Some ask why I call Barack Hussein Obama "Mr. 0" in this blog. First, it's not O, the uppercase of o. It's 0 as in the number that follows 9 on your keyboard.
Which then raises the question: "Why are you calling him 'Mr. Zero?'"
Several reasons. First of all, I just don't like typing (or hearing or speaking or seeing or thinking, etc.) his name. And I've lived long enough to remember America's arch enemy Nikita Kruschev. You know, that bullet-headed meanie who pounded his shoe at the U.N. and promised America "We will bury you!" I wasn't the only one then who didn't like his name, and America pretty much called the Soviet dictator "Mr. K."
And I'd rather use "Mr. 0" than other longer synonyms, like "treasonous tyrant" or "Marxist dictator" or, well, you get the idea.
But the real reason is this: When America finally realizes Mr. 0 isn't constitutionally qualified to be the President of the United States, everything this treasonous tyrant (oops!) committed in the Oval Office will be reduced to zero! And that thought makes me smile.
I look forward to that day. Somehow, though, even if Mr. 0 doesn't produce an authentic forgery of his missing long-form birth certificate, needed for him to be declared a natural born citizen and have the p in president properly capitalized (note that many break style rules and don't capitalize for this very reason), the Dems and their media lackeys will find it in their heart to overlook this premeditated fraud. After all, they'll say, he didn't know of the U.S. Constitution's qualifications, even though his resume says Mr. 0 is a Constitutional scholar. They'll ask us if everything on OUR resumes is truthful, and we'll look sheepish.
And then, after the race card, they'll play their trump card: "To err is human; to forgive, divine." They'll ask all us bitter Bible-huggers to do what's right and turn the other cheek -- and let Mr. 0 ruin the land we love for another four years.
That'll come with a satisfaction guarantee like that of the trashmen in the cartoon stripe "Hi and Lois." Visible in the grime on their filthy truck are the words Dems live by: "Your satisfaction guaranteed -- or double your trash back!"
And I wonder how many of us right-minded Americans will want to wade through the blood and carnage necessary to successfully oust Mr. 0 as the usurper he in truth is.
Friday, February 25
Thursday, February 24
Brrr and grrr! Global warming caused my flat tire
If it wasn't for the premeditated harm being perpetrated on the U.S., the "sky is falling" crowd would be downright laughable, what with Algore busy blaming global warming for spawning that monstrous snowstorm that recently buried much of America.
Ernest Istook, a former Republican congressman from Oklahoma, poked fun at Al, writing in Politico: “If you lose your job, blame global warming. If your boyfriend bugs out, blame global warming. If your kids set the house on fire, blame global warming. If the cashier gives you the wrong change, blame global warming.”
Then Istook turned serious: “It’s nothing new for Al Gore to claim that global warming (or should we call it global cremation?) is causing cold weather instead of hot. He already admitted that he was wrong to tout ethanol, but did it for political purposes. His latest comments are just as consistent.”
Conservatives in the U.S. House aren't laughing. They decided to do something about it last Thursday, approving an amendment to a government-spending bill that would block funding for the Obama administration’s so-called "czars.” You know, Mr. 0's hand-picked advisers who answer neither to Congress nor the American people, only to the dictator in chief. The amendment specifically targets the “climate czar” by blocking funding for energy and climate change. The move would unfund the czars through the end of the fiscal year.
Said Rep. Steve Scalise, who authored the amendment: "I think this sends a strong signal to the president that we are tired of him running this shadow government, where they have got these czars that are literally circumventing the accountability and scrutiny that goes with Senate confirmation. We are going to save millions of taxpayer dollars, but we are also going to send him a signal that he is going to have to hold his administration accountable to the same transparency that he promised, but has unfortunately failed to deliver," Scalise said.
Not letting his miserable track record with Congress get him down, the plucky Mr. 0 is using his regime's agencies and the Clean Air Act to push through his global warming agenda anyway. In fact, the new year began with new carbon limits, and the Environmental Protection Agency is drawing up regulations that require companies to get permits to release greenhouse gases.
After all, who needs Congress, or the support of the American people for that matter, when you're a tyrannical dictator, right?
By the way, American Enterprise Institute scientist Ken Green recently told Fox Mr. 0's new regulations are "job killers," that "any kind of regulation is a weight on economy." ... "It requires people to comply with the law, which takes work hours and time, which reduces the profitability of firms. Therefore, they grow more slowly, and you create less jobs."
Mr. 0, of course, is pleased: It's a lose-lose situation for capitalism that has communists everywhere applauding him.
The Scalise amendment, which must clear the Dem-controlled Senate, would also prohibit funding for the director of the White House Office of Health Reform; the State Department’s special envoy for climate change; the special adviser for green jobs, enterprise and innovation at the Council on Environmental Quality; the senior adviser to the secretary of the treasury assigned to the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry and senior counselor for manufacturing policy; the White House director of urban affairs; the special envoy to oversee the closure of Guantanamo Bay; the special master for TARP executive compensation at the Department of the Treasury; and the associate general counsel and chief diversity officer at the Federal Communications Commission.
