When ObamaCare first called for end-of-life counseling -- a deceptive leap toward late-life rationing and "death panels" -- the outcry was so fervent that Congress dropped it from the law.
Nevertheless, end-of-life counseling is back in effect! Not by legislation, but because Mr. 0 says so!
That's right: Thumbing his nose at the overwhelming outpouring of opposition by the American people that gave rise to the Tea Party movement, the undocumented resident in the White House quietly ordered Medicare to issue a regulation for end-of-life counseling during participants' annual "wellness" meetings. What's more, Obama calculatingly hid his outrageous move amid the simultaneous release of hundreds of new Medicare rules, obviously hoping nobody would notice.
But he didn't sneak it past this blog! The RightSite.US knows Mr. 0 all too well to fall for his subterfuge!
Conservative congressmen say they are intent on repealing ObamaCare, but it won't matter what happens in the U.S. Senate. The autocrat in the Oval Office, you see, is busy circumventing Congress, as well as "we the people," with the abuse of executive privilege!
And ObamaCare death panels are only the beginning! Brace yourself for an onslaught of underhanded chicanery from the Obama regime, because whatever our tyrannical ruler cannot pass through Congress, his presidential pen and his federal henchmen will high-handedly accomplish!
Too many Americans have been fooled into thinking Mr. 0 will emulate Bill Clinton and move from the left to the center politically after his overwhelming rejection at the polls last November. He won't!
It's encouraging to see conservatives in control of the U.S. House, and that makes it easy to buy into Mr. 0's stated contention that "hand-to-hand combat" looms between conservatives and leftists in Congress.
However, these congressional skirmishes are merely distractions from the real battles that will determine the outcome of Obama's stealthy war against our constitutional republic.
You see, Mr. 0 has a sly plan already at work to negate the efforts of congressional conservatives. Rather than venture his un-American programs before an increasingly uncooperative Congress, this tyrant is quietly forcing his will on you and your family through executive actions and regime policy decisions, as if ruling by the divine right of kings.
Think of it: A leader with such an unethical lack of scruples doesn't need Congress to approve his ultra-liberal agenda. Like Caesar of old, Mr. 0 is imposing his will on America by decree.
Where, you ask, does he derive such dictatorial powers? Simple: Barack Hussein Obama exercises them "by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution of the United States of America"...
... Except that the U.S. Constitution provides no such powers!
Article II of the Constitution delegates to the President only the powers to act as commander-in-chief of the military, to make treaties -- which must be approved by the Senate -- to grant pardons, appoint ambassadors, nominate Supreme Court Justices and, of course, give the State of the Union Address.
That's it. Anything else, by definition, isn't constitutional!
Unfortunately, too many Americans, including members of Congress, don't realize this truth. And unless someone points it out to the voting public, the authoritarian in the White House is going to get away with his unconstitutional subterfuge.
Isn't that someone YOU?
Friday, February 18
Thursday, February 17
Don't get fooled again by Mr. 0's subterfuge!
Before Mr. 0 hoodwinked the electorate, he either "fooled" election officials by claiming to be a natural-born citizen or bribed them to just accept his word! As a result, instead of the verification of a constitutionally qualified President calling the shots as Commander in Chief, we have an undocumented resident in our White House.
Fool me once, the old adage goes, shame on you. Fool me twice, however, shame on me -- because it's imperative we learn from our mistakes and not allow history to repeat itself!
Too bad, many say, that it's too late to do anything about Mr. 0. Except that it's not too late, especially if he wants a second term. You see, for the privilege to seek four more years to destroy America with his Marxist agenda, he should finally have to prove he indeed is eligible according to the Constitution's qualifications. And that's the intent of legislation put forth in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressman Bill Posey.
This bill absolutely must pass, so please support Rep. Posey's vital effort that merely demands the Constitution's eligibility clause be enforced! Because if Mr. 0 fails to produce his long-form birth certificate, its absence will call into question the legitimacy of every piece of legislation and executive order he signed since initially taking office as "President."
Think of it: although Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution demands a candidate for President be a "natural-born citizen," nobody -- not Congress, not the states, not election officials -- bothered to check Mr. Obama's eligibility ...
... Except for Tim Adams. After serving as a Senior Elections Clerk in Honolulu, Adams knows for a fact there is no record of Barack Hussein Obama being born at any hospital in Hawaii. Adams is so insistent that he recently signed a sworn affidavit stating Obama's long-form birth certificate does not exist!
