conservatives, who refused to compromise their beliefs, to cancer in the body of Christ.
As a conservative believer, I think you agree that our bedrock doctrine is NOT tolerance for diversity, but tenacious adherence to the gospel of Jesus Christ, Who is more than capable of transforming anyone out of anything.
Throughout the event, however, “narrow minded” and “intolerant” conservatives were urged to yield on differences that divide Baptists. Fundamentalists were criticized for being “divisive” and “not forgiving enough” of those in the Covenant who believe the Bible is flawed, or that it’s OK to abort the pre-born and embrace the liberal political agenda.
Gore, who charged $35 a plate, interspersed his 90-minute closed presentation with slides of Scripture. He used Luke 12:54-57 to say it is dishonest, and thus sinful, for anyone to claim global warming is merely a theory rather than a scientific fact. A Covenant spokesman said the program was off limits to media because Gore didn’t want the slides of Bible verses “getting out to the Internet.”
While Carter has religious credentials, you’ve got to wonder what qualified Clinton or Gore to address such a gathering. There’s no doubt, though, that all three former Southern Baptists are hard-core, died-in-the-wool, card-carrying liberals.
The Covenant, which also showed Gore’s documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” didn’t stray far from the Democratic Party line. The Iraq War was opposed to the point the U.S. Army was not allowed a booth to recruit chaplains.
Activist Marian Wright Edelman urged solving the problems of America’s children by making sure the Bush tax cuts don’t become permanent. And novelist John Grisham, who called for an end to the death penalty, offered this advice to Baptists: “Stay out of politics.”
The event accomplished its purpose by helping to lure progressive Christians into the secular liberal web and thus divide the vote while forging a seemingly believable political force worth quoting on the nightly news.
The question that exasperated me is: How so many Americans could vote for change without knowing whether the changes would be good or bad?
How could hundreds of thousands of supposedly evangelical Christians dutifully enter voting booths without first asking God's will? How could they instead pull the lever for increased abortions, homosexual unions, loss of religious freedom, socialism and ultimately godless Marxism. How could Christians be so easily deceived when it is abundantly clear socialism has never, ever, not once come through as promised?
It could have been worse, but only half of professing Christians register to vote, and only half of those registered actually make it to the polls. So, in reality, we ourselves are responsible, one way or another, for the leaders we get.
It’s time for God’s people to stand up for what’s right -– yes, even in political circles. Especially in politics!
We must counter the false prophets in waylayed pulpits who have been urging church-goers to end poverty, homelessness, AIDS, racial division and usher in world peace. And of course not to dirty our righteous hands in politics.
It’s obvious those of us who hold traditional Biblical values have a vital role to play in the days ahead. This insane notion we shouldn’t address anything political was a lie born in hell designed to destroy our God-honoring nation.
We cannot again let the unholy enemy, seeking to take our nation out from “under God,” marshal his unwitting forces for decisive action on the next Election Day to further sweeps America under his disastrous spell!
We must not let other misguided Christians ignore, twist or water down God’s inerrant Word in order to make it politically correct -– and thus render it powerless!
We MUST make our voice known! If we don’t, the words of Edmund Burke may soon be our nation’s epitaph: “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”
Obama to create Gestapo-like police force ...
Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. America thus may soon wear the dunce cap and join deluded Germany and Russia in the corner of scorn.
I share the same apprehension as Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), who fears President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship on his changed version of the United States.
"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with the Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."
It's true: Obama warned America back in July that he favored a civilian force to, ahem, take some of the national security burden off the military. Riiiight!
"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany, and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun points out. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."
I, too, find Obama's words shocking: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Although Obama claims to respect the Second Amendment's right to bear arms, Broun believes the President-elect will seek to ban gun ownership while building the national police force.
"We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun cautioned. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."
I share the same apprehension as Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), who fears President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship on his changed version of the United States.
"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with the Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."
It's true: Obama warned America back in July that he favored a civilian force to, ahem, take some of the national security burden off the military. Riiiight!
"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany, and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun points out. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."
I, too, find Obama's words shocking: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Although Obama claims to respect the Second Amendment's right to bear arms, Broun believes the President-elect will seek to ban gun ownership while building the national police force.
"We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun cautioned. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."
Farrakhan praises Allah's man at mosque ...
Barack Hussein Obama is Allah's man, a divine messiah with a god-given capacity to handle any burdens he'll face as the nation's leader because he draws a "oneness of spirit" from all people.
Or so said Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan during a Sunday address that celebrated the new President-elect at a Chicago mosque.
"President-elect Obama has energized all segments of the depressed, downtrodden, rejected and despised," Farrakhan said in the 90-minute speech. "Now it is up to us to take the new energy that he has given us."
The 75-year-old Muslim admitted he stayed quiet about his support for Obama during the past few months after praising the Democratic Party candidate last February as "the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better."
B. Hussein quickly distanced himself from Farrakhan at the time, and the Islamic leader didn't object: "I decided it would be better for me to just be quiet rather than be drawn into the controversy that was swirling around his pastor (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), Father Pfleger, and others," Farrakhan said.
Or so said Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan during a Sunday address that celebrated the new President-elect at a Chicago mosque.
"President-elect Obama has energized all segments of the depressed, downtrodden, rejected and despised," Farrakhan said in the 90-minute speech. "Now it is up to us to take the new energy that he has given us."
The 75-year-old Muslim admitted he stayed quiet about his support for Obama during the past few months after praising the Democratic Party candidate last February as "the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better."
B. Hussein quickly distanced himself from Farrakhan at the time, and the Islamic leader didn't object: "I decided it would be better for me to just be quiet rather than be drawn into the controversy that was swirling around his pastor (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), Father Pfleger, and others," Farrakhan said.
Barack Obama,
Dallas Morning News,
Louis Farrakhan,
Nation of Islam
Obama ready to change good for bad ...
America's voters demanded change, and by Barack they're going to get it! President-elect Obama is about to give the people what they didn't realize they don't want.
Abortion's all-time political champion is intent on reversing an estimated 200 administration actions and executive orders implemented during President George
W. Bush's eight years -- including White House policies on climate change, stem cell research and reproductive rights, according to The Washington Post.
Dozens of advisers reportedly have been working for months to prioritize the issues, especially regulations imposed for "overtly political" (read pro-life) reasons.
Insiders say you can count on these two changes for the worse:
==> Ending a limit on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
==> Ending a rule that keeps international "family-planning groups" from receiving your tax dollars to encourage women to get abortions.
If you thought President Bush didn't do enough for our cause, wait until you see all that the new messiah will undo upon taking office. Americans won't be able to say he didn't warn us.
Abortion's all-time political champion is intent on reversing an estimated 200 administration actions and executive orders implemented during President George
W. Bush's eight years -- including White House policies on climate change, stem cell research and reproductive rights, according to The Washington Post.
Dozens of advisers reportedly have been working for months to prioritize the issues, especially regulations imposed for "overtly political" (read pro-life) reasons.
Insiders say you can count on these two changes for the worse:
==> Ending a limit on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
==> Ending a rule that keeps international "family-planning groups" from receiving your tax dollars to encourage women to get abortions.
If you thought President Bush didn't do enough for our cause, wait until you see all that the new messiah will undo upon taking office. Americans won't be able to say he didn't warn us.
Barack Obama,
George Bush,
stem cell
Tuesday, November 11
Boot failed fake leaders who betrayed us ... Honor veterans as America's real heroes ...
Sunday and Monday weren't good days medically for me, hence no posts. And I'm not doing much better today, but I need to pass along the words of Michael Reagan, followed by Oliver North's message for Veterans Day:
"Dear Conservative Friend,
"It's official: America has its first truly Socialist president... and it's the Republican Party's fault.
"No, scratch that -- it's the so-called "leaders" of the GOP who are at fault for this humiliating defeat -- and I say it's time to name names and make heads roll in our party. Because, my fellow conservatives, we have been BETRAYED by the very people who promised that, if we would just elect them, they would get into office and vote OUR conservative values.
"But we CAN resurrect it -- IF we start TODAY to take action, by both booting out our failed fake-conservative "leadership" AND vowing to FIGHT tooth and nail against the coming tidal wave of destructive, anti-American legislation that's now heading our way... thanks to Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
"We CAN fight back -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!"
"Dear Proud American,
"Heroes aren't athletes who set new sports records or Hollywood actors who make daring films or politicians who make bold promises. Heroes are people who place themselves at risk for the benefit of others.
"My Heroes wear flak jackets, flight suits and combat boots, and we owe them a debt of gratitude. America enjoys freedom today because our true heroes, the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, are willing to sacrifice their tomorrows for us.
"This Veteran's Day, please pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women who wear our nation's uniform."
LtCol Oliver L. North, USMC (Ret.)
"Dear Conservative Friend,
"It's official: America has its first truly Socialist president... and it's the Republican Party's fault.
"No, scratch that -- it's the so-called "leaders" of the GOP who are at fault for this humiliating defeat -- and I say it's time to name names and make heads roll in our party. Because, my fellow conservatives, we have been BETRAYED by the very people who promised that, if we would just elect them, they would get into office and vote OUR conservative values.
"But we CAN resurrect it -- IF we start TODAY to take action, by both booting out our failed fake-conservative "leadership" AND vowing to FIGHT tooth and nail against the coming tidal wave of destructive, anti-American legislation that's now heading our way... thanks to Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
"We CAN fight back -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!"
"Dear Proud American,
"Heroes aren't athletes who set new sports records or Hollywood actors who make daring films or politicians who make bold promises. Heroes are people who place themselves at risk for the benefit of others.
"My Heroes wear flak jackets, flight suits and combat boots, and we owe them a debt of gratitude. America enjoys freedom today because our true heroes, the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, are willing to sacrifice their tomorrows for us.
"This Veteran's Day, please pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women who wear our nation's uniform."
LtCol Oliver L. North, USMC (Ret.)
Michael Reagan,
Oliver North,
Veterans Day
Friday, November 7
Real hope and change brighten dark days ...
Less than 48 hours after the darkest day, there already is news of real hope and change!
Conservative leaders met in Virginia Thursday to begin planning the opposition to President-elect Barack Obama's liberal agenda -- an effort they say will be made with or without the Republican Party.
Among those on hand were L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center; Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council; Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform; Al Regnery, publisher of the American Spectator; longtime conservative activist Richard Viguerie and conservative pollster Kellyanne Conway, according to CNSNews.com.
The leaders expect to battle Obama, Democratic-dominated Congress and even moderate Republicans on taxes, sanctity of life, marriage, judicial nominations, secret ballots for union organizing and the Fairness Doctrine, which threatens freedom of speech on the radio.
Bozell said the group sees the election was not a defeat to conservative ideas and principles but to a Republican Party that mistakenly shunned these principles: “This was a campaign between the moderate wing of the Republican Party and the Democrats.” To which Viguerie said, “Conservatism did not lose – big-government Republicanism lost.”
Conservatives solutions are just as viable as ever. So we need to do a much better job of selling the benefits. “Information is the currency of democracy,” as Thomas Jefferson used to say. So we've got to increase the quality and extent of our communication.
As a conservative my fear is that the people won't understand. But I take heart in the fact liberals are afraid the people WILL understand and thus support conservative solutions to our nation's problems.
It's urgent we spread the good news before empowered liberals transform American into a socialist nation.
Socialism, and its penchant for redistributing wealth, is nothing new. It was old stuff back in Winston Churchill's day, leading him to say: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
And over time its axiom is this: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Say, isn't that the definition of crazy: repeatedly doing the same thing, expecting a different result?
The wise Mr. Jefferson also stated: "Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
To those who advocate socialism, I say show us just one successful example. But it's likely they'd arrogantly answer, "Well, WE haven't tried yet."
See if you don't agree Dean Koontz correctly pegged Democrat elitists like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean:
"Pure, hard-core liberals believe in a superior race. They think they're it," Koontz said. "They believe they're more intelligent than the general run of mankind, better suited than the little people are to manage the little people's lives. They think they have the one true vision, the ability to solve all the moral dilemmas of the century. They prefer big government because that is the first step to totalitarianism, toward unquestioned rule by the elite. And of course they see themselves as the elite."
Americans misguidedly bought into the benefits of socialism on election Day. Now they need to quickly be brought up to speed on its detriments. Many have no idea how Obama's half-baked ideas have been tried over and over elsewhere and repeatedly led to disaster.
