==> Supposedly to "add politics" to their halloween display, homosexual partners Chad Morrisette and Mito Aviles hung a Sarah Palin dummy with a noose from the front of their house. Their decorations also included John McCain in flames on the roof.
It's easy to see why the misguided pair would gleefully picture such violent and destructive scenes, even knowing how offensive it would be to so many people: Barack Hussein Obama has promised sodomite voters he will enact numerous pro-homosexual policies upon occupying the White House.
So the pair braved backlash from resulting traffic jams in their West Hollywood neighborhood and from concerned neighbors, worried the display would reflect badly on the mostly homosexual community.
Certainly the irony of McCain-Palin supporters not being able to hang Obama in effigy must have made it all the sweeter. But even if Barack wasn't black, hanging and burning to express a political viewpoint is something you'd expect in the Arab street, not here in America.
==> Since capitalism "obviously" has failed, as liberals now claim, why DON'T we try socialism? Let's just take a sip and see how it tastes, huh?
Except it doesn't work that way.
You can't be half-socialist any more than you can be half-pregnant, correctly states pundit Michael Reagan. Get knocked up with socialism, and you'll have to deliver a full-born Marxist. There is nothing in between.
So when someone says to you, "Try it, you'll like it," just tell them honest capitalism is the answer to our greed-generated (and Democrat-dominated) economic crisis. And if they insist, ask them for just one example where socialism has outperformed America's tried-and-true economic gem.
==> To hear Obama tell it, Bill Ayers and Tony Rezco, to name only two, are just coincidental associations.
Yet consider his own well-chosen words about his Occidental College days in Los Angeles from his book, Dreams of My Father: "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully, The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."
Nothing, you see, is coincidental with Barack.

==> BONUS TIDBIT: Did you know Obama's proposed health-care plan covers abortion, which means your tax dollars will go to fund the snuffing of preborn babies. The freshman senstor, on the other hand, publicly opposes crisis pregnancy centers and abstinence education programs. And are you aware that Barack has promised to restore funding to the UNFPA, a United Nations group intent on forced abortions? Check it out at www.LifeNews.com.
==> And something to think about this Sunday ...
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