So you might want to thank Rep. Scalise while urging your U.S. Senators to follow suit. Get their contact info through the U.S. Capital Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
Ernest Istook, a former Republican congressman from Oklahoma, poked fun at Al, writing in Politico: “If you lose your job, blame global warming. If your boyfriend bugs out, blame global warming. If your kids set the house on fire, blame global warming. If the cashier gives you the wrong change, blame global warming.”
Then Istook turned serious: “It’s nothing new for Al Gore to claim that global warming (or should we call it global cremation?) is causing cold weather instead of hot. He already admitted that he was wrong to tout ethanol, but did it for political purposes. His latest comments are just as consistent.”
Conservatives in the U.S. House aren't laughing. They decided to do something about it last Thursday, approving an amendment to a government-spending bill that would block funding for the Obama administration’s so-called "czars.” You know, Mr. 0's hand-picked advisers who answer neither to Congress nor the American people, only to the dictator in chief. The amendment specifically targets the “climate czar” by blocking funding for energy and climate change. The move would unfund the czars through the end of the fiscal year.
Said Rep. Steve Scalise, who authored the amendment: "I think this sends a strong signal to the president that we are tired of him running this shadow government, where they have got these czars that are literally circumventing the accountability and scrutiny that goes with Senate confirmation. We are going to save millions of taxpayer dollars, but we are also going to send him a signal that he is going to have to hold his administration accountable to the same transparency that he promised, but has unfortunately failed to deliver," Scalise said.
Not letting his miserable track record with Congress get him down, the plucky Mr. 0 is using his regime's agencies and the Clean Air Act to push through his global warming agenda anyway. In fact, the new year began with new carbon limits, and the Environmental Protection Agency is drawing up regulations that require companies to get permits to release greenhouse gases.
After all, who needs Congress, or the support of the American people for that matter, when you're a tyrannical dictator, right?
By the way, American Enterprise Institute scientist Ken Green recently told Fox Mr. 0's new regulations are "job killers," that "any kind of regulation is a weight on economy." ... "It requires people to comply with the law, which takes work hours and time, which reduces the profitability of firms. Therefore, they grow more slowly, and you create less jobs."
Mr. 0, of course, is pleased: It's a lose-lose situation for capitalism that has communists everywhere applauding him.
The Scalise amendment, which must clear the Dem-controlled Senate, would also prohibit funding for the director of the White House Office of Health Reform; the State Department’s special envoy for climate change; the special adviser for green jobs, enterprise and innovation at the Council on Environmental Quality; the senior adviser to the secretary of the treasury assigned to the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry and senior counselor for manufacturing policy; the White House director of urban affairs; the special envoy to oversee the closure of Guantanamo Bay; the special master for TARP executive compensation at the Department of the Treasury; and the associate general counsel and chief diversity officer at the Federal Communications Commission.
So you might want to thank Rep. Scalise while urging your U.S. Senators to follow suit. Get their contact info through the U.S. Capital Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
Tuesday, February 22
Astonishing number of citizens not buying 0's story
"Politico's" spin on a recent poll brings to mind that old joke about how Soviet mouthpiece "Pravda" reported a two-man footrace: "Russian 2nd, American next to last"?
Straight up, the new poll shows only three in 10 Republicans believe Barack Hussein Obama was born in the United States! That's astounding, considering the media blackout on the issue. But blatantly biased "Politico" reported it this way: "A 51 percent majority of national GOP primary voters erroneously think President Obama was not born in the U.S.; 28 percent know that he was."
Of course, "Politico" had no choice. It would just be too alarming to Dems to honestly report that Public Policy Polling, a left-leaning firm at that, found only 28 percent of Republicans surveyed believe Obama was born in the U.S., while 51 percent do not and another 21 percent say they aren't sure.
You see, the donkeys just knew the "birther" issue would have dried up and blown away by now.
MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews is among those perplexed by the stunning poll that underscores the growing tide of those questioning Mr. 0's eligibility to rightly continue to serve as President. Especially after Mr. 0 spent more than $1.6 million on hiding all of his records from we the people.
But isn't it hard to believe their surprise is real, not feined? After all, one poll after another since Mr. 0 took office have shown Americans are increasingly skeptical over the supposed story of his birth. In fact, a World Net Daily/Wenzel poll last May revealed 55 percent of Americans -- not just Republicans -- wanted him to release all records relating to his childhood and his education, including "college records, Harvard Law School papers, passport records, travel records, and other similar documentation."