Liberals excitedly see the way clear to make progress with their agenda. If, however, you're on the wrong road to begin with, true progress necessitates an about-face to get back to the right road. Until then, every step makes it worse.
We, as conservatives, thus must get this vital message out to America's grass roots and generate support for our leaders in exile as they map the road back to sanity. Tell friends and family. Speak up when possible. Direct everyone to sources that tell the truth about conservatism and socialism.
Conservative leaders met in Virginia Thursday to begin planning the opposition to President-elect Barack Obama's liberal agenda -- an effort they say will be made with or without the Republican Party.
Among those on hand were L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center; Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council; Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform; Al Regnery, publisher of the American Spectator; longtime conservative activist Richard Viguerie and conservative pollster Kellyanne Conway, according to CNSNews.com.
The leaders expect to battle Obama, Democratic-dominated Congress and even moderate Republicans on taxes, sanctity of life, marriage, judicial nominations, secret ballots for union organizing and the Fairness Doctrine, which threatens freedom of speech on the radio.
Bozell said the group sees the election was not a defeat to conservative ideas and principles but to a Republican Party that mistakenly shunned these principles: “This was a campaign between the moderate wing of the Republican Party and the Democrats.” To which Viguerie said, “Conservatism did not lose – big-government Republicanism lost.”
Conservatives solutions are just as viable as ever. So we need to do a much better job of selling the benefits. “Information is the currency of democracy,” as Thomas Jefferson used to say. So we've got to increase the quality and extent of our communication.
As a conservative my fear is that the people won't understand. But I take heart in the fact liberals are afraid the people WILL understand and thus support conservative solutions to our nation's problems.
It's urgent we spread the good news before empowered liberals transform American into a socialist nation.
Socialism, and its penchant for redistributing wealth, is nothing new. It was old stuff back in Winston Churchill's day, leading him to say: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
And over time its axiom is this: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Say, isn't that the definition of crazy: repeatedly doing the same thing, expecting a different result?
The wise Mr. Jefferson also stated: "Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
To those who advocate socialism, I say show us just one successful example. But it's likely they'd arrogantly answer, "Well, WE haven't tried yet."
See if you don't agree Dean Koontz correctly pegged Democrat elitists like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean:
"Pure, hard-core liberals believe in a superior race. They think they're it," Koontz said. "They believe they're more intelligent than the general run of mankind, better suited than the little people are to manage the little people's lives. They think they have the one true vision, the ability to solve all the moral dilemmas of the century. They prefer big government because that is the first step to totalitarianism, toward unquestioned rule by the elite. And of course they see themselves as the elite."
Americans misguidedly bought into the benefits of socialism on election Day. Now they need to quickly be brought up to speed on its detriments. Many have no idea how Obama's half-baked ideas have been tried over and over elsewhere and repeatedly led to disaster.
Liberals excitedly see the way clear to make progress with their agenda. If, however, you're on the wrong road to begin with, true progress necessitates an about-face to get back to the right road. Until then, every step makes it worse.
We, as conservatives, thus must get this vital message out to America's grass roots and generate support for our leaders in exile as they map the road back to sanity. Tell friends and family. Speak up when possible. Direct everyone to sources that tell the truth about conservatism and socialism.
Barack Obama,
Thursday, November 6
Are you shocked by post-election rioting ...
Alarmed by news reports of violent rioting that followed the election? Shocked by footage of burning buildings, looted store windows and overturned cars, of armored police lines marching against rock-throwing voters disgruntled by Tuesday's outcome?
Of course you aren't. Nothing of the sort happened!
But had Sen. John McCain prevailed, well, I wonder.
Note the difference between the attitudes of Democrats in 2000 and 2004 and that of Republicans after the 2008 election. Supporters of Al Gore and John Kerry despised George W. Bush so much they failed to respect the office of President. And our nation has suffered as a result of the hateful precedent.
No exaggeration, no slander, no insult was beneath them. Democrats didn't care if their bashes of Bush even came close to the truth, they just had to ridicule America's Commander in Chief every way possible before the world during a time of war.
But the disrespect didn't end there. Senate Democrats, out of their minds under Bush, showed no respect for the U.S. Constitution and insisted on filibustering judicial nominees, requiring an unlawful number of votes for approval.
Until then, America had been the marvel of the world for its peaceful transitions in government leadership. For more than two centuries, the losing side swallowed its pride and rightly stepped aside, knowing the people had spoken.
Republicans apparently are intent on ending the "sore loser" streak. Say what you will about President Bush, but he is showing a great deal of class in helping Obama and the Democrats smoothly take over the reins.
Could what's in the best interests of the United States trump petty partisan politics? Could Republicans be practicing the Golden Rule and doing unto others as should have been done unto them?
I seriously doubt if miffed members of the departing administration are going to loot or vandalize Capital offices or remove the "O" from keyboards like Clintonistas did with the "W."
And I'm pretty sure the 55 million voters disappointed by Tuesday's outcome will return respect to the office of the presidency. We may not agree with or support what the new President wants, but we're not going to hatefully ridicule Obama because our man didn't win.
Of course you aren't. Nothing of the sort happened!
But had Sen. John McCain prevailed, well, I wonder.
Note the difference between the attitudes of Democrats in 2000 and 2004 and that of Republicans after the 2008 election. Supporters of Al Gore and John Kerry despised George W. Bush so much they failed to respect the office of President. And our nation has suffered as a result of the hateful precedent.
No exaggeration, no slander, no insult was beneath them. Democrats didn't care if their bashes of Bush even came close to the truth, they just had to ridicule America's Commander in Chief every way possible before the world during a time of war.
But the disrespect didn't end there. Senate Democrats, out of their minds under Bush, showed no respect for the U.S. Constitution and insisted on filibustering judicial nominees, requiring an unlawful number of votes for approval.
Until then, America had been the marvel of the world for its peaceful transitions in government leadership. For more than two centuries, the losing side swallowed its pride and rightly stepped aside, knowing the people had spoken.
Republicans apparently are intent on ending the "sore loser" streak. Say what you will about President Bush, but he is showing a great deal of class in helping Obama and the Democrats smoothly take over the reins.
Could what's in the best interests of the United States trump petty partisan politics? Could Republicans be practicing the Golden Rule and doing unto others as should have been done unto them?
I seriously doubt if miffed members of the departing administration are going to loot or vandalize Capital offices or remove the "O" from keyboards like Clintonistas did with the "W."
And I'm pretty sure the 55 million voters disappointed by Tuesday's outcome will return respect to the office of the presidency. We may not agree with or support what the new President wants, but we're not going to hatefully ridicule Obama because our man didn't win.
sore losers,
The fight has just begun -- let's get it right ...
The not-so-Grand Old Party is in such disarray that a complete overhaul is mandatory for survival. Because America thrives when the GOP champions conservative ideals and ethical reform, Republicans must reach deep down to their faithful grass roots, get back in touch with the party's right-minded base and then boldly build from the ground up to again have a chance to win back the Oval Office and regain control of Congress.
One factor may well provide that opportunity. As Clintonian Democrats used to say: "It's the economy, stupid." How ironic that the main reason the electorate tilted toward Barack Obama is the main reason why he won't be able to have his Marxist way with the land we love.
As Dick Morris rightly points out, Obama will serve more as "a trustee or conservator of a bankrupt company" than as President backed by an obedient Congress. Obama has little maneuverability because right behind the mortgage crisis looms the credit-card crisis, then the student-loan crisis and the car-loan crisis.
"Sweating this mess out of the system will take two years of zero growth or contraction," Morris wrote in his Thursday column. "We won't have a Great Depression, for the government will irrigate our economy with money. But we'll have stagnation, followed by inflation."
So the economic crisis likely will keep the most liberal man ever in the White House from indulging his anti-capitalism and unAmerican ideologies. A faltering economy should stop Obama from redistributing wealth and hiking our taxes for the massive money needed to make his envisioned socialist state a reality.
And that should buy time for the tattered conservative movement to mend and be reborn as an effective opposition party to recapture the support of right-minded America. So should Obama attempt to move the country too far left, that will only help reunite conservatives.
Not only that, but while Democrats tend not to learn from history, 1994's sting of being run out of power is fresh in many memories. So even though Obama has House and Senate majorities similar to what President Bill Clinton enjoyed, many Democrats -- including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi -- are anxious to avoid the same heavy-handed mistakes that previously swept them out of office.
"The country must be governed from the middle," Pelosi told reporters Wednesday. "You have to bring people together to reach consensus on solutions that are sustainable and acceptable to the American people."
That, too, if true, may also provide conservatives an opportunity to regroup. But who will lead the way? The hunt is on for the next Ronald Reagan, for Mr. Right. Or perhaps Mrs. Right?
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin looms as one of many people to influence Republican comeback strategy. Beloved by talk radio, she's a proven reformer who has successfully implemented conservative solutions to her state's problems.
Grover Norquist, a leading conservative and president of Americans for Tax Reform, called her "one of five or six people who is a plausible candidate for president in 2012," along with familiar names like Mike Huckabee, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
The media, always wrong, will again urge us to move to the left and become more like the Democratic Party. However, Republicans win by running on President Ronald Reagan’s ideas and lose when we move left. Instead, let's hammer a stake through the hard heart of big-government Republicanism and quickly put that blood-sucking vilain to death.
“The conservative movement will rise again," promises Phyllis Schlafly, president of Eagle Forum. But the veteran conservative activist warns the movement needs to start over again -– from the beginning.
“The conservative movement knows how to rise from the ashes, and we need to pick up the pieces of the movement, which was so badly dismantled and put in disarray by the George W. Bush administration. But we can do it. And we’ve got to get started immediately,” she said.
Democrats expect Republicans to raise the white flag and admit that our principles of freedom, responsibility and smaller government no longer hold the answer to America's myriad problems. The guys in the black hats want us to abandon our principles, stand aside and give Obama and a Democratic-dominant Congress free rein.
That must not happen! And I don't think it will.
God's people, of course, must come to their senses. And quickly! Far too many were shamefully duped by the wolf in sheep's clothing, allowing Obama to lure away a significant number of "religious voters" who historically side with Republican presidential candidates. Exit polls show him winning a strong majority of both Catholic and Protestant Hispanics to go with nearly all black Protestants.
Remember this: Obama couldn't be more pro-abortion. This homosexual activist doesn't believe Jesus is the only way to eternal life or that those who reject Christ are headed for hell. What's worse, now that the President elect has fooled enough Christians to grab power as a false prophet, he will be coming after us to silence the truth we would speak against his ultra-liberal agenda for America.
Sen. John McCain's loss was NOT a defeat for conservatism. I believe McCain lost because he strayed far from the principles that made the old party grand.
The fight really has only just begun. God is still with us. This time, let's get it right!
One factor may well provide that opportunity. As Clintonian Democrats used to say: "It's the economy, stupid." How ironic that the main reason the electorate tilted toward Barack Obama is the main reason why he won't be able to have his Marxist way with the land we love.
As Dick Morris rightly points out, Obama will serve more as "a trustee or conservator of a bankrupt company" than as President backed by an obedient Congress. Obama has little maneuverability because right behind the mortgage crisis looms the credit-card crisis, then the student-loan crisis and the car-loan crisis.
"Sweating this mess out of the system will take two years of zero growth or contraction," Morris wrote in his Thursday column. "We won't have a Great Depression, for the government will irrigate our economy with money. But we'll have stagnation, followed by inflation."
So the economic crisis likely will keep the most liberal man ever in the White House from indulging his anti-capitalism and unAmerican ideologies. A faltering economy should stop Obama from redistributing wealth and hiking our taxes for the massive money needed to make his envisioned socialist state a reality.
And that should buy time for the tattered conservative movement to mend and be reborn as an effective opposition party to recapture the support of right-minded America. So should Obama attempt to move the country too far left, that will only help reunite conservatives.
Not only that, but while Democrats tend not to learn from history, 1994's sting of being run out of power is fresh in many memories. So even though Obama has House and Senate majorities similar to what President Bill Clinton enjoyed, many Democrats -- including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi -- are anxious to avoid the same heavy-handed mistakes that previously swept them out of office.
"The country must be governed from the middle," Pelosi told reporters Wednesday. "You have to bring people together to reach consensus on solutions that are sustainable and acceptable to the American people."