In fact, even now Hawaii's Democrat Governor, Neil Abercrombie, confesses he cannot locate a long-term birth certificate and thus prove Obama is a natural-born citizen!
A telltale analysis by the Congressional Research Service, an arm of Congress, proves the necessity of Rep. Posey's bill. The analysis openly admits no one in the federal government ever asked to see Obama's long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate. Why, you might ask? Because, according to the service, no one was required to do so.
Stop the buck passing! End the blame game! Call, write and email your Senators and Member of Congress, using the contact information available through the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Alert family and friends, too. Tell them not to be fooled again!
Fool me once, the old adage goes, shame on you. Fool me twice, however, shame on me -- because it's imperative we learn from our mistakes and not allow history to repeat itself!
Too bad, many say, that it's too late to do anything about Mr. 0. Except that it's not too late, especially if he wants a second term. You see, for the privilege to seek four more years to destroy America with his Marxist agenda, he should finally have to prove he indeed is eligible according to the Constitution's qualifications. And that's the intent of legislation put forth in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressman Bill Posey.
This bill absolutely must pass, so please support Rep. Posey's vital effort that merely demands the Constitution's eligibility clause be enforced! Because if Mr. 0 fails to produce his long-form birth certificate, its absence will call into question the legitimacy of every piece of legislation and executive order he signed since initially taking office as "President."
Think of it: although Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution demands a candidate for President be a "natural-born citizen," nobody -- not Congress, not the states, not election officials -- bothered to check Mr. Obama's eligibility ...
... Except for Tim Adams. After serving as a Senior Elections Clerk in Honolulu, Adams knows for a fact there is no record of Barack Hussein Obama being born at any hospital in Hawaii. Adams is so insistent that he recently signed a sworn affidavit stating Obama's long-form birth certificate does not exist!
In fact, even now Hawaii's Democrat Governor, Neil Abercrombie, confesses he cannot locate a long-term birth certificate and thus prove Obama is a natural-born citizen!
A telltale analysis by the Congressional Research Service, an arm of Congress, proves the necessity of Rep. Posey's bill. The analysis openly admits no one in the federal government ever asked to see Obama's long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate. Why, you might ask? Because, according to the service, no one was required to do so.
Stop the buck passing! End the blame game! Call, write and email your Senators and Member of Congress, using the contact information available through the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Alert family and friends, too. Tell them not to be fooled again!
Wednesday, February 16
Fitting definition of "nanny state" ...
Happy with the state of things in America? Thomas Jefferson pegged it from the start: "I predict future happiness for Americans," the founding father said, "if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
That "if" is a mighty big word, friends. Boldface and underline it!
I, for one, am unhappy because in recent years we the people haven't been very successful in preventing our government from "taking care" of us. Remember what Ronald Reagan said: "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Well, those now in control of our government want to help us out, whether we need it or not, by taking care of us in every way they can concoct -- and too many Americans gladly are letting them do just that.
Something must be done, hypocritical power-hungry liberals say, urging kneejerk action before proper analysis. And their answer? It's always the same: More and more government, dolling out or otherwise wasting more and more of your tax dollars.
Our once-great nation thus is rapidly becoming a "nanny state." And Rep. Michele Bachmann pointed out a fitting definition Tuesday.
The tea-party backed conservative, who nursed all five of her children, took issue with First Lady Michelle Obama for wanting the government to buy breast pumps so mothers can breastfeed their children and help avoid childhood obesity. "You want to talk about the nanny state," Rep. Bachmann said on The Laura Ingraham Show, "I think you just got a new definition."
Yes, Mr. Jefferson was right about the pursuit of happiness, not to mention life and liberty. I think he also was on target when he said: "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
That "if" is a mighty big word, friends. Boldface and underline it!
I, for one, am unhappy because in recent years we the people haven't been very successful in preventing our government from "taking care" of us. Remember what Ronald Reagan said: "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Well, those now in control of our government want to help us out, whether we need it or not, by taking care of us in every way they can concoct -- and too many Americans gladly are letting them do just that.
Something must be done, hypocritical power-hungry liberals say, urging kneejerk action before proper analysis. And their answer? It's always the same: More and more government, dolling out or otherwise wasting more and more of your tax dollars.
Our once-great nation thus is rapidly becoming a "nanny state." And Rep. Michele Bachmann pointed out a fitting definition Tuesday.