If shocked today, Dems should have gone off like sklyrockets over the fact that, when asked last May what should be done if Mr. 0 is found to be constitutionally unqualified to be President, the poll revealed "59 percent said he should be removed from office, and 35 percent said all bills signed into law by Obama should be repealed. Those numbers have only mushroomed since then.
So spin it or ignore it all they want, this latest poll proves Mr. 0's stonewalling by refusing to answer questions or release ordinary background documentation -- let alone his extraordinary legal maneuvering to keep his background hidden -- is daily eroding America's confidence in him being constitutionally qualified to continue to serve as President. Think of it: Every other President's personal records are open to the public. That Mr. 0 refused to honor his oath of office to defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution is a dead giveaway.
The Constitution requires a President to be a "natural-born citizen," which is not the same as a "citizen." And Fritz Wenzel of Wenzel Strategies rightly warns: "Simply put, this question about Obama's legitimacy as president is undermining everything he does in the minds of millions of Americans."
As Dean Debnam, president of the pro-Dem PPP firm put it: "Any thought that the birther theory has been put to rest can be thrown out the window."
Straight up, the new poll shows only three in 10 Republicans believe Barack Hussein Obama was born in the United States! That's astounding, considering the media blackout on the issue. But blatantly biased "Politico" reported it this way: "A 51 percent majority of national GOP primary voters erroneously think President Obama was not born in the U.S.; 28 percent know that he was."
Of course, "Politico" had no choice. It would just be too alarming to Dems to honestly report that Public Policy Polling, a left-leaning firm at that, found only 28 percent of Republicans surveyed believe Obama was born in the U.S., while 51 percent do not and another 21 percent say they aren't sure.
You see, the donkeys just knew the "birther" issue would have dried up and blown away by now.
MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews is among those perplexed by the stunning poll that underscores the growing tide of those questioning Mr. 0's eligibility to rightly continue to serve as President. Especially after Mr. 0 spent more than $1.6 million on hiding all of his records from we the people.
But isn't it hard to believe their surprise is real, not feined? After all, one poll after another since Mr. 0 took office have shown Americans are increasingly skeptical over the supposed story of his birth. In fact, a World Net Daily/Wenzel poll last May revealed 55 percent of Americans -- not just Republicans -- wanted him to release all records relating to his childhood and his education, including "college records, Harvard Law School papers, passport records, travel records, and other similar documentation."
If shocked today, Dems should have gone off like sklyrockets over the fact that, when asked last May what should be done if Mr. 0 is found to be constitutionally unqualified to be President, the poll revealed "59 percent said he should be removed from office, and 35 percent said all bills signed into law by Obama should be repealed. Those numbers have only mushroomed since then.
So spin it or ignore it all they want, this latest poll proves Mr. 0's stonewalling by refusing to answer questions or release ordinary background documentation -- let alone his extraordinary legal maneuvering to keep his background hidden -- is daily eroding America's confidence in him being constitutionally qualified to continue to serve as President. Think of it: Every other President's personal records are open to the public. That Mr. 0 refused to honor his oath of office to defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution is a dead giveaway.
The Constitution requires a President to be a "natural-born citizen," which is not the same as a "citizen." And Fritz Wenzel of Wenzel Strategies rightly warns: "Simply put, this question about Obama's legitimacy as president is undermining everything he does in the minds of millions of Americans."
As Dean Debnam, president of the pro-Dem PPP firm put it: "Any thought that the birther theory has been put to rest can be thrown out the window."
Monday, February 21
"McCarthyism" to fight home-grown killers
Al-Qaida now is actively recruiting home-grown killers within United States borders! That's the extremely ominous warning from Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King, who has set hearings in the U.S. House on the radicalization of American Muslims.
Because of increased security, it's "extremely difficult for them to attack us from outside," Rep. King said. So al-Qaida has switched to recruiting within U.S. borders! "They're taking people who are under the radar screen, who are not on any terrorist surveillance list at all, and they are recruiting them to fight against America," he said.
So how do you suppose they're going about it? Would they approach infidels -- such as Christians or Jews or even atheist liberals -- or seek out Muslims? Would al-Qaida buttonhole people on the street or, say, mosey up in a mosque?
Certainly mosques, where America's Muslims worship and socialize, would be a happy hunting ground.
And the most promising mosque? Why, the one about to be built at Ground Zero in New York City, so that its shadow daily will fall across the site of Islam's triumphant 9/11 strike. Yes, the one that's still scheduled despite the overwhelming objections of the American people. Maybe that's why our protests and petitions are being ignored, huh?
Mr. 0 naturally has been slow to acknowledge the urgency of the terror threat and take a hard line, Rep. King said, noting "it's sort of a schizophrenic administration."
"Schizophrenic." Rep. King said it; not me! Like in some government officials being against terrorism; others, pro?