That, too, if true, may also provide conservatives an opportunity to regroup. But who will lead the way? The hunt is on for the next Ronald Reagan, for Mr. Right. Or perhaps Mrs. Right?
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin looms as one of many people to influence Republican comeback strategy. Beloved by talk radio, she's a proven reformer who has successfully implemented conservative solutions to her state's problems.
Grover Norquist, a leading conservative and president of Americans for Tax Reform, called her "one of five or six people who is a plausible candidate for president in 2012," along with familiar names like Mike Huckabee, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
The media, always wrong, will again urge us to move to the left and become more like the Democratic Party. However, Republicans win by running on President Ronald Reagan’s ideas and lose when we move left. Instead, let's hammer a stake through the hard heart of big-government Republicanism and quickly put that blood-sucking vilain to death.
“The conservative movement will rise again," promises Phyllis Schlafly, president of Eagle Forum. But the veteran conservative activist warns the movement needs to start over again -– from the beginning.
“The conservative movement knows how to rise from the ashes, and we need to pick up the pieces of the movement, which was so badly dismantled and put in disarray by the George W. Bush administration. But we can do it. And we’ve got to get started immediately,” she said.
Democrats expect Republicans to raise the white flag and admit that our principles of freedom, responsibility and smaller government no longer hold the answer to America's myriad problems. The guys in the black hats want us to abandon our principles, stand aside and give Obama and a Democratic-dominant Congress free rein.
That must not happen! And I don't think it will.
God's people, of course, must come to their senses. And quickly! Far too many were shamefully duped by the wolf in sheep's clothing, allowing Obama to lure away a significant number of "religious voters" who historically side with Republican presidential candidates. Exit polls show him winning a strong majority of both Catholic and Protestant Hispanics to go with nearly all black Protestants.
Remember this: Obama couldn't be more pro-abortion. This homosexual activist doesn't believe Jesus is the only way to eternal life or that those who reject Christ are headed for hell. What's worse, now that the President elect has fooled enough Christians to grab power as a false prophet, he will be coming after us to silence the truth we would speak against his ultra-liberal agenda for America.
Sen. John McCain's loss was NOT a defeat for conservatism. I believe McCain lost because he strayed far from the principles that made the old party grand.
The fight really has only just begun. God is still with us. This time, let's get it right!
Barack Obama,
religious voters,
Sarah Palin
California voters "get it right" on marriage ...
Not all was doom and gloom on election night. In a major triumph for what's good and right, California voters convincingly passed a constitutional amendment reaffirming marriage as the time-honored definition of one man and one woman.
The Associated Press, making its arch-liberal bias easy to see, called the vote a ban against homosexuals and began its report by terming the outcome "a heartbreaking defeat for the gay-rights movement."
Let's get it right: The vote wasn't against homosexuality, as perverted and disgusting as its sexual practices are. Californians simply stood up for the rightful definition of marriage in order to override their state Supreme Court's outrageous ruling. The vote doesn't mean homosexuals can't have legal unions. It's just that such living arrangements can't legally be called marriages.
The AP should have reported the outcome as a clear-cut majority of Californians opposing rogue judges who legislated from the bench to legalize and honor sodomy with undeserved status not otherwise possible. But once again the wire service severely slanted a story.
Thirty states now have successfully defended marriage. Arizona and Florida also upheld the traditional definition Tuesday night with 57 percent and 62 percent landslides, respectively, while Arkansas voters approved a measure that keeps unmarried couples from serving as adoptive or foster parents.
Gay activists of course didn't waste any time challenging California's affirmed definition, vowing to resist any effort to invalidate the 18,000 same-sex "marriages" that occurred after the court's ruling. The ACLU, totally missing the point while confusing apples with oranges, contends the will of the people cannot be used to undermine one group's access to rights enjoyed by other citizens. Twisted and so sad -- but that's the anti-Christian ACLU.
God loooong ago defined marriage, and our society, like almost all others throughout time, recognizes and honors the union of a man and woman with rights. That's the age-old definition, and there's no need for society to change, because homosexuality is a choice that can be changed. Tens of thousands of former homosexuals attest to the transforming power of Jesus.
Of course, you won't hear this fact in mainstream media, and gays shout down the voices of those who prove there's a better way. Homosexuals and their liberal supporters absolutely must silence the truth that Christ transforms anyone out of any detrimental lifestyle. That proven fact means society doesn’t need to change, that all the money spent, time invested and progress achieved so far toward legalizing sodomy is in vain.
Nevertheless, with Massachusetts and Connecticut the only states left allowing same-sex marriage, the homosexual movement is looking for new battlegrounds for its well-financed and -supported compulsion to transform American culture to accommodate their lusts. So watch out in your backyard.
Here's why: statistics show one in seven boys is molested by males before age 18, with the unwanted experience greatly contributing to a wrong choice of lifestyle. Granting special rights to homosexuals will enable and encourage more incorrect choices while silencing opposition to this predatory practice.
Legalizing gay marriages, as well as approving and even promoting the homosexual lifestyle, like many schools do in the name of "diversity," adds to the odds that impressionable children will be duped.
But, thank God, right-minded majorities in California, Arizona and Florida got it right!
The Associated Press, making its arch-liberal bias easy to see, called the vote a ban against homosexuals and began its report by terming the outcome "a heartbreaking defeat for the gay-rights movement."
Let's get it right: The vote wasn't against homosexuality, as perverted and disgusting as its sexual practices are. Californians simply stood up for the rightful definition of marriage in order to override their state Supreme Court's outrageous ruling. The vote doesn't mean homosexuals can't have legal unions. It's just that such living arrangements can't legally be called marriages.
The AP should have reported the outcome as a clear-cut majority of Californians opposing rogue judges who legislated from the bench to legalize and honor sodomy with undeserved status not otherwise possible. But once again the wire service severely slanted a story.
Thirty states now have successfully defended marriage. Arizona and Florida also upheld the traditional definition Tuesday night with 57 percent and 62 percent landslides, respectively, while Arkansas voters approved a measure that keeps unmarried couples from serving as adoptive or foster parents.
Gay activists of course didn't waste any time challenging California's affirmed definition, vowing to resist any effort to invalidate the 18,000 same-sex "marriages" that occurred after the court's ruling. The ACLU, totally missing the point while confusing apples with oranges, contends the will of the people cannot be used to undermine one group's access to rights enjoyed by other citizens. Twisted and so sad -- but that's the anti-Christian ACLU.
God loooong ago defined marriage, and our society, like almost all others throughout time, recognizes and honors the union of a man and woman with rights. That's the age-old definition, and there's no need for society to change, because homosexuality is a choice that can be changed. Tens of thousands of former homosexuals attest to the transforming power of Jesus.
Of course, you won't hear this fact in mainstream media, and gays shout down the voices of those who prove there's a better way. Homosexuals and their liberal supporters absolutely must silence the truth that Christ transforms anyone out of any detrimental lifestyle. That proven fact means society doesn’t need to change, that all the money spent, time invested and progress achieved so far toward legalizing sodomy is in vain.
Nevertheless, with Massachusetts and Connecticut the only states left allowing same-sex marriage, the homosexual movement is looking for new battlegrounds for its well-financed and -supported compulsion to transform American culture to accommodate their lusts. So watch out in your backyard.
Here's why: statistics show one in seven boys is molested by males before age 18, with the unwanted experience greatly contributing to a wrong choice of lifestyle. Granting special rights to homosexuals will enable and encourage more incorrect choices while silencing opposition to this predatory practice.
Legalizing gay marriages, as well as approving and even promoting the homosexual lifestyle, like many schools do in the name of "diversity," adds to the odds that impressionable children will be duped.
But, thank God, right-minded majorities in California, Arizona and Florida got it right!
Jesus Christ,
marriage amendment
Wednesday, November 5
Please join me in this prayer ...
God, You we praise and thank and worship as the ...
==> Almighty Creator, who made everything, knows everything, sees everything and is present everywhere;
==> Ancient "I Am" of the Bible, who has always been and always will be -- the Living God, with us here and now, the same who spoke from the burning bush, who parted the Red Sea. You always hear us and are always there for us;
==> Awesome Trinity, the three in one, the loving Father and saving Son and inspiring Spirit;
==> Amazing Power of the universe, all that's good and right. Your power, holy and separate, lights this world of darkness. It is undefeated and unbeatable;
==> Astounding Redeemer, who loves us despite our sinful selves, forgives and forgets our inequities, who abounds in mercy and kindness, overflows in grace and goodness, and showers us with undeserved blessings. You lovingly discipline and guide us, teach and improve us, sanctify and set us apart to know and do Your will.
We thus know You are in total control. You have plans for each of us and for America. So speak to us, your people. Correct our minds and adjust our hearts for difficult days ahead. We ask for Your wisdom and for Your words to speak, for patience to wait upon Your timing and courage when the oportunity comes.
Help us to live moment by moment in the Spirit and be salt and light, helping and not hurting the cause of Christ, so all that we say and do correctly reflects You, Jesus, to the glory of the Father. Amen.
==> Almighty Creator, who made everything, knows everything, sees everything and is present everywhere;
==> Ancient "I Am" of the Bible, who has always been and always will be -- the Living God, with us here and now, the same who spoke from the burning bush, who parted the Red Sea. You always hear us and are always there for us;
==> Awesome Trinity, the three in one, the loving Father and saving Son and inspiring Spirit;
==> Amazing Power of the universe, all that's good and right. Your power, holy and separate, lights this world of darkness. It is undefeated and unbeatable;
==> Astounding Redeemer, who loves us despite our sinful selves, forgives and forgets our inequities, who abounds in mercy and kindness, overflows in grace and goodness, and showers us with undeserved blessings. You lovingly discipline and guide us, teach and improve us, sanctify and set us apart to know and do Your will.
We thus know You are in total control. You have plans for each of us and for America. So speak to us, your people. Correct our minds and adjust our hearts for difficult days ahead. We ask for Your wisdom and for Your words to speak, for patience to wait upon Your timing and courage when the oportunity comes.
Help us to live moment by moment in the Spirit and be salt and light, helping and not hurting the cause of Christ, so all that we say and do correctly reflects You, Jesus, to the glory of the Father. Amen.
Tuesday, November 4
Palin exonerated -- again! Does media care?
Once again eonerated, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin officially is ruled the victim of a Democrat-inspired smear by prosecutor Steve Branchflower, according to an independent investigator hired by the Alaska Personnel Board.
In a report released Monday, the investigator said Branchflower miscontrued evidence and applied the wrong state laws in order to claim Palin abused her office by firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. The report provides last-minute vindication for Gov. Palin, who had claimed that Branchflower's investigation had been motivated by partisan politics.
With voters casting ballots Tuesday, the board decided to release the normally secret findings after the governor waived her privacy rights.
Although the first investigation found Palin violated no laws and was within her right to dismiss the state employee, Branchflower made it appear she abused her position as governor. Of course, the media was glad to run with the abuse-of-power smear.
The question is: will mainstream media have the guts tonight to admit the truth, even if voting is mostly over by time for the evening news to air. If the exoneration was for the Obama campaign on a similar issue, the networks eagerly would have broken into daytime programming, right? Did they for Palin?
In a report released Monday, the investigator said Branchflower miscontrued evidence and applied the wrong state laws in order to claim Palin abused her office by firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. The report provides last-minute vindication for Gov. Palin, who had claimed that Branchflower's investigation had been motivated by partisan politics.
With voters casting ballots Tuesday, the board decided to release the normally secret findings after the governor waived her privacy rights.
Although the first investigation found Palin violated no laws and was within her right to dismiss the state employee, Branchflower made it appear she abused her position as governor. Of course, the media was glad to run with the abuse-of-power smear.
The question is: will mainstream media have the guts tonight to admit the truth, even if voting is mostly over by time for the evening news to air. If the exoneration was for the Obama campaign on a similar issue, the networks eagerly would have broken into daytime programming, right? Did they for Palin?
Sarah Palin,
So long, Rush! See ya, Sean! Bye, Bill ...
With mainstream media deep in their back pocket, Democrats are setting their sights on perhaps the last bastion of the truth -- conservative talk radio! No doubt John Kerry would be in the White House if not for Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett and the like at the mike, boldly reporting the facts purposefully overlooked by liberal-dominated media. And, of course, the pajama-clad patriots who took their cues and helped get the word out to grassroots America via the Internet.
