So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Friday, October 31

Bad decisions: hanging, tasting, choosing ...

Thoughts while clearing my email in-box:
==> Supposedly to "add politics" to their halloween display, homosexual partners Chad Morrisette and Mito Aviles hung a Sarah Palin dummy with a noose from the front of their house. Their decorations also included John McCain in flames on the roof.

It's easy to see why the misguided pair would gleefully picture such violent and destructive scenes, even knowing how offensive it would be to so many people: Barack Hussein Obama has promised sodomite voters he will enact numerous pro-homosexual policies upon occupying the White House.

So the pair braved backlash from resulting traffic jams in their West Hollywood neighborhood and from concerned neighbors, worried the display would reflect badly on the mostly homosexual community.

Certainly the irony of McCain-Palin supporters not being able to hang Obama in effigy must have made it all the sweeter. But even if Barack wasn't black, hanging and burning to express a political viewpoint is something you'd expect in the Arab street, not here in America.

==> Since capitalism "obviously" has failed, as liberals now claim, why DON'T we try socialism? Let's just take a sip and see how it tastes, huh?

Except it doesn't work that way.

You can't be half-socialist any more than you can be half-pregnant, correctly states pundit Michael Reagan. Get knocked up with socialism, and you'll have to deliver a full-born Marxist. There is nothing in between.

So when someone says to you, "Try it, you'll like it," just tell them honest capitalism is the answer to our greed-generated (and Democrat-dominated) economic crisis. And if they insist, ask them for just one example where socialism has outperformed America's tried-and-true economic gem.

==> To hear Obama tell it, Bill Ayers and Tony Rezco, to name only two, are just coincidental associations.

Yet consider his own well-chosen words about his Occidental College days in Los Angeles from his book, Dreams of My Father: "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully, The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

Nothing, you see, is coincidental with Barack.

==> BONUS TIDBIT: Did you know Obama's proposed health-care plan covers abortion, which means your tax dollars will go to fund the snuffing of preborn babies. The freshman senstor, on the other hand, publicly opposes crisis pregnancy centers and abstinence education programs. And are you aware that Barack has promised to restore funding to the UNFPA, a United Nations group intent on forced abortions? Check it out at

==> And something to think about this Sunday ...

Barack's ignorance, naivitae laughable ...

Sick and tired of seeing Hollywood liberals worshipping at the altar of Obama, a major producer decided to take a bold stand. He thought: If Obama's ignorance and naivitae weren't so potentially cataclysmic, it would be laughable.

So he produced a 30-second spot that mocks the absurdity of Barack's willingness to meet with the world's most vile and dangerous dictators and despots without preconditions. The producer wants the American people to realize that, when it comes to foreign affairs and national security, Obama is a joke.

If, after watching the video below, you agree that American voters need to see this spot on their TVs before Nov. 4, go to and make a tax-deductible contribution to make it happen.

Obama boots maverick papers' reporters ...

Barack Obama "owns" the media to such an extent he arrogantly punishes any dissention in the adoring ranks. That's why reporters from three major newspapers that endorsed John McCain were booted from his campaign plane for the final leg of the presidential race.

The Washington Times said it was notified of the campaign's decision Thursday evening -- even though the paper has covered Obama from the start.

The New York Post and Dallas Morning News also have been kicked off Obama's plane, according to The Drudge Report, which said the three reporters were told to find alternative transportation by Sunday so the plane could accommodate "network bigwigs" and reporters from two black magazines, Essence and Jet.

"I can only hope that the candidate who describes himself as wanting to unite the nation doesn't have some sort of litmus test for who he decides gets to cover the campaign," Washington Times Executive Editor John Solomon said, noting the Obama campaign's decision came just two days after the paper endorsed McCain.

Don't be intimidated, trust Liberty Council ...

In a clear case of voter intimidation, Americans United for Separation of Church and State again strives to scare churches and trick pastors into being silent on moral issues until AFTER the election.

This misguided organization even wants churches to stop providing voter guides, although there is nothing in IRS regulations that forbids churches from distributing nonpartisan voter guides. Its coersive letter, which has flooded church offices across America, is calculated to intimidate churchgoers into staying home on election day.

Well, Liberty Counsel is fighting back, calling on pastors to stand up to this radical organization. If your church has received the letter, fax its leader, Barry Lynn, at (202) 466-2587 and tell him to stop harassing pastors!

Liberty Council, a mighty legal force undefeated over the years against the ACLU, knows the law and what Christians can or can't legally do. Believe LC when it says there are a wide variety of lawful activities that churches can undertake to activate voters and encourage them to vote their values, including supporting marriage and pro-life amendments, distributing voter guides and preaching on moral issues.

