Blunders, broken promises, flip flops, gaffes and outright lies are coming in such a blinding flurry from the Obama Administration that you need a scorecard to keep track.
Thank goodness provides us with one at
Scan the ever-lengthening list and ask yourself: How many of these were handled in any depth by mainstream media? You'd think at least some issues would be covered just so the smarter-than-you talking heads can ridicule those who dare question their man.
As impossible as it sounds, mainstream media gets more ridiculous each passing day. For instance, although Sen. Arlen Specter, long a RINO (Republican in name only), switched party allegiance Tuesday in an obvious move to get re-elected in PA, nightly news shows predictably reported he "had been driven out by the right-wing of the Republican Party, "by the GOP's "increasingly conservative tilt" and by "the fringe of the party." Talking heads openly celebrated, saying "the party has shifted very far to the right" and that "he's leaving the Republican party because the Republican party left him."
From their leftist slant, mainstream media sees conservaties as too far out, but Dems are smack dab in the center. Riiiiight!
Sean Hannity is absolutely correct when he said 2008 is the year journalism died. Something must be done to counter the leftist lean of mainstream media that confused voters into sending the United States headlong into socialism. And the first step is to alert the American public to this danger. If the morning rag or evening news won't tell the truth, we will.
It's past time to take mainstream media to task for its blatant bias against conservative thought and Christian beliefs! Join "Get It Right!" -- a new Facebook group at
Together, let's GET IT RIGHT!