Count on liberals seeking to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine," designed to make conservative talk radio unlistenable. But don't take my word for it. See for yourself as New York Sen. Chuck Schumer likens Rush to porn:
Count on liberals seeking to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine," designed to make conservative talk radio unlistenable. But don't take my word for it. See for yourself as New York Sen. Chuck Schumer likens Rush to porn:
Campaign twists like science-fiction flick ...
I couldn't agree more with James Hirsen, who wrote today in his The Left Coast Report email: "To me, it feels as if we’ve been unwittingly cast in a surreal science-fiction flick.
"> A presidential hopeful runs on a 'brother’s keeper' slogan while his own brother lives in a Kenya shack and his auntie abides in a Boston slum.
"> The right to choose extends to denying even a Band-Aid for a baby brutalized by a botched abortion while compassion gets redefined as a tax rebate in every pot.
"> A citizen plumber gets the Roto-Rooter treatment while VIP medical records are quarantined and birth certificates are deep-sixed.
"> The elite media twiddle their thumbs as a vice presidential candidate is hung in effigy and 'Halloween art' is the explanation.
"> A former 'SNL' jokester runs for a Senate seat while his current 'SNL' pals hit the ratings jackpot with one-sided mockery.
"> A ballot from a cartoon character barely raises an eyebrow while a ballot from a soldier is pored over with a magnifying glass.
"> Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is given a halo while Justices Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Scalia are handed horns and pitchforks.
"> Reporters are booted from planes and anchors reprimanded for asking questions while the Rev. Jeremiah Wright lands a book deal.
"> Infomercials get free rein while commercials get censored.
"> Networks declare races over while encouraging viewers to tune in for the final tallies."
Thanks, James. One clear case after another of calling bad good and good bad. Hey, isn't that biblical?
"> A presidential hopeful runs on a 'brother’s keeper' slogan while his own brother lives in a Kenya shack and his auntie abides in a Boston slum.
"> The right to choose extends to denying even a Band-Aid for a baby brutalized by a botched abortion while compassion gets redefined as a tax rebate in every pot.
"> A citizen plumber gets the Roto-Rooter treatment while VIP medical records are quarantined and birth certificates are deep-sixed.
"> The elite media twiddle their thumbs as a vice presidential candidate is hung in effigy and 'Halloween art' is the explanation.
"> A former 'SNL' jokester runs for a Senate seat while his current 'SNL' pals hit the ratings jackpot with one-sided mockery.
"> A ballot from a cartoon character barely raises an eyebrow while a ballot from a soldier is pored over with a magnifying glass.
"> Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is given a halo while Justices Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Scalia are handed horns and pitchforks.
"> Reporters are booted from planes and anchors reprimanded for asking questions while the Rev. Jeremiah Wright lands a book deal.
"> Infomercials get free rein while commercials get censored.
"> Networks declare races over while encouraging viewers to tune in for the final tallies."
Thanks, James. One clear case after another of calling bad good and good bad. Hey, isn't that biblical?
May God's will be done in America ...
My wife of 37 years and I both had rough nights medically, but we were up early and were finished voting before 7 a.m. in our little Virginia community. Now the election is in God's hands.
Who can deny America deserves God's discipline. But of course we beg for his mercy and grace like Abraham did with Sodom. Some of those who've studied Revelation say they don't see the United States at the final confrontation. If true, I've long wondered what takes us out of the picture -- a massive terrorist attack, a total economic collapse, Barack Obama, all of the above?
It's true: God's people haven't responded well since 9/11. We talked a good game but really didn't follow through. We deserve what comes.
You see, government isn't the answer to helping people through tough times. God's answer is His people acting in sacrificial love, sharing what they have in the name of Jesus to prove God is real in a way that will transform lives.
Jesus is the answer to every problem our nation faces. Yet we as Christians often turn to Him last when faced with difficulties. Jesus can and will transform anyone out of any detrimental lifestyle, including homosexuality. Thousands of former homosexuals attest to that truth. But the church in America has yet to lovingly show gays the way. Until we do, the church won't be seen as relevant to today's society, because it's true: Jesus is Lord of all or not at all.
I am confident false prophet Obama will come after Christians as any good Marxist does when in power. But persecution may well be what God's people need to get serious about seeking and doing His will regardless of the cost.
Throughout the ages, the enemy has done his very worst to snuff the church, but persecution only causes God's influence to grow.
So unless McCain pulls off an upset tonight as God undeservedly sheds His mercy on America, I look forward to seeing painful -- but beneficial -- pressure applied to the church to see how God will eventually bless our nation for true Christians' perseverance and obedience.
Who can deny America deserves God's discipline. But of course we beg for his mercy and grace like Abraham did with Sodom. Some of those who've studied Revelation say they don't see the United States at the final confrontation. If true, I've long wondered what takes us out of the picture -- a massive terrorist attack, a total economic collapse, Barack Obama, all of the above?
It's true: God's people haven't responded well since 9/11. We talked a good game but really didn't follow through. We deserve what comes.
You see, government isn't the answer to helping people through tough times. God's answer is His people acting in sacrificial love, sharing what they have in the name of Jesus to prove God is real in a way that will transform lives.
Jesus is the answer to every problem our nation faces. Yet we as Christians often turn to Him last when faced with difficulties. Jesus can and will transform anyone out of any detrimental lifestyle, including homosexuality. Thousands of former homosexuals attest to that truth. But the church in America has yet to lovingly show gays the way. Until we do, the church won't be seen as relevant to today's society, because it's true: Jesus is Lord of all or not at all.
I am confident false prophet Obama will come after Christians as any good Marxist does when in power. But persecution may well be what God's people need to get serious about seeking and doing His will regardless of the cost.
Throughout the ages, the enemy has done his very worst to snuff the church, but persecution only causes God's influence to grow.
So unless McCain pulls off an upset tonight as God undeservedly sheds His mercy on America, I look forward to seeing painful -- but beneficial -- pressure applied to the church to see how God will eventually bless our nation for true Christians' perseverance and obedience.
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
Monday, November 3
Inexperienced Obama too radical, too risky ...
This video pretty much sums up the case:
Barack Obama,
Obama hiding truth of U.S. citizenship ...
Reasons abound why inexperienced Barack Obama shouldn't be Commander in Chief, but there are those who say the freshman senator isn't even a U.S. citizen -- an issue that Obama absolutely refuses to clear up before Election Day.
Considerable evidence shows Barack was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii. And that's extremely important because if it's really Kenya, then Obama doesn't qualify as a presidential candidate, according to the U.S. Constitution, which sets the rules.
Gov. Linda Lingle instructed the Hawaii Department of Health to make sure the original doctor-generated and hospital-released birth certificate on file would be released to the press ONLY if Obama so requested –- and to date he has made no such request.
The governor left ambiguous whether the birth certificate on file was originally generated by a Hawaii doctor after giving birth to Obama in Hawaii, or generated in Kenya and subsequently registered by the Obama family in Hawaii.
Obama obviously wants to keep a lid on this potentially disqualifying truth until after Tuesday. Then he hopes it will get buried daily news of under his transformation of the Unitd States into a socialoist nation. But does Obama really think he is so star-crossed that he can forever hide the truth? Or will the fact he is not a valid U.S. citizen pop his presiddntial bubble before Inauguration Day?
The question is what honest reason keeps Obama from giving permission to release his birth certificate? This is one issue the "annointed one" can dispell with a nod. Yet he repeatedly refuses.
Barack must be hiding the fact he is not eligible to be President. As long as he refuses, what else are we to think?
Considerable evidence shows Barack was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii. And that's extremely important because if it's really Kenya, then Obama doesn't qualify as a presidential candidate, according to the U.S. Constitution, which sets the rules.
Gov. Linda Lingle instructed the Hawaii Department of Health to make sure the original doctor-generated and hospital-released birth certificate on file would be released to the press ONLY if Obama so requested –- and to date he has made no such request.
The governor left ambiguous whether the birth certificate on file was originally generated by a Hawaii doctor after giving birth to Obama in Hawaii, or generated in Kenya and subsequently registered by the Obama family in Hawaii.
Obama obviously wants to keep a lid on this potentially disqualifying truth until after Tuesday. Then he hopes it will get buried daily news of under his transformation of the Unitd States into a socialoist nation. But does Obama really think he is so star-crossed that he can forever hide the truth? Or will the fact he is not a valid U.S. citizen pop his presiddntial bubble before Inauguration Day?
The question is what honest reason keeps Obama from giving permission to release his birth certificate? This is one issue the "annointed one" can dispell with a nod. Yet he repeatedly refuses.
Barack must be hiding the fact he is not eligible to be President. As long as he refuses, what else are we to think?
What -- you, too, Associated Press ...
As a former "stringer" of news stories to the Associated Press in my younger years, I learned the news organization's ethical ropes.
Because back then stories had to be fair and balanced, I remember a couple of times being asked to complete my story with the other side's comments, or to leave my personal view out and just report the facts. I took no offense because I understood the AP was the supplier of straight news. No spin alllowed.
My, how times have changed. Not only are newspapers and TV news departments almost all pro-Obama [and anti-God for that matter], but the most spun "reporting" is coming from the AP, intent on convincing McCain supporters to abandon all hope down the stretch.
Consider this lead from an AP disatch...
WASHINGTON – That smiling guy walking down the street? Odds are he's a Barack Obama backer. The grouchy looking one? Don't ask, and don't necessarily count on him to vote next week, either.
The New York Times, sure, but not the Associated Press. Yet its partisan efforts make the AP the rotted cherry atop the cess pool that is mainstream media in America.
Read P.J. Gladnick's column at NewsBusters.com for the FULL story!
Because back then stories had to be fair and balanced, I remember a couple of times being asked to complete my story with the other side's comments, or to leave my personal view out and just report the facts. I took no offense because I understood the AP was the supplier of straight news. No spin alllowed.
My, how times have changed. Not only are newspapers and TV news departments almost all pro-Obama [and anti-God for that matter], but the most spun "reporting" is coming from the AP, intent on convincing McCain supporters to abandon all hope down the stretch.
Consider this lead from an AP disatch...
WASHINGTON – That smiling guy walking down the street? Odds are he's a Barack Obama backer. The grouchy looking one? Don't ask, and don't necessarily count on him to vote next week, either.
The New York Times, sure, but not the Associated Press. Yet its partisan efforts make the AP the rotted cherry atop the cess pool that is mainstream media in America.
Read P.J. Gladnick's column at NewsBusters.com for the FULL story!
Obama promises to bankrupt coal industry...
An audio of an Obama interview with the San Francisco Chronicle has hust surfaced from earlier this year. The Chronicle published an interview with Obama in January 2008, but omitted any references in its story to Obama’s pledge to “bankrupt” the coal industry.
Here's the transcript of the audio portion:
"Let me sort of describe my overall policy. What I’ve said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there.
"I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.
"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.
"That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.
"The only thing I’ve said with respect to coal, I haven’t been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a (sic) ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.
"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them."
CLICK HERE to hear it for yourself!
Here's the transcript of the audio portion:
"Let me sort of describe my overall policy. What I’ve said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there.
"I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.
"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.
"That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.
"The only thing I’ve said with respect to coal, I haven’t been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a (sic) ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.
"So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them."
CLICK HERE to hear it for yourself!
John's apearance on Saturday Night Live ...
Does Barack Obama have the courage, confidence and wit to go into the lions' den and make them ROFL:
Sunday, November 2
Obama's ties to Farrakhan run deep ...
Some say this presidential election has been going on far too long. But when it comes to unearthing the truth about Barack Obama more time is needed.
For example, Kenneth R. Timmerman's article Saturday at Newsmax.com. was an eye-opener about Obama's long association with Louis Farrakhan. Timmerman quotes a former top deputy to Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan saying Obama’s ties to the black nationalist movement in Chicago run deep, and that for many years the two men have had “an open line between them” to discuss policy and strategy, either directly or through intermediaries.
“Remember that for years, if you were a politician in Chicago, you had to have some type of relationship with Louis Farrakhan. You had to. If you didn’t, you would be ostracized out of black Chicago,” said Dr. Vibert White Jr., who spent most of his adult life as a member and ultimately top officer of the Nation of Islam.
White, who broke with the group in 1995 and is now a professor at the University of Central Florida, said Obama was “part of the Chicago scene” where Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. and radicals would go to each other’s events and support each other’s causes.