LC has voter guides suitable for distribution in churches available at Liberty's Voter Guide page offers information on the candidates, audio and video files about voting according to Christian values, and guidelines for political activity for churches.

The Voter Guide page also has a link to a speech by former Congressman Bob McEwen, who spoke at Liberty University on Monday. McEwen explained very clearly why the upcoming election is so important and why Christians need to vote.

Thursday, October 30

Rotting corpse proves journalism long dead ...

Conservative radio's Sean Hannity says this is the year journalism died. With all due respect, wrong! It's been dead for years, really ever since the Iraq War began. It's just that the rotting corpse is now stinking so badly that people can't help but notice.

Consider the fact that mainstream media has a even lower approval rating than Congress, which slides in below that of President George W. Bush. Who can deny the media has reached an all-time low in its mindless all-out support of Barack Obama. Consider this video evidence:

Firefly blinks away mighty evolution ...

I recently was hospitalized for two weeks, in no coincidence immediately after starting this blog. (It's a fact: when you stand up for God in spiritual warfare, you draw enemy fire. It hits and hurts. But obey God's will anyway.)

During that span, the Shenandoah Valley suffered an early killer frost. So instead of returning to my jungled deck upon which to recuperate, I came home to a withered disappointment. Many of my favorite plants were in pots, so I could take them inside to escape the cold weather -- even tomatoes.

But not all plants died, though. Two survived -- not because they were protected, just because they had frost-resistant cell structure.

God made them that way.

And once again I saw this otherwise disappointment as an affirmation of creationism over evolution. I mean, think of it: why would some plants "choose" to withstand frost and not others?

Yet that's what evolution claims animals do in adapting to their living conditions.

That's why I love to see the firefly, or lightning bug of my youth, appear on early summer evenings from my deck. Now here's an advanced insect that decided to advertise its presence with neon-like signs glowing in the night. In doing so, it accomplished something no other bug has been able to do over the eons of time. Surely other insects must be envious, yet despite their best efforts none have evolved sufficiently.

So each summer twilight, when fireflies begin to blink, I thank God for letting such a delightful creation knock learned evolution into an embarrassing cocked hat.

Remember, Biden gave us fair warning ...

Of course America’s enemies will generate a crisis to test the mettle of our new President, regardless of who wins the Oval Office. Count on it -- they usually do. And while the world learns our leader’s character, it goes without saying that Americans will stand by our Commander in Chief through such a perilous time.

So it’s not surprising that Sen. Joe Biden, Barack Obama’s VP running mate, would issue such a warning. What chilled my heart is the fact Joe then cautioned that Obama’s actions will appear to be wrong.

Just what does the “anointed one” plan to do that Americans would see as wrong? It must seem so wrong that Obama lacks confidence in his slick oratory to convince us with the needed solutuion, so wrong that we must trust him blindly.

And remember: Biden issued his warning surrounded by supporters who worship Obama. To that anti-war crowd, it'd be something like a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear capabilities. I seriously doubt that, yet the question of "why" remains.

Is B. Hussein's mind already made up not to respond militarily to a terrorist strike against us? Will he refuse to help Israel when attacked by Iran? Does he intend to subjugate the U.S. under U.N. rule?

One thing's sure: Biden definitely had something on his mind, a specific planned response by Obama that many Americans will openly question, even oppose. I know he's called "Gaff-a-Day Joe" for good reason, but --again-- why would Biden close his warning with a call to back Barack's solution against better judgement?

Naturally Obama and Biden have sorted through potential threats. They’ve lined it out: If this happens, we do that; but if that happens, we do this. And there’s one thing Obama plans to do that’s going to upset the public.

My guess? Obama will invoke special presidential powers that declare him a dictator during the crisis. In the name of expediency he will set aside the U.S. Constitution to demand legislation from Democrat-dominated Congress in order to answer the challenge -- subterfuge neatly designed to quickly change us from a constitutional republic for our own good. Trust him -- he knows better than we, the people, do.

Far fetched, you say? Perhaps. Then again I never thought I’d hear a poll-leading presidential candidate talk about the Marxist redistribution of wealth and re-stocking the U.S. Supreme Court to do away with the Constitution. (See videos below)

M-A-R-X-I-S-T -- just connect the dots

Because of all the information that flashes across my monitor in doing my job, it's easy to understand who and what Barack Obama is -- a Marxist long intent on destroying our God-blessed constitutional republic. Just connect the dots. If you don't yet spot the dots, then here are a few. Hear for yourself ...

Don't miss Obama's anti-capitalism socialist rant ...

Obama even admits he's at least a socialist ...

