So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Friday, October 31

Barack's ignorance, naivitae laughable ...

Sick and tired of seeing Hollywood liberals worshipping at the altar of Obama, a major producer decided to take a bold stand. He thought: If Obama's ignorance and naivitae weren't so potentially cataclysmic, it would be laughable.

So he produced a 30-second spot that mocks the absurdity of Barack's willingness to meet with the world's most vile and dangerous dictators and despots without preconditions. The producer wants the American people to realize that, when it comes to foreign affairs and national security, Obama is a joke.

If, after watching the video below, you agree that American voters need to see this spot on their TVs before Nov. 4, go to and make a tax-deductible contribution to make it happen.

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