Timmerman points out the Anti-Defamation League has called the Nation of Islam as a “hate group” and denounced Farrakhan for calling Jews “bloodsuckers,” “satanic” and accusing them of running the slave trade. He has labeled gays as “degenerates.”
While Obama was careful to “denounce” Farrakhan’s comments, he did not come down hard on his friend. And Barack's criticism came only after Sen. Hillary Clinton called him out during the primaries for benefiting from Farrakhan’s support.
Farrakhan endorsed Obama in a videotaped speech to his followers at Mosque Miryam in Chicago in February. “You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth,” Farrakhan said:
Obama was less than candid when he said Farrakhan had been praising him as “an African-American who seems to be bringing the country together." "I obviously can't censor him, but it is not support that I sought. And we’re not doing anything, I assure you, formally or informally with Minister Farrakhan.”
Less than candid because in 1995 Obama “took time off from attending campaign coffees to attend October’s Million Man March in Washington, D.C.,” according to a profile of Obama that appeared in the Chicago Reader .
Obama spoke at length with the Chicago newspaper upon his return from the Million Man March. “What I saw was a powerful demonstration of an impulse and need for African-American men to come together to recognize each other and affirm our rightful place in the society," he said. “These are mean, cruel times, exemplified by a ‘lock ’em up, take no prisoners’ mentality that dominates the Republican-led Congress,” Obama said.
In 1984, Rev. Wright accompanied Farrakhan on his much-criticized trip to meet Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, at a time when Gadhafi was considered an enemy of the United States. Yet in Feburary this year Obama insisted his pastor and mentor “does not have a close relationship with Louis Farrakhan,” after Wright’s Trumpet magazine gave Farrakhan its Lifetime Achievement award.
White told Newsmax that the Trumpeter Award, honoring Farrakhan for “truly epitomized greatness,” was the fruit of a long and deep relationship between the two men.
For example, Kenneth R. Timmerman's article Saturday at Newsmax.com. was an eye-opener about Obama's long association with Louis Farrakhan. Timmerman quotes a former top deputy to Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan saying Obama’s ties to the black nationalist movement in Chicago run deep, and that for many years the two men have had “an open line between them” to discuss policy and strategy, either directly or through intermediaries.
“Remember that for years, if you were a politician in Chicago, you had to have some type of relationship with Louis Farrakhan. You had to. If you didn’t, you would be ostracized out of black Chicago,” said Dr. Vibert White Jr., who spent most of his adult life as a member and ultimately top officer of the Nation of Islam.
White, who broke with the group in 1995 and is now a professor at the University of Central Florida, said Obama was “part of the Chicago scene” where Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. and radicals would go to each other’s events and support each other’s causes.
Timmerman points out the Anti-Defamation League has called the Nation of Islam as a “hate group” and denounced Farrakhan for calling Jews “bloodsuckers,” “satanic” and accusing them of running the slave trade. He has labeled gays as “degenerates.”
While Obama was careful to “denounce” Farrakhan’s comments, he did not come down hard on his friend. And Barack's criticism came only after Sen. Hillary Clinton called him out during the primaries for benefiting from Farrakhan’s support.
Farrakhan endorsed Obama in a videotaped speech to his followers at Mosque Miryam in Chicago in February. “You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth,” Farrakhan said:
Obama was less than candid when he said Farrakhan had been praising him as “an African-American who seems to be bringing the country together." "I obviously can't censor him, but it is not support that I sought. And we’re not doing anything, I assure you, formally or informally with Minister Farrakhan.”
Less than candid because in 1995 Obama “took time off from attending campaign coffees to attend October’s Million Man March in Washington, D.C.,” according to a profile of Obama that appeared in the Chicago Reader .
Obama spoke at length with the Chicago newspaper upon his return from the Million Man March. “What I saw was a powerful demonstration of an impulse and need for African-American men to come together to recognize each other and affirm our rightful place in the society," he said. “These are mean, cruel times, exemplified by a ‘lock ’em up, take no prisoners’ mentality that dominates the Republican-led Congress,” Obama said.
In 1984, Rev. Wright accompanied Farrakhan on his much-criticized trip to meet Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, at a time when Gadhafi was considered an enemy of the United States. Yet in Feburary this year Obama insisted his pastor and mentor “does not have a close relationship with Louis Farrakhan,” after Wright’s Trumpet magazine gave Farrakhan its Lifetime Achievement award.
White told Newsmax that the Trumpeter Award, honoring Farrakhan for “truly epitomized greatness,” was the fruit of a long and deep relationship between the two men.
Barack Obama,
Louis Farrakhan,
Rev. Wright,
Friday, October 31
Bad decisions: hanging, tasting, choosing ...
Thoughts while clearing my email in-box:
==> Supposedly to "add politics" to their halloween display, homosexual partners Chad Morrisette and Mito Aviles hung a Sarah Palin dummy with a noose from the front of their house. Their decorations also included John McCain in flames on the roof.
It's easy to see why the misguided pair would gleefully picture such violent and destructive scenes, even knowing how offensive it would be to so many people: Barack Hussein Obama has promised sodomite voters he will enact numerous pro-homosexual policies upon occupying the White House.
So the pair braved backlash from resulting traffic jams in their West Hollywood neighborhood and from concerned neighbors, worried the display would reflect badly on the mostly homosexual community.
Certainly the irony of McCain-Palin supporters not being able to hang Obama in effigy must have made it all the sweeter. But even if Barack wasn't black, hanging and burning to express a political viewpoint is something you'd expect in the Arab street, not here in America.
==> Since capitalism "obviously" has failed, as liberals now claim, why DON'T we try socialism? Let's just take a sip and see how it tastes, huh?
Except it doesn't work that way.
You can't be half-socialist any more than you can be half-pregnant, correctly states pundit Michael Reagan. Get knocked up with socialism, and you'll have to deliver a full-born Marxist. There is nothing in between.
So when someone says to you, "Try it, you'll like it," just tell them honest capitalism is the answer to our greed-generated (and Democrat-dominated) economic crisis. And if they insist, ask them for just one example where socialism has outperformed America's tried-and-true economic gem.
==> To hear Obama tell it, Bill Ayers and Tony Rezco, to name only two, are just coincidental associations.
Yet consider his own well-chosen words about his Occidental College days in Los Angeles from his book, Dreams of My Father: "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully, The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."
Nothing, you see, is coincidental with Barack.

==> BONUS TIDBIT: Did you know Obama's proposed health-care plan covers abortion, which means your tax dollars will go to fund the snuffing of preborn babies. The freshman senstor, on the other hand, publicly opposes crisis pregnancy centers and abstinence education programs. And are you aware that Barack has promised to restore funding to the UNFPA, a United Nations group intent on forced abortions? Check it out at www.LifeNews.com.
==> And something to think about this Sunday ...

==> Supposedly to "add politics" to their halloween display, homosexual partners Chad Morrisette and Mito Aviles hung a Sarah Palin dummy with a noose from the front of their house. Their decorations also included John McCain in flames on the roof.
It's easy to see why the misguided pair would gleefully picture such violent and destructive scenes, even knowing how offensive it would be to so many people: Barack Hussein Obama has promised sodomite voters he will enact numerous pro-homosexual policies upon occupying the White House.
So the pair braved backlash from resulting traffic jams in their West Hollywood neighborhood and from concerned neighbors, worried the display would reflect badly on the mostly homosexual community.
Certainly the irony of McCain-Palin supporters not being able to hang Obama in effigy must have made it all the sweeter. But even if Barack wasn't black, hanging and burning to express a political viewpoint is something you'd expect in the Arab street, not here in America.
==> Since capitalism "obviously" has failed, as liberals now claim, why DON'T we try socialism? Let's just take a sip and see how it tastes, huh?
Except it doesn't work that way.
You can't be half-socialist any more than you can be half-pregnant, correctly states pundit Michael Reagan. Get knocked up with socialism, and you'll have to deliver a full-born Marxist. There is nothing in between.
So when someone says to you, "Try it, you'll like it," just tell them honest capitalism is the answer to our greed-generated (and Democrat-dominated) economic crisis. And if they insist, ask them for just one example where socialism has outperformed America's tried-and-true economic gem.
==> To hear Obama tell it, Bill Ayers and Tony Rezco, to name only two, are just coincidental associations.
Yet consider his own well-chosen words about his Occidental College days in Los Angeles from his book, Dreams of My Father: "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully, The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."
Nothing, you see, is coincidental with Barack.

==> BONUS TIDBIT: Did you know Obama's proposed health-care plan covers abortion, which means your tax dollars will go to fund the snuffing of preborn babies. The freshman senstor, on the other hand, publicly opposes crisis pregnancy centers and abstinence education programs. And are you aware that Barack has promised to restore funding to the UNFPA, a United Nations group intent on forced abortions? Check it out at www.LifeNews.com.
==> And something to think about this Sunday ...
Barack Obama,
Barack's ignorance, naivitae laughable ...
Sick and tired of seeing Hollywood liberals worshipping at the altar of Obama, a major producer decided to take a bold stand. He thought: If Obama's ignorance and naivitae weren't so potentially cataclysmic, it would be laughable.
So he produced a 30-second spot that mocks the absurdity of Barack's willingness to meet with the world's most vile and dangerous dictators and despots without preconditions. The producer wants the American people to realize that, when it comes to foreign affairs and national security, Obama is a joke.
If, after watching the video below, you agree that American voters need to see this spot on their TVs before Nov. 4, go to www.OurCountryDeservesBetter.com and make a tax-deductible contribution to make it happen.
So he produced a 30-second spot that mocks the absurdity of Barack's willingness to meet with the world's most vile and dangerous dictators and despots without preconditions. The producer wants the American people to realize that, when it comes to foreign affairs and national security, Obama is a joke.
If, after watching the video below, you agree that American voters need to see this spot on their TVs before Nov. 4, go to www.OurCountryDeservesBetter.com and make a tax-deductible contribution to make it happen.
Obama boots maverick papers' reporters ...
Barack Obama "owns" the media to such an extent he arrogantly punishes any dissention in the adoring ranks. That's why reporters from three major newspapers that endorsed John McCain were booted from his campaign plane for the final leg of the presidential race.
The Washington Times said it was notified of the campaign's decision Thursday evening -- even though the paper has covered Obama from the start.
The New York Post and Dallas Morning News also have been kicked off Obama's plane, according to The Drudge Report, which said the three reporters were told to find alternative transportation by Sunday so the plane could accommodate "network bigwigs" and reporters from two black magazines, Essence and Jet.
"I can only hope that the candidate who describes himself as wanting to unite the nation doesn't have some sort of litmus test for who he decides gets to cover the campaign," Washington Times Executive Editor John Solomon said, noting the Obama campaign's decision came just two days after the paper endorsed McCain.
The Washington Times said it was notified of the campaign's decision Thursday evening -- even though the paper has covered Obama from the start.
The New York Post and Dallas Morning News also have been kicked off Obama's plane, according to The Drudge Report, which said the three reporters were told to find alternative transportation by Sunday so the plane could accommodate "network bigwigs" and reporters from two black magazines, Essence and Jet.
"I can only hope that the candidate who describes himself as wanting to unite the nation doesn't have some sort of litmus test for who he decides gets to cover the campaign," Washington Times Executive Editor John Solomon said, noting the Obama campaign's decision came just two days after the paper endorsed McCain.
Don't be intimidated, trust Liberty Council ...
In a clear case of voter intimidation, Americans United for Separation of Church and State again strives to scare churches and trick pastors into being silent on moral issues until AFTER the election.
This misguided organization even wants churches to stop providing voter guides, although there is nothing in IRS regulations that forbids churches from distributing nonpartisan voter guides. Its coersive letter, which has flooded church offices across America, is calculated to intimidate churchgoers into staying home on election day.
Well, Liberty Counsel is fighting back, calling on pastors to stand up to this radical organization. If your church has received the letter, fax its leader, Barry Lynn, at (202) 466-2587 and tell him to stop harassing pastors!
Liberty Council, a mighty legal force undefeated over the years against the ACLU, knows the law and what Christians can or can't legally do. Believe LC when it says there are a wide variety of lawful activities that churches can undertake to activate voters and encourage them to vote their values, including supporting marriage and pro-life amendments, distributing voter guides and preaching on moral issues.