Rep. King chided Mr. 0 for not being firm enough about the violent protests in Iran. "With Egypt, he was quick to pull the rug on President Hosni Mubarak," he said. "Yet with Iran, when the Iranians were so brutal to the demonstrators, putting down those demonstrations in 2009, the president was virtually silent."
What's more, a new Pentagon-funded study confirms al-Qaida is using the Internet, including Facebook and YouTube, to recruit potential new members right there in their U.S. homes. Poster boy for the home-grown terrorist theory, of course, is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an American-born Muslim who killed 13 in a 2009 shooting spree at Fort Hood.
As you might expect, Islamic leaders quickly expressed deep concern that King's hearings will be a witch hunt reminiscent of those by anti-communist crusader Sen. Joe McCarthy in the 1950s. And The New York Times (who else?) criticized the plan.
By the way, thanks to Sen. McCarthy, a massive communist infiltration of our government and society was exposed, narrowly averting a takeover. Bitter that the coup was foiled, sympathizers long have vilified the senator so that his name has become a dirty word -- "McCarthyism" -- to be invoked any time bad guys need to stop Congress from getting to the bottom of some treasonous plot. Like now. But recently released KGB records show the communist ploy was about to work, fully exonerating Joe. You can Google it up. Like the words rainbow and gay, the name McCarthy deserves to be redeemed, but I digress.
Rep. King's Homeland Security Committee hearings are legitimate because: "We have to find out who is being radicalized, how are they attempting to do it, how are they recruiting within the Muslim community and whether or not Muslim leaders are cooperating with law enforcement, what Muslim leaders are doing to find out who in their midst is being recruited and who is a potential danger to the United States," he said.
And isn't it alarmingly sad that right-minded Americans must overcome traitorous opposition and turncoat media to schedule such fact-finding hearings in order to expose this obvious threat. But what else would you expect from an administration run by an Islamist sympathizer whose middle name is Hussein?
Because of increased security, it's "extremely difficult for them to attack us from outside," Rep. King said. So al-Qaida has switched to recruiting within U.S. borders! "They're taking people who are under the radar screen, who are not on any terrorist surveillance list at all, and they are recruiting them to fight against America," he said.
So how do you suppose they're going about it? Would they approach infidels -- such as Christians or Jews or even atheist liberals -- or seek out Muslims? Would al-Qaida buttonhole people on the street or, say, mosey up in a mosque?
Certainly mosques, where America's Muslims worship and socialize, would be a happy hunting ground.
And the most promising mosque? Why, the one about to be built at Ground Zero in New York City, so that its shadow daily will fall across the site of Islam's triumphant 9/11 strike. Yes, the one that's still scheduled despite the overwhelming objections of the American people. Maybe that's why our protests and petitions are being ignored, huh?
Mr. 0 naturally has been slow to acknowledge the urgency of the terror threat and take a hard line, Rep. King said, noting "it's sort of a schizophrenic administration."
"Schizophrenic." Rep. King said it; not me! Like in some government officials being against terrorism; others, pro?
Rep. King chided Mr. 0 for not being firm enough about the violent protests in Iran. "With Egypt, he was quick to pull the rug on President Hosni Mubarak," he said. "Yet with Iran, when the Iranians were so brutal to the demonstrators, putting down those demonstrations in 2009, the president was virtually silent."
What's more, a new Pentagon-funded study confirms al-Qaida is using the Internet, including Facebook and YouTube, to recruit potential new members right there in their U.S. homes. Poster boy for the home-grown terrorist theory, of course, is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an American-born Muslim who killed 13 in a 2009 shooting spree at Fort Hood.
As you might expect, Islamic leaders quickly expressed deep concern that King's hearings will be a witch hunt reminiscent of those by anti-communist crusader Sen. Joe McCarthy in the 1950s. And The New York Times (who else?) criticized the plan.
By the way, thanks to Sen. McCarthy, a massive communist infiltration of our government and society was exposed, narrowly averting a takeover. Bitter that the coup was foiled, sympathizers long have vilified the senator so that his name has become a dirty word -- "McCarthyism" -- to be invoked any time bad guys need to stop Congress from getting to the bottom of some treasonous plot. Like now. But recently released KGB records show the communist ploy was about to work, fully exonerating Joe. You can Google it up. Like the words rainbow and gay, the name McCarthy deserves to be redeemed, but I digress.
Rep. King's Homeland Security Committee hearings are legitimate because: "We have to find out who is being radicalized, how are they attempting to do it, how are they recruiting within the Muslim community and whether or not Muslim leaders are cooperating with law enforcement, what Muslim leaders are doing to find out who in their midst is being recruited and who is a potential danger to the United States," he said.
And isn't it alarmingly sad that right-minded Americans must overcome traitorous opposition and turncoat media to schedule such fact-finding hearings in order to expose this obvious threat. But what else would you expect from an administration run by an Islamist sympathizer whose middle name is Hussein?
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