Michelle tips off Barack's socialist agenda ...

And of course Joe the Plumber knows the truth ...

Wednesday, October 29

Obama seeks to fool, then silence Christians

A demonic spell mesmerizes America. With our nation already lured far down the slippery slope, Satan is hatching a plan to push us the rest of the way – and it is working!

I’m talking about an incredulous number of people who are blindly backing Sen. Barack Hussein Obama despite obvious evidence he is attempting to deceive Christians in order to grab presidential power that will enable liberals to enact anti-Christian policies.

An abundance of proof is readily evident. It’s easy to see through the sacrilegious charade. Still, voters are strangely blinded to this potentially cataclysmic threat – including a potentially decisive number of Christians, swept up in the euphoria.

Swayed by seductive-yet-hollow speeches, supporters chant his unproven name and unsupported promises like a new-age mantra. And it’s too late, the devil would have us believe; their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with the facts while the freshman senator deceptively woos those who typically oppose ungodly Democratic Party planks.

Obama sounds good, too good: He claims to a devout believer who prays “to Jesus every night.” The presidential aspirant quotes Scripture, goes to church and promises his own version of a “faith-based initiative.”

Orating with religious overtones, he claims to be the answer, the one the world has been waiting for. And a frightening number of believers, disgusted with politics, are being duped.

Break this spell now! While there’s still time, we must spread the truth to voters ...

... Barack Obama is a false prophet!

To prove this, I offer here irrefutable evidence. Consider the facts, and I’m confident you will agree: America’s fate depends on how right-mindedpatriots like you respond.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not making Sen. Obama out to be the devil incarnate. Nor am I saying he’s a “lukewarm” person, neither hot nor cold, who should be spit out (Revelation 3:15-16).

This potential commander in chief, however, is fighting on the wrong side of the spiritual warfare that will determine what happens to the land we love. As Jesus said in Matthew 12:30: “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”

I must take that a step further with a perilous fact you won’t hear on the evening news: This is the most anti-Christian arch liberal ever to threaten the White House. And this ominous opportunity comes when God-mocking liberals control Congress, the mainstream media and, to a great degree, our court system.

Obama is said to be many things: frighteningly naïve, a dangerous mix of inexperience andpoor judgment, a far left-winger with the most liberal voting record in Congress, a mob-made product of the corrupt Chicago political machine who pretends to be a bipartisan reformer, a messiah for those weary with politics.

To add anti-Christian to that, it’s vitally important to see how he measures up in his claim to be a Christian, because Matthew 7:15-18 warns:

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits,” Jesus said. “Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

Although Scripture cautions “judge not lest ye be judged,” God expects us to be fruit inspectors. So, let’s examine the evidence.

First, let’s agree that to be a Christian you must believe Jesus is the only Savior of the world, that as the sinless Lamb of God He willingly endured an excruciating death on the cross in sinful mankind’s place to provide the only way to everlasting life. Let’s also agree believersare to use the inerrant Bible as life’s instruction manual and prayerfully follow Scripture.

Now let’s see how Sen. Obama measures up:

SANCTITY OF LIFE –- Obama flat out advocates infanticide, and here’s proof: For three straight years as an Illinois state senator (2001 to 2003), he opposed a bill that mandated medical care for children born alive during abortions.

Let me be clear about what that means: When an infant somehow survives a botched abortion to be fully born and breathing, Obama repeatedly is on record against allowing the child to live.

In 2001 he voted against the bill in committee and voted “present” on the floor. The next year he opposed the bill both in committee and on the floor. Then in 2003, as committee chairman, Obama kept the bill from even going to the floor for a vote. Only one state senator spoke against the bill in 2002 – Barack Obama!

Today he claims he acted out of fear it would reverse Roe v. Wade. That’s not true, because language in the bill negated that concern.

When an almost identical bill came to the floor of the U.S. Senate prior to Obama’s election, the vote was 98 to 0 in favor. That underscores just how extreme Obama is to insist that a woman’s decision, of selfishly ridding herself of an inconvenient child, must be obeyed by snuffing a breathing baby that seemingly escaped its execution.

Time has only hardened his heart, making Obama by far the most rabid advocate of unrestricted abortion in U.S. politics. Further evidence shows this gristly industry has no greater friend and faithful ally, regardless of what he may say on the campaign trail.

Obama proudly boasts what no other true Christian could: “Throughout my career, I’ve been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100-percent pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America.”

The first-term senator not only supports spending your tax dollars for abortion and funding Planned Parenthood, he doesn’t want parents notified when minors seek out-of-state abortions.