LC has voter guides suitable for distribution in churches available at www.LC.org. Liberty's Voter Guide page offers information on the candidates, audio and video files about voting according to Christian values, and guidelines for political activity for churches.
The Voter Guide page also has a link to a speech by former Congressman Bob McEwen, who spoke at Liberty University on Monday. McEwen explained very clearly why the upcoming election is so important and why Christians need to vote.
This misguided organization even wants churches to stop providing voter guides, although there is nothing in IRS regulations that forbids churches from distributing nonpartisan voter guides. Its coersive letter, which has flooded church offices across America, is calculated to intimidate churchgoers into staying home on election day.
Well, Liberty Counsel is fighting back, calling on pastors to stand up to this radical organization. If your church has received the letter, fax its leader, Barry Lynn, at (202) 466-2587 and tell him to stop harassing pastors!
Liberty Council, a mighty legal force undefeated over the years against the ACLU, knows the law and what Christians can or can't legally do. Believe LC when it says there are a wide variety of lawful activities that churches can undertake to activate voters and encourage them to vote their values, including supporting marriage and pro-life amendments, distributing voter guides and preaching on moral issues.
LC has voter guides suitable for distribution in churches available at www.LC.org. Liberty's Voter Guide page offers information on the candidates, audio and video files about voting according to Christian values, and guidelines for political activity for churches.
The Voter Guide page also has a link to a speech by former Congressman Bob McEwen, who spoke at Liberty University on Monday. McEwen explained very clearly why the upcoming election is so important and why Christians need to vote.
Liberty Council,
voters guide
Thursday, October 30
Rotting corpse proves journalism long dead ...
Conservative radio's Sean Hannity says this is the year journalism died. With all due respect, wrong! It's been dead for years, really ever since the Iraq War began. It's just that the rotting corpse is now stinking so badly that people can't help but notice.
Consider the fact that mainstream media has a even lower approval rating than Congress, which slides in below that of President George W. Bush. Who can deny the media has reached an all-time low in its mindless all-out support of Barack Obama. Consider this video evidence:
Consider the fact that mainstream media has a even lower approval rating than Congress, which slides in below that of President George W. Bush. Who can deny the media has reached an all-time low in its mindless all-out support of Barack Obama. Consider this video evidence:
Barack Obama,
mainstream media,
Firefly blinks away mighty evolution ...
I recently was hospitalized for two weeks, in no coincidence immediately after starting this blog. (It's a fact: when you stand up for God in spiritual warfare, you draw enemy fire. It hits and hurts. But obey God's will anyway.)
During that span, the Shenandoah Valley suffered an early killer frost. So instead of returning to my jungled deck upon which to recuperate, I came home to a withered disappointment. Many of my favorite plants were in pots, so I could take them inside to escape the cold weather -- even tomatoes.
But not all plants died, though. Two survived -- not because they were protected, just because they had frost-resistant cell structure.
God made them that way.
And once again I saw this otherwise disappointment as an affirmation of creationism over evolution. I mean, think of it: why would some plants "choose" to withstand frost and not others?
Yet that's what evolution claims animals do in adapting to their living conditions.
That's why I love to see the firefly, or lightning bug of my youth, appear on early summer evenings from my deck. Now here's an advanced insect that decided to advertise its presence with neon-like signs glowing in the night. In doing so, it accomplished something no other bug has been able to do over the eons of time. Surely other insects must be envious, yet despite their best efforts none have evolved sufficiently.
So each summer twilight, when fireflies begin to blink, I thank God for letting such a delightful creation knock learned evolution into an embarrassing cocked hat.
During that span, the Shenandoah Valley suffered an early killer frost. So instead of returning to my jungled deck upon which to recuperate, I came home to a withered disappointment. Many of my favorite plants were in pots, so I could take them inside to escape the cold weather -- even tomatoes.
But not all plants died, though. Two survived -- not because they were protected, just because they had frost-resistant cell structure.
God made them that way.
And once again I saw this otherwise disappointment as an affirmation of creationism over evolution. I mean, think of it: why would some plants "choose" to withstand frost and not others?
Yet that's what evolution claims animals do in adapting to their living conditions.
That's why I love to see the firefly, or lightning bug of my youth, appear on early summer evenings from my deck. Now here's an advanced insect that decided to advertise its presence with neon-like signs glowing in the night. In doing so, it accomplished something no other bug has been able to do over the eons of time. Surely other insects must be envious, yet despite their best efforts none have evolved sufficiently.
So each summer twilight, when fireflies begin to blink, I thank God for letting such a delightful creation knock learned evolution into an embarrassing cocked hat.
Remember, Biden gave us fair warning ...
Of course America’s enemies will generate a crisis to test the mettle of our new President, regardless of who wins the Oval Office. Count on it -- they usually do. And while the world learns our leader’s character, it goes without saying that Americans will stand by our Commander in Chief through such a perilous time.
So it’s not surprising that Sen. Joe Biden, Barack Obama’s VP running mate, would issue such a warning. What chilled my heart is the fact Joe then cautioned that Obama’s actions will appear to be wrong.
Just what does the “anointed one” plan to do that Americans would see as wrong? It must seem so wrong that Obama lacks confidence in his slick oratory to convince us with the needed solutuion, so wrong that we must trust him blindly.
And remember: Biden issued his warning surrounded by supporters who worship Obama. To that anti-war crowd, it'd be something like a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear capabilities. I seriously doubt that, yet the question of "why" remains.
Is B. Hussein's mind already made up not to respond militarily to a terrorist strike against us? Will he refuse to help Israel when attacked by Iran? Does he intend to subjugate the U.S. under U.N. rule?
One thing's sure: Biden definitely had something on his mind, a specific planned response by Obama that many Americans will openly question, even oppose. I know he's called "Gaff-a-Day Joe" for good reason, but --again-- why would Biden close his warning with a call to back Barack's solution against better judgement?
Naturally Obama and Biden have sorted through potential threats. They’ve lined it out: If this happens, we do that; but if that happens, we do this. And there’s one thing Obama plans to do that’s going to upset the public.
My guess? Obama will invoke special presidential powers that declare him a dictator during the crisis. In the name of expediency he will set aside the U.S. Constitution to demand legislation from Democrat-dominated Congress in order to answer the challenge -- subterfuge neatly designed to quickly change us from a constitutional republic for our own good. Trust him -- he knows better than we, the people, do.
Far fetched, you say? Perhaps. Then again I never thought I’d hear a poll-leading presidential candidate talk about the Marxist redistribution of wealth and re-stocking the U.S. Supreme Court to do away with the Constitution. (See videos below)
So it’s not surprising that Sen. Joe Biden, Barack Obama’s VP running mate, would issue such a warning. What chilled my heart is the fact Joe then cautioned that Obama’s actions will appear to be wrong.
Just what does the “anointed one” plan to do that Americans would see as wrong? It must seem so wrong that Obama lacks confidence in his slick oratory to convince us with the needed solutuion, so wrong that we must trust him blindly.
And remember: Biden issued his warning surrounded by supporters who worship Obama. To that anti-war crowd, it'd be something like a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear capabilities. I seriously doubt that, yet the question of "why" remains.
Is B. Hussein's mind already made up not to respond militarily to a terrorist strike against us? Will he refuse to help Israel when attacked by Iran? Does he intend to subjugate the U.S. under U.N. rule?
One thing's sure: Biden definitely had something on his mind, a specific planned response by Obama that many Americans will openly question, even oppose. I know he's called "Gaff-a-Day Joe" for good reason, but --again-- why would Biden close his warning with a call to back Barack's solution against better judgement?
Naturally Obama and Biden have sorted through potential threats. They’ve lined it out: If this happens, we do that; but if that happens, we do this. And there’s one thing Obama plans to do that’s going to upset the public.
My guess? Obama will invoke special presidential powers that declare him a dictator during the crisis. In the name of expediency he will set aside the U.S. Constitution to demand legislation from Democrat-dominated Congress in order to answer the challenge -- subterfuge neatly designed to quickly change us from a constitutional republic for our own good. Trust him -- he knows better than we, the people, do.
Far fetched, you say? Perhaps. Then again I never thought I’d hear a poll-leading presidential candidate talk about the Marxist redistribution of wealth and re-stocking the U.S. Supreme Court to do away with the Constitution. (See videos below)
Barack Obama,
Joe Biden,
M-A-R-X-I-S-T -- just connect the dots
Because of all the information that flashes across my monitor in doing my job, it's easy to understand who and what Barack Obama is -- a Marxist long intent on destroying our God-blessed constitutional republic. Just connect the dots. If you don't yet spot the dots, then here are a few. Hear for yourself ...
Don't miss Obama's anti-capitalism socialist rant ...
Obama even admits he's at least a socialist ...
Michelle tips off Barack's socialist agenda ...
And of course Joe the Plumber knows the truth ...
Don't miss Obama's anti-capitalism socialist rant ...
Obama even admits he's at least a socialist ...
Michelle tips off Barack's socialist agenda ...
And of course Joe the Plumber knows the truth ...
Barack Obama,
Joe the Plumber,
Wednesday, October 29
Obama seeks to fool, then silence Christians
A demonic spell mesmerizes America. With our nation already lured far down the slippery slope, Satan is hatching a plan to push us the rest of the way – and it is working!
I’m talking about an incredulous number of people who are blindly backing Sen. Barack Hussein Obama despite obvious evidence he is attempting to deceive Christians in order to grab presidential power that will enable liberals to enact anti-Christian policies.
An abundance of proof is readily evident. It’s easy to see through the sacrilegious charade. Still, voters are strangely blinded to this potentially cataclysmic threat – including a potentially decisive number of Christians, swept up in the euphoria.
Swayed by seductive-yet-hollow speeches, supporters chant his unproven name and unsupported promises like a new-age mantra. And it’s too late, the devil would have us believe; their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with the facts while the freshman senator deceptively woos those who typically oppose ungodly Democratic Party planks.
Obama sounds good, too good: He claims to a devout believer who prays “to Jesus every night.” The presidential aspirant quotes Scripture, goes to church and promises his own version of a “faith-based initiative.”
Orating with religious overtones, he claims to be the answer, the one the world has been waiting for. And a frightening number of believers, disgusted with politics, are being duped.
Break this spell now! While there’s still time, we must spread the truth to voters ...
... Barack Obama is a false prophet!
To prove this, I offer here irrefutable evidence. Consider the facts, and I’m confident you will agree: America’s fate depends on how right-mindedpatriots like you respond.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m not making Sen. Obama out to be the devil incarnate. Nor am I saying he’s a “lukewarm” person, neither hot nor cold, who should be spit out (Revelation 3:15-16).
This potential commander in chief, however, is fighting on the wrong side of the spiritual warfare that will determine what happens to the land we love. As Jesus said in Matthew 12:30: “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”
I must take that a step further with a perilous fact you won’t hear on the evening news: This is the most anti-Christian arch liberal ever to threaten the White House. And this ominous opportunity comes when God-mocking liberals control Congress, the mainstream media and, to a great degree, our court system.
Obama is said to be many things: frighteningly naïve, a dangerous mix of inexperience andpoor judgment, a far left-winger with the most liberal voting record in Congress, a mob-made product of the corrupt Chicago political machine who pretends to be a bipartisan reformer, a messiah for those weary with politics.
To add anti-Christian to that, it’s vitally important to see how he measures up in his claim to be a Christian, because Matthew 7:15-18 warns:
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits,” Jesus said. “Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”
Although Scripture cautions “judge not lest ye be judged,” God expects us to be fruit inspectors. So, let’s examine the evidence.
First, let’s agree that to be a Christian you must believe Jesus is the only Savior of the world, that as the sinless Lamb of God He willingly endured an excruciating death on the cross in sinful mankind’s place to provide the only way to everlasting life. Let’s also agree believersare to use the inerrant Bible as life’s instruction manual and prayerfully follow Scripture.
Now let’s see how Sen. Obama measures up:
SANCTITY OF LIFE –- Obama flat out advocates infanticide, and here’s proof: For three straight years as an Illinois state senator (2001 to 2003), he opposed a bill that mandated medical care for children born alive during abortions.
Let me be clear about what that means: When an infant somehow survives a botched abortion to be fully born and breathing, Obama repeatedly is on record against allowing the child to live.
