So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Friday, October 31

Don't be intimidated, trust Liberty Council ...

In a clear case of voter intimidation, Americans United for Separation of Church and State again strives to scare churches and trick pastors into being silent on moral issues until AFTER the election.

This misguided organization even wants churches to stop providing voter guides, although there is nothing in IRS regulations that forbids churches from distributing nonpartisan voter guides. Its coersive letter, which has flooded church offices across America, is calculated to intimidate churchgoers into staying home on election day.

Well, Liberty Counsel is fighting back, calling on pastors to stand up to this radical organization. If your church has received the letter, fax its leader, Barry Lynn, at (202) 466-2587 and tell him to stop harassing pastors!

Liberty Council, a mighty legal force undefeated over the years against the ACLU, knows the law and what Christians can or can't legally do. Believe LC when it says there are a wide variety of lawful activities that churches can undertake to activate voters and encourage them to vote their values, including supporting marriage and pro-life amendments, distributing voter guides and preaching on moral issues.

LC has voter guides suitable for distribution in churches available at Liberty's Voter Guide page offers information on the candidates, audio and video files about voting according to Christian values, and guidelines for political activity for churches.

The Voter Guide page also has a link to a speech by former Congressman Bob McEwen, who spoke at Liberty University on Monday. McEwen explained very clearly why the upcoming election is so important and why Christians need to vote.


Anonymous said...

I'd have to say that Lynn is correct about this. This issue has gone to the courts and the prohibition against endorsing candidates has been upheld. I also saw that he has asked the IRS to investigate a campaign speech by Mrs. Obama at a church convention the other day. He turns out to be evenhanded after all.

Rev. Rusty Weller said...

Let me say again: only LC is undefeated against the vaunted ACLU. That's saying something. And what's nice about this righteous effort is the fact LC has a habit of backing up its advice with legal action when needed. Follow them with confidence, and they'll back you should push come to shove. You've got to like that.