Yet he doesn’t think all this should count against him with believers: “Again, I respect people who may disagree,” Obama says, “but I certainly don’t think it makes me less Christian. Okay?”

Many believers aren’t aware that, before he became a celebrity, Obama promised the first thing he would do as President is overturn every pro-life law in all 50 states. How? By championing the so-called Freedom of Choice Act, he said, that would codify Roe V. Wade to make unlimited abortions the law of the land – a move that would negate hundreds of state laws.

To that end, Obama ignores numerous passages in God’s Word that value unborn life: Exodus 21:22-25; Psalm 139:13,14; Job 31:15; Psalm 51:5; Luke 1:41, Exodus 1:15-20, etc. Scripture repeatedly condemns the killing of the innocent, saying it’s a sin to sacrifice a child.

By the way, Obama’s pro-death penchant is further underscored when, during a debate with Sen. Hillary Clinton, he admitted the “biggest mistake” so far in his short Senate stint was his vote in favor of letting the parents of Terri Schiavo take their petition to federal court in search of food and medical services necessary to keep their daughter alive.

And when asked during a televised Q&A session when does life begin, the candidate said the answer “is above my pay grade,” as if Obama won’t know until he gets his presidential paycheck.

Plumb line: How can it be Christian to want a breathing baby, who somehow survived the horror of abortion, to be left to die or be put to death? It can’t! God’s Word is clear, and an authentic Christian cannot rightfully back abortion without limits. Believers need only look toScripture for answers. Only a false prophet would want to help the evil one kill and destroy.

ONE WAY TO HEAVEN – In a campaign pamphlet, Obama says he is born again and describes his conversion. Yet when asked about heaven during an in-depth interview, Obama replied, “I believe there are many paths to the same place.”

Such an all-inclusive belief directly opposes John 14:6, in which Jesus Himself states: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

The junior senator, on record as saying good deeds are his ticket to heaven, amplified his beliefs by saying: “All people of faith – Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone – know the same God.” Even animists? This outrageous unscriptural opinion voids Christ’s sacrifice and makes liars out of Jesus and his disciples – including you and me.

On another occasion Obama admitted he would rather deny the truth of Christ than offend members of other world religions: “I’m not somebody who is always comfortable with language that implies I’ve got a monopoly on the truth.”

In the interview from The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People by Cathleen Falsani, Obama indicts Christianity as bigoted and intolerant for its “call to evangelize and proselytize.”

He then rightly states, as if it’s a bad thing: “There’s a belief in some quarters that if people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they’re going to hell.”

Plumb line: A true Christian cannot deny Jesus’ unique mission of salvation and contradict Acts 4:12: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” So Obama’s heretical denial of Christianity as the one true religion – a mark of a false prophet -- is a telltale indication he isn’t yet blessed with a born-again believer’s assurance of salvation and confidence in Christ.

SCRIPTURE ACCURACY – Obama, who promises to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, seems to purposefully mishandle Bible passages to support his stances. He certainly tosses aside vitally important passages in order to promote homosexual unions.

For instance, this unabashed champion of undeserved privileges for homosexuals has the vain hubris to dismiss as “obscure” the definitive passage of Romans 1:26-27:

“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.”

What’s more, the freshman senator condescendingly chides Christians who don’t agree with his interpretations. “Folks haven’t been reading their Bibles,” he said, because according to Obama’s translation of God’s Word, something in the Sermon on the Mount justifies his support for legalizing and honoring sodomy.

He disqualifies Leviticus, which calls homosexuality an abomination, because it also prohibits shellfish and condones slavery. He actually has told believers to stop insisting on what’s right because that is divisive, intolerant and hateful.

Plumb line: Obama disparages Bible-believing Christians for faithfully obeying God’s Word. Like a false prophet, he wants us to ignore key Scripture passages that oppose his agenda, to back down on essential points and go along to get along with other religions. That is not Christian.

GODLY BACKGROUND – As the twig is bent (by a Muslim father, an atheist mother, Universalist grandparents, a racist pastor, a communist mentor, a terrorist bomber friend) so shall the tree grow. The old axiom gives insight, and cause for alarm, in the case of Obama, whose formative influences produced goals and policies not in keeping with Christian values.

“I was raised by my mother,” Barack says, “and my mother was a Christian.” Not true, according to her best friend, who insists Obama’s mother was an avowed atheist.

And Barack is proud to say his grandparents, also credited with raising him, are evangelicals. Only they aren’t. They’re Unitarian Universalists, who don’t embrace essential Christian doctrines.