In 2001 he voted against the bill in committee and voted “present” on the floor. The next year he opposed the bill both in committee and on the floor. Then in 2003, as committee chairman, Obama kept the bill from even going to the floor for a vote. Only one state senator spoke against the bill in 2002 – Barack Obama!
Today he claims he acted out of fear it would reverse Roe v. Wade. That’s not true, because language in the bill negated that concern.
When an almost identical bill came to the floor of the U.S. Senate prior to Obama’s election, the vote was 98 to 0 in favor. That underscores just how extreme Obama is to insist that a woman’s decision, of selfishly ridding herself of an inconvenient child, must be obeyed by snuffing a breathing baby that seemingly escaped its execution.
Time has only hardened his heart, making Obama by far the most rabid advocate of unrestricted abortion in U.S. politics. Further evidence shows this gristly industry has no greater friend and faithful ally, regardless of what he may say on the campaign trail.
Obama proudly boasts what no other true Christian could: “Throughout my career, I’ve been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100-percent pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America.”
The first-term senator not only supports spending your tax dollars for abortion and funding Planned Parenthood, he doesn’t want parents notified when minors seek out-of-state abortions.
Yet he doesn’t think all this should count against him with believers: “Again, I respect people who may disagree,” Obama says, “but I certainly don’t think it makes me less Christian. Okay?”
Many believers aren’t aware that, before he became a celebrity, Obama promised the first thing he would do as President is overturn every pro-life law in all 50 states. How? By championing the so-called Freedom of Choice Act, he said, that would codify Roe V. Wade to make unlimited abortions the law of the land – a move that would negate hundreds of state laws.
To that end, Obama ignores numerous passages in God’s Word that value unborn life: Exodus 21:22-25; Psalm 139:13,14; Job 31:15; Psalm 51:5; Luke 1:41, Exodus 1:15-20, etc. Scripture repeatedly condemns the killing of the innocent, saying it’s a sin to sacrifice a child.
By the way, Obama’s pro-death penchant is further underscored when, during a debate with Sen. Hillary Clinton, he admitted the “biggest mistake” so far in his short Senate stint was his vote in favor of letting the parents of Terri Schiavo take their petition to federal court in search of food and medical services necessary to keep their daughter alive.
And when asked during a televised Q&A session when does life begin, the candidate said the answer “is above my pay grade,” as if Obama won’t know until he gets his presidential paycheck.
Plumb line: How can it be Christian to want a breathing baby, who somehow survived the horror of abortion, to be left to die or be put to death? It can’t! God’s Word is clear, and an authentic Christian cannot rightfully back abortion without limits. Believers need only look toScripture for answers. Only a false prophet would want to help the evil one kill and destroy.
ONE WAY TO HEAVEN – In a campaign pamphlet, Obama says he is born again and describes his conversion. Yet when asked about heaven during an in-depth interview, Obama replied, “I believe there are many paths to the same place.”
Such an all-inclusive belief directly opposes John 14:6, in which Jesus Himself states: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
The junior senator, on record as saying good deeds are his ticket to heaven, amplified his beliefs by saying: “All people of faith – Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone – know the same God.” Even animists? This outrageous unscriptural opinion voids Christ’s sacrifice and makes liars out of Jesus and his disciples – including you and me.
On another occasion Obama admitted he would rather deny the truth of Christ than offend members of other world religions: “I’m not somebody who is always comfortable with language that implies I’ve got a monopoly on the truth.”
In the interview from The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People by Cathleen Falsani, Obama indicts Christianity as bigoted and intolerant for its “call to evangelize and proselytize.”
He then rightly states, as if it’s a bad thing: “There’s a belief in some quarters that if people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they’re going to hell.”
Plumb line: A true Christian cannot deny Jesus’ unique mission of salvation and contradict Acts 4:12: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” So Obama’s heretical denial of Christianity as the one true religion – a mark of a false prophet -- is a telltale indication he isn’t yet blessed with a born-again believer’s assurance of salvation and confidence in Christ.
SCRIPTURE ACCURACY – Obama, who promises to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, seems to purposefully mishandle Bible passages to support his stances. He certainly tosses aside vitally important passages in order to promote homosexual unions.
For instance, this unabashed champion of undeserved privileges for homosexuals has the vain hubris to dismiss as “obscure” the definitive passage of Romans 1:26-27:
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.”
What’s more, the freshman senator condescendingly chides Christians who don’t agree with his interpretations. “Folks haven’t been reading their Bibles,” he said, because according to Obama’s translation of God’s Word, something in the Sermon on the Mount justifies his support for legalizing and honoring sodomy.
He disqualifies Leviticus, which calls homosexuality an abomination, because it also prohibits shellfish and condones slavery. He actually has told believers to stop insisting on what’s right because that is divisive, intolerant and hateful.
Plumb line: Obama disparages Bible-believing Christians for faithfully obeying God’s Word. Like a false prophet, he wants us to ignore key Scripture passages that oppose his agenda, to back down on essential points and go along to get along with other religions. That is not Christian.
GODLY BACKGROUND – As the twig is bent (by a Muslim father, an atheist mother, Universalist grandparents, a racist pastor, a communist mentor, a terrorist bomber friend) so shall the tree grow. The old axiom gives insight, and cause for alarm, in the case of Obama, whose formative influences produced goals and policies not in keeping with Christian values.
“I was raised by my mother,” Barack says, “and my mother was a Christian.” Not true, according to her best friend, who insists Obama’s mother was an avowed atheist.
And Barack is proud to say his grandparents, also credited with raising him, are evangelicals. Only they aren’t. They’re Unitarian Universalists, who don’t embrace essential Christian doctrines.
Obama’s Muslim stepfather had Barack attend an Islamic school where he came to love the evening call to prayer. “One of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset,” Obama remarked in a 2007 interview. He then recited its blasphemous opening lines, complete with an excellent Arabic accent: “Allah is Supreme! ... I witness that there is no god but Allah! ... I witness that Muhammad is his prophet!”
Because a man is known by the company he keeps, consider these telltale influences that shaped Obama’s thinking and character:
> Older half-brother Abongo, a militant Muslim who argues the black man must “liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.”
> Mentor Frank Marshall Davis, a hard-line member of the Communist Party, which seeks to abolish religion.
> Atheist William Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist bomber of Weather Underground infamy who regrets not setting off more deadly blasts.
> Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the racist pastor of Obama’s Chicago church known for its anti-white, anti-Semitic bigotry.
> Louis Farrakhan, leader of the racist Nation of Islam that seeks its own all-black territory inside the United States.
> Fr. Michael Pfleger, a long-time supporter known for his Farrakhan-defending, jihad-apologizing, Jew-bashing messages, who threatens to “snuff” politicians who support gun rights.
For 20 years Obama sat under the often dubious preaching of Rev. Wright, a Black Liberation theologian who Obama calls his “spiritual mentor.” Promoting Marxist socialism under the cloak of religion, Black Liberation wants government to punish the white rich for victimizing the black poor by redistributing wealth. And redistribution underlies Obama’s socialistic intent to finance expensive and expansive government programs by taking from the rich and giving to the poor – “from each, according to his means, to each, according to his needs,” as communists are known to say.
Obama had no choice but to un-invite Rev. Wright to his campaign kickoff and later to drop his church membership after it became widely known that the pastor said: “The government gives (blacks) the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God d--n America!”
A vast majority of church-goers trust their pastors to preach what God wants said. Not Obama: Despite hearing hundreds of Rev. Wright’s sermons, he claims he wasn’t influenced.
However, in light of the pastor’s twisted messages, it’s easy to see why Michelle Obama would say her husband’s candidacy makes her feel proud of America for the first time in her adult life.
So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Obama has a dim view of the average American who rightly relies on the Bible for daily guidance. Obama sees us as “bitter” people who “cling” to our religion, according to his infamous speech to fellow elitists at a San Francisco fund-raiser.
Plumb line: Obama not only didn’t have a Christian upbringing, his formative years were filled with ungodly influences, extending into adult associations. It’s obvious he doesn’t cling to God’s Word, and his church home of the past two decades doesn’t measure up to the Christian standard. To claim otherwise makes him a false prophet striving to fool voters.
ANTI-CHRISTIAN THREAT – Obama wholeheartedly supports laws that promote homosexuals’ anti-family agenda as if he doesn’t realize they criminalize biblical beliefs. He enthusiastically backs “hate crime” legislation, a tactic calculated to silence and punish Christians who voice God’s view of homosexuality.
Obama’s faith-based initiative, the “Joshua Generation Project,” sounds much like a continuation of what President George W. Bush started. But it’s not!
There’s a huge and ominous difference: His politically correct project will attack Christian ministries on key doctrinal points, because to get federal money, Bible-based organizations must show “diversity” and “tolerance” by hiring homosexuals, atheists and members of other world religions.
“You can’t use that grant money to proselytize to the people you help,” Obama says, “and you can’t discriminate against them — or against the people you hire — on the basis of their religion.”
Even more perilous, expect an Obama presidency, in the name of diversity and tolerance, to take tax-exempt status from churches courageous enough to publicly stand for the truth of God’s Word. Arch liberals see it as a win-win situation -- silencing most opposition while taxing vocal churches into ineffectiveness, with the ungodly getting their money instead of God.
You see, homosexuals and their liberal supporters must silence the truth that Christ transforms anyone out of any detrimental lifestyle, because that proven fact means society doesn’t need to change, that all the progress achieved so far toward legalizing sodomy is in vain.
So expect Obama to call for Congress to enact “fairness doctrine” legislation for TV and radio broadcasts that includes rebuttal time to Christian programming. Remember, this arch liberal doesn’t like churches that evangelize or claim Christ is the only way to escape hell. Don’t count on this “Christian” being our friend when push comes to shove in Democrat-dominated politics.
Not only that, but the U.S. Supreme Court’s tilt hinges on the election’s outcome. Imagine what will befall America to have the White House, Congress and our court system all in the hands of those who walketh in the counsel of the ungodly, standeth in the way of sinners, sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
Plumb line: Godly groups should not have to forfeit their civil rights as a condition to receive federal money – something no Christian would require. Established law affirms the right of faith-based groups to hire people who share core beliefs, but this false prophet promises toradically change that. If elected, Obama will have the clout, and our freedom of speech and freedom of religion will begin to evaporate the day he takes office.
Obama a Christian? Evidence shows he is anything but. Yet believers are being duped despite the fact he denies Christianity’s most central truth and essential doctrines.
I believe God is calling Christians like you to break this grip on voters’ minds while there’s time! Your effort today can awake our nation from this unholy stupor!
We, who see through this subterfuge, must act to expose this false prophet’s watered-down “faith” that’s slyly stripped of core beliefs and diluted into a pluralistic hodgepodge of religiosity with the goal of fooling and then silencing believers. Stand up today and say Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.
Help get the truth to as many as possible. Americas depends on your action!
I’m talking about an incredulous number of people who are blindly backing Sen. Barack Hussein Obama despite obvious evidence he is attempting to deceive Christians in order to grab presidential power that will enable liberals to enact anti-Christian policies.
An abundance of proof is readily evident. It’s easy to see through the sacrilegious charade. Still, voters are strangely blinded to this potentially cataclysmic threat – including a potentially decisive number of Christians, swept up in the euphoria.
Swayed by seductive-yet-hollow speeches, supporters chant his unproven name and unsupported promises like a new-age mantra. And it’s too late, the devil would have us believe; their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with the facts while the freshman senator deceptively woos those who typically oppose ungodly Democratic Party planks.
Obama sounds good, too good: He claims to a devout believer who prays “to Jesus every night.” The presidential aspirant quotes Scripture, goes to church and promises his own version of a “faith-based initiative.”
Orating with religious overtones, he claims to be the answer, the one the world has been waiting for. And a frightening number of believers, disgusted with politics, are being duped.
Break this spell now! While there’s still time, we must spread the truth to voters ...
... Barack Obama is a false prophet!
To prove this, I offer here irrefutable evidence. Consider the facts, and I’m confident you will agree: America’s fate depends on how right-mindedpatriots like you respond.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m not making Sen. Obama out to be the devil incarnate. Nor am I saying he’s a “lukewarm” person, neither hot nor cold, who should be spit out (Revelation 3:15-16).