The tea-party backed conservative, who nursed all five of her children, took issue with First Lady Michelle Obama for wanting the government to buy breast pumps so mothers can breastfeed their children and help avoid childhood obesity. "You want to talk about the nanny state," Rep. Bachmann said on The Laura Ingraham Show, "I think you just got a new definition."
Yes, Mr. Jefferson was right about the pursuit of happiness, not to mention life and liberty. I think he also was on target when he said: "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
Tuesday, February 15
100% chance U.S. will suffer WMD attack!
Thought for today as Mr. 0 continues to coddle terrorists in the politically correct name of freedom of religion: According to an FBI expert, the probability is 100 percent that the United States will be attacked with a "weapon of mass destruction" -- either chemical, biological or radioactive -- by a proponent of the "religion of peace." This comes on the heels of Monday's warning of an electromagnetic pulse attack, raised by none other than former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who insists: "We ought to be willing to say there are radical Islamists who are out to damage the nation state, to kill innocent human beings, and we ought not to allow them to do it."
Some say Mr. 0's middle name is a tipoff that he is an Islamist at heart. To me, what's in a name isn't nearly as important as telltale actions -- like ordering Voice of America to attack Iran's freedom fighters while treasonously backing Tehran's terroristic regime against ally Israel. Or selling out the United States by throwing President Hosni Mubarak under the bus to hand Egypt to the oldest and most evil terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Or just by cancelling the White House National Day of Prayer and supporting the Islamic celebration of Ramadan, then endorsing the Ground Zero Mosque, the proposed New Yotk City structure that -- in the eyes of the world -- will commemorate Islam's stunning 9-11 triumph over America's might. Or for that matter Mr. 0's "apology tour" at the outset of his regime during which the undocumented resident of the White House bowed the Presidency in submission to Islam ...
... Which by the way is NOT a religion. Mr. 0 knows perfectly well that Islam is a legal, political, economic and military system of government that masquerades as a "religion" in order to first get a foothold. You see, Islamists use the cloak of religion to hide these fascist components from view while demanding and, when strong enough, agitating for Muslims' "religious rights." Trouble is, history shows when politically correct and culturally diverse societies give in to seemingly reasonable Muslim demands to have their religious rights honored, the door to all of the rest unwittingly is thrown wide open.
So make no mistake: Islam is a global political movement bent on world domination. Its goal in America is to abuse our freedom of religion to islamitize the United States -- the last major speed bump keeping Muslims from subjugating all people under sharia law. And with Mr. 0 unconstitutionally in the Oval Office, Muslims around the world enthusiastically are saying: "Yes, we can!"
Some say Mr. 0's middle name is a tipoff that he is an Islamist at heart. To me, what's in a name isn't nearly as important as telltale actions -- like ordering Voice of America to attack Iran's freedom fighters while treasonously backing Tehran's terroristic regime against ally Israel. Or selling out the United States by throwing President Hosni Mubarak under the bus to hand Egypt to the oldest and most evil terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Or just by cancelling the White House National Day of Prayer and supporting the Islamic celebration of Ramadan, then endorsing the Ground Zero Mosque, the proposed New Yotk City structure that -- in the eyes of the world -- will commemorate Islam's stunning 9-11 triumph over America's might. Or for that matter Mr. 0's "apology tour" at the outset of his regime during which the undocumented resident of the White House bowed the Presidency in submission to Islam ...
... Which by the way is NOT a religion. Mr. 0 knows perfectly well that Islam is a legal, political, economic and military system of government that masquerades as a "religion" in order to first get a foothold. You see, Islamists use the cloak of religion to hide these fascist components from view while demanding and, when strong enough, agitating for Muslims' "religious rights." Trouble is, history shows when politically correct and culturally diverse societies give in to seemingly reasonable Muslim demands to have their religious rights honored, the door to all of the rest unwittingly is thrown wide open.
So make no mistake: Islam is a global political movement bent on world domination. Its goal in America is to abuse our freedom of religion to islamitize the United States -- the last major speed bump keeping Muslims from subjugating all people under sharia law. And with Mr. 0 unconstitutionally in the Oval Office, Muslims around the world enthusiastically are saying: "Yes, we can!"
Back in action ...
Having survived medical crises, I'm dusting off this blog! God apparently isn't through with me, so I'm going to do my best to pass along what my job unearths. Perhaps my smartphone will help me keep it current.
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