"Politico's" spin on a recent poll brings to mind that old joke about how Soviet mouthpiece "Pravda" reported a two-man footrace: "Russian 2nd, American next to last"?
Straight up, the new poll shows only three in 10 Republicans believe Barack Hussein Obama was born in the United States! That's astounding, considering the media blackout on the issue. But blatantly biased "Politico" reported it this way: "A 51 percent majority of national GOP primary voters erroneously think President Obama was not born in the U.S.; 28 percent know that he was."
Of course, "Politico" had no choice. It would just be too alarming to Dems to honestly report that Public Policy Polling, a left-leaning firm at that, found only 28 percent of Republicans surveyed believe Obama was born in the U.S., while 51 percent do not and another 21 percent say they aren't sure.
You see, the donkeys just knew the "birther" issue would have dried up and blown away by now.
MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews is among those perplexed by the stunning poll that underscores the growing tide of those questioning Mr. 0's eligibility to rightly continue to serve as President. Especially after Mr. 0 spent more than $1.6 million on hiding all of his records from we the people.
But isn't it hard to believe their surprise is real, not feined? After all, one poll after another since Mr. 0 took office have shown Americans are increasingly skeptical over the supposed story of his birth. In fact, a World Net Daily/Wenzel poll last May revealed 55 percent of Americans -- not just Republicans -- wanted him to release all records relating to his childhood and his education, including "college records, Harvard Law School papers, passport records, travel records, and other similar documentation."
If shocked today, Dems should have gone off like sklyrockets over the fact that, when asked last May what should be done if Mr. 0 is found to be constitutionally unqualified to be President, the poll revealed "59 percent said he should be removed from office, and 35 percent said all bills signed into law by Obama should be repealed. Those numbers have only mushroomed since then.
So spin it or ignore it all they want, this latest poll proves Mr. 0's stonewalling by refusing to answer questions or release ordinary background documentation -- let alone his extraordinary legal maneuvering to keep his background hidden -- is daily eroding America's confidence in him being constitutionally qualified to continue to serve as President. Think of it: Every other President's personal records are open to the public. That Mr. 0 refused to honor his oath of office to defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution is a dead giveaway.
The Constitution requires a President to be a "natural-born citizen," which is not the same as a "citizen." And Fritz Wenzel of Wenzel Strategies rightly warns: "Simply put, this question about Obama's legitimacy as president is undermining everything he does in the minds of millions of Americans."
As Dean Debnam, president of the pro-Dem PPP firm put it: "Any thought that the birther theory has been put to rest can be thrown out the window."
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