This potential commander in chief, however, is fighting on the wrong side of the spiritual warfare that will determine what happens to the land we love. As Jesus said in Matthew 12:30: “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”
I must take that a step further with a perilous fact you won’t hear on the evening news: This is the most anti-Christian arch liberal ever to threaten the White House. And this ominous opportunity comes when God-mocking liberals control Congress, the mainstream media and, to a great degree, our court system.
Obama is said to be many things: frighteningly naïve, a dangerous mix of inexperience andpoor judgment, a far left-winger with the most liberal voting record in Congress, a mob-made product of the corrupt Chicago political machine who pretends to be a bipartisan reformer, a messiah for those weary with politics.
To add anti-Christian to that, it’s vitally important to see how he measures up in his claim to be a Christian, because Matthew 7:15-18 warns:
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits,” Jesus said. “Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”
Although Scripture cautions “judge not lest ye be judged,” God expects us to be fruit inspectors. So, let’s examine the evidence.
First, let’s agree that to be a Christian you must believe Jesus is the only Savior of the world, that as the sinless Lamb of God He willingly endured an excruciating death on the cross in sinful mankind’s place to provide the only way to everlasting life. Let’s also agree believersare to use the inerrant Bible as life’s instruction manual and prayerfully follow Scripture.
Now let’s see how Sen. Obama measures up:
SANCTITY OF LIFE –- Obama flat out advocates infanticide, and here’s proof: For three straight years as an Illinois state senator (2001 to 2003), he opposed a bill that mandated medical care for children born alive during abortions.
Let me be clear about what that means: When an infant somehow survives a botched abortion to be fully born and breathing, Obama repeatedly is on record against allowing the child to live.
In 2001 he voted against the bill in committee and voted “present” on the floor. The next year he opposed the bill both in committee and on the floor. Then in 2003, as committee chairman, Obama kept the bill from even going to the floor for a vote. Only one state senator spoke against the bill in 2002 – Barack Obama!
Today he claims he acted out of fear it would reverse Roe v. Wade. That’s not true, because language in the bill negated that concern.
When an almost identical bill came to the floor of the U.S. Senate prior to Obama’s election, the vote was 98 to 0 in favor. That underscores just how extreme Obama is to insist that a woman’s decision, of selfishly ridding herself of an inconvenient child, must be obeyed by snuffing a breathing baby that seemingly escaped its execution.
Time has only hardened his heart, making Obama by far the most rabid advocate of unrestricted abortion in U.S. politics. Further evidence shows this gristly industry has no greater friend and faithful ally, regardless of what he may say on the campaign trail.
Obama proudly boasts what no other true Christian could: “Throughout my career, I’ve been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100-percent pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America.”
The first-term senator not only supports spending your tax dollars for abortion and funding Planned Parenthood, he doesn’t want parents notified when minors seek out-of-state abortions.
Yet he doesn’t think all this should count against him with believers: “Again, I respect people who may disagree,” Obama says, “but I certainly don’t think it makes me less Christian. Okay?”
Many believers aren’t aware that, before he became a celebrity, Obama promised the first thing he would do as President is overturn every pro-life law in all 50 states. How? By championing the so-called Freedom of Choice Act, he said, that would codify Roe V. Wade to make unlimited abortions the law of the land – a move that would negate hundreds of state laws.
To that end, Obama ignores numerous passages in God’s Word that value unborn life: Exodus 21:22-25; Psalm 139:13,14; Job 31:15; Psalm 51:5; Luke 1:41, Exodus 1:15-20, etc. Scripture repeatedly condemns the killing of the innocent, saying it’s a sin to sacrifice a child.
By the way, Obama’s pro-death penchant is further underscored when, during a debate with Sen. Hillary Clinton, he admitted the “biggest mistake” so far in his short Senate stint was his vote in favor of letting the parents of Terri Schiavo take their petition to federal court in search of food and medical services necessary to keep their daughter alive.
And when asked during a televised Q&A session when does life begin, the candidate said the answer “is above my pay grade,” as if Obama won’t know until he gets his presidential paycheck.
Plumb line: How can it be Christian to want a breathing baby, who somehow survived the horror of abortion, to be left to die or be put to death? It can’t! God’s Word is clear, and an authentic Christian cannot rightfully back abortion without limits. Believers need only look toScripture for answers. Only a false prophet would want to help the evil one kill and destroy.
ONE WAY TO HEAVEN – In a campaign pamphlet, Obama says he is born again and describes his conversion. Yet when asked about heaven during an in-depth interview, Obama replied, “I believe there are many paths to the same place.”
Such an all-inclusive belief directly opposes John 14:6, in which Jesus Himself states: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
The junior senator, on record as saying good deeds are his ticket to heaven, amplified his beliefs by saying: “All people of faith – Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone – know the same God.” Even animists? This outrageous unscriptural opinion voids Christ’s sacrifice and makes liars out of Jesus and his disciples – including you and me.
On another occasion Obama admitted he would rather deny the truth of Christ than offend members of other world religions: “I’m not somebody who is always comfortable with language that implies I’ve got a monopoly on the truth.”
In the interview from The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People by Cathleen Falsani, Obama indicts Christianity as bigoted and intolerant for its “call to evangelize and proselytize.”
He then rightly states, as if it’s a bad thing: “There’s a belief in some quarters that if people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they’re going to hell.”
Plumb line: A true Christian cannot deny Jesus’ unique mission of salvation and contradict Acts 4:12: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” So Obama’s heretical denial of Christianity as the one true religion – a mark of a false prophet -- is a telltale indication he isn’t yet blessed with a born-again believer’s assurance of salvation and confidence in Christ.
SCRIPTURE ACCURACY – Obama, who promises to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, seems to purposefully mishandle Bible passages to support his stances. He certainly tosses aside vitally important passages in order to promote homosexual unions.
For instance, this unabashed champion of undeserved privileges for homosexuals has the vain hubris to dismiss as “obscure” the definitive passage of Romans 1:26-27:
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.”
What’s more, the freshman senator condescendingly chides Christians who don’t agree with his interpretations. “Folks haven’t been reading their Bibles,” he said, because according to Obama’s translation of God’s Word, something in the Sermon on the Mount justifies his support for legalizing and honoring sodomy.
He disqualifies Leviticus, which calls homosexuality an abomination, because it also prohibits shellfish and condones slavery. He actually has told believers to stop insisting on what’s right because that is divisive, intolerant and hateful.
Plumb line: Obama disparages Bible-believing Christians for faithfully obeying God’s Word. Like a false prophet, he wants us to ignore key Scripture passages that oppose his agenda, to back down on essential points and go along to get along with other religions. That is not Christian.
GODLY BACKGROUND – As the twig is bent (by a Muslim father, an atheist mother, Universalist grandparents, a racist pastor, a communist mentor, a terrorist bomber friend) so shall the tree grow. The old axiom gives insight, and cause for alarm, in the case of Obama, whose formative influences produced goals and policies not in keeping with Christian values.
“I was raised by my mother,” Barack says, “and my mother was a Christian.” Not true, according to her best friend, who insists Obama’s mother was an avowed atheist.
And Barack is proud to say his grandparents, also credited with raising him, are evangelicals. Only they aren’t. They’re Unitarian Universalists, who don’t embrace essential Christian doctrines.
Obama’s Muslim stepfather had Barack attend an Islamic school where he came to love the evening call to prayer. “One of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset,” Obama remarked in a 2007 interview. He then recited its blasphemous opening lines, complete with an excellent Arabic accent: “Allah is Supreme! ... I witness that there is no god but Allah! ... I witness that Muhammad is his prophet!”
Because a man is known by the company he keeps, consider these telltale influences that shaped Obama’s thinking and character:
> Older half-brother Abongo, a militant Muslim who argues the black man must “liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.”
> Mentor Frank Marshall Davis, a hard-line member of the Communist Party, which seeks to abolish religion.
> Atheist William Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist bomber of Weather Underground infamy who regrets not setting off more deadly blasts.
> Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the racist pastor of Obama’s Chicago church known for its anti-white, anti-Semitic bigotry.
> Louis Farrakhan, leader of the racist Nation of Islam that seeks its own all-black territory inside the United States.
> Fr. Michael Pfleger, a long-time supporter known for his Farrakhan-defending, jihad-apologizing, Jew-bashing messages, who threatens to “snuff” politicians who support gun rights.
For 20 years Obama sat under the often dubious preaching of Rev. Wright, a Black Liberation theologian who Obama calls his “spiritual mentor.” Promoting Marxist socialism under the cloak of religion, Black Liberation wants government to punish the white rich for victimizing the black poor by redistributing wealth. And redistribution underlies Obama’s socialistic intent to finance expensive and expansive government programs by taking from the rich and giving to the poor – “from each, according to his means, to each, according to his needs,” as communists are known to say.
Obama had no choice but to un-invite Rev. Wright to his campaign kickoff and later to drop his church membership after it became widely known that the pastor said: “The government gives (blacks) the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God d--n America!”
A vast majority of church-goers trust their pastors to preach what God wants said. Not Obama: Despite hearing hundreds of Rev. Wright’s sermons, he claims he wasn’t influenced.
However, in light of the pastor’s twisted messages, it’s easy to see why Michelle Obama would say her husband’s candidacy makes her feel proud of America for the first time in her adult life.
So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Obama has a dim view of the average American who rightly relies on the Bible for daily guidance. Obama sees us as “bitter” people who “cling” to our religion, according to his infamous speech to fellow elitists at a San Francisco fund-raiser.
Plumb line: Obama not only didn’t have a Christian upbringing, his formative years were filled with ungodly influences, extending into adult associations. It’s obvious he doesn’t cling to God’s Word, and his church home of the past two decades doesn’t measure up to the Christian standard. To claim otherwise makes him a false prophet striving to fool voters.
ANTI-CHRISTIAN THREAT – Obama wholeheartedly supports laws that promote homosexuals’ anti-family agenda as if he doesn’t realize they criminalize biblical beliefs. He enthusiastically backs “hate crime” legislation, a tactic calculated to silence and punish Christians who voice God’s view of homosexuality.
Obama’s faith-based initiative, the “Joshua Generation Project,” sounds much like a continuation of what President George W. Bush started. But it’s not!
There’s a huge and ominous difference: His politically correct project will attack Christian ministries on key doctrinal points, because to get federal money, Bible-based organizations must show “diversity” and “tolerance” by hiring homosexuals, atheists and members of other world religions.
“You can’t use that grant money to proselytize to the people you help,” Obama says, “and you can’t discriminate against them — or against the people you hire — on the basis of their religion.”
Even more perilous, expect an Obama presidency, in the name of diversity and tolerance, to take tax-exempt status from churches courageous enough to publicly stand for the truth of God’s Word. Arch liberals see it as a win-win situation -- silencing most opposition while taxing vocal churches into ineffectiveness, with the ungodly getting their money instead of God.
You see, homosexuals and their liberal supporters must silence the truth that Christ transforms anyone out of any detrimental lifestyle, because that proven fact means society doesn’t need to change, that all the progress achieved so far toward legalizing sodomy is in vain.
So expect Obama to call for Congress to enact “fairness doctrine” legislation for TV and radio broadcasts that includes rebuttal time to Christian programming. Remember, this arch liberal doesn’t like churches that evangelize or claim Christ is the only way to escape hell. Don’t count on this “Christian” being our friend when push comes to shove in Democrat-dominated politics.
Not only that, but the U.S. Supreme Court’s tilt hinges on the election’s outcome. Imagine what will befall America to have the White House, Congress and our court system all in the hands of those who walketh in the counsel of the ungodly, standeth in the way of sinners, sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
Plumb line: Godly groups should not have to forfeit their civil rights as a condition to receive federal money – something no Christian would require. Established law affirms the right of faith-based groups to hire people who share core beliefs, but this false prophet promises toradically change that. If elected, Obama will have the clout, and our freedom of speech and freedom of religion will begin to evaporate the day he takes office.
Obama a Christian? Evidence shows he is anything but. Yet believers are being duped despite the fact he denies Christianity’s most central truth and essential doctrines.
I believe God is calling Christians like you to break this grip on voters’ minds while there’s time! Your effort today can awake our nation from this unholy stupor!
We, who see through this subterfuge, must act to expose this false prophet’s watered-down “faith” that’s slyly stripped of core beliefs and diluted into a pluralistic hodgepodge of religiosity with the goal of fooling and then silencing believers. Stand up today and say Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.
Help get the truth to as many as possible. Americas depends on your action!
Barack Obama,
Go d,
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