Obama’s Muslim stepfather had Barack attend an Islamic school where he came to love the evening call to prayer. “One of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset,” Obama remarked in a 2007 interview. He then recited its blasphemous opening lines, complete with an excellent Arabic accent: “Allah is Supreme! ... I witness that there is no god but Allah! ... I witness that Muhammad is his prophet!”

Because a man is known by the company he keeps, consider these telltale influences that shaped Obama’s thinking and character:
> Older half-brother Abongo, a militant Muslim who argues the black man must “liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.”
> Mentor Frank Marshall Davis, a hard-line member of the Communist Party, which seeks to abolish religion.
> Atheist William Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist bomber of Weather Underground infamy who regrets not setting off more deadly blasts.
> Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the racist pastor of Obama’s Chicago church known for its anti-white, anti-Semitic bigotry.
> Louis Farrakhan, leader of the racist Nation of Islam that seeks its own all-black territory inside the United States.
> Fr. Michael Pfleger, a long-time supporter known for his Farrakhan-defending, jihad-apologizing, Jew-bashing messages, who threatens to “snuff” politicians who support gun rights.

For 20 years Obama sat under the often dubious preaching of Rev. Wright, a Black Liberation theologian who Obama calls his “spiritual mentor.” Promoting Marxist socialism under the cloak of religion, Black Liberation wants government to punish the white rich for victimizing the black poor by redistributing wealth. And redistribution underlies Obama’s socialistic intent to finance expensive and expansive government programs by taking from the rich and giving to the poor – “from each, according to his means, to each, according to his needs,” as communists are known to say.

Obama had no choice but to un-invite Rev. Wright to his campaign kickoff and later to drop his church membership after it became widely known that the pastor said: “The government gives (blacks) the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God d--n America!”

A vast majority of church-goers trust their pastors to preach what God wants said. Not Obama: Despite hearing hundreds of Rev. Wright’s sermons, he claims he wasn’t influenced.

However, in light of the pastor’s twisted messages, it’s easy to see why Michelle Obama would say her husband’s candidacy makes her feel proud of America for the first time in her adult life.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Obama has a dim view of the average American who rightly relies on the Bible for daily guidance. Obama sees us as “bitter” people who “cling” to our religion, according to his infamous speech to fellow elitists at a San Francisco fund-raiser.

Plumb line: Obama not only didn’t have a Christian upbringing, his formative years were filled with ungodly influences, extending into adult associations. It’s obvious he doesn’t cling to God’s Word, and his church home of the past two decades doesn’t measure up to the Christian standard. To claim otherwise makes him a false prophet striving to fool voters.

ANTI-CHRISTIAN THREAT – Obama wholeheartedly supports laws that promote homosexuals’ anti-family agenda as if he doesn’t realize they criminalize biblical beliefs. He enthusiastically backs “hate crime” legislation, a tactic calculated to silence and punish Christians who voice God’s view of homosexuality.

Obama’s faith-based initiative, the “Joshua Generation Project,” sounds much like a continuation of what President George W. Bush started. But it’s not!

There’s a huge and ominous difference: His politically correct project will attack Christian ministries on key doctrinal points, because to get federal money, Bible-based organizations must show “diversity” and “tolerance” by hiring homosexuals, atheists and members of other world religions.

“You can’t use that grant money to proselytize to the people you help,” Obama says, “and you can’t discriminate against them — or against the people you hire — on the basis of their religion.”

Even more perilous, expect an Obama presidency, in the name of diversity and tolerance, to take tax-exempt status from churches courageous enough to publicly stand for the truth of God’s Word. Arch liberals see it as a win-win situation -- silencing most opposition while taxing vocal churches into ineffectiveness, with the ungodly getting their money instead of God.

You see, homosexuals and their liberal supporters must silence the truth that Christ transforms anyone out of any detrimental lifestyle, because that proven fact means society doesn’t need to change, that all the progress achieved so far toward legalizing sodomy is in vain.

So expect Obama to call for Congress to enact “fairness doctrine” legislation for TV and radio broadcasts that includes rebuttal time to Christian programming. Remember, this arch liberal doesn’t like churches that evangelize or claim Christ is the only way to escape hell. Don’t count on this “Christian” being our friend when push comes to shove in Democrat-dominated politics.

Not only that, but the U.S. Supreme Court’s tilt hinges on the election’s outcome. Imagine what will befall America to have the White House, Congress and our court system all in the hands of those who walketh in the counsel of the ungodly, standeth in the way of sinners, sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

Plumb line: Godly groups should not have to forfeit their civil rights as a condition to receive federal money – something no Christian would require. Established law affirms the right of faith-based groups to hire people who share core beliefs, but this false prophet promises toradically change that. If elected, Obama will have the clout, and our freedom of speech and freedom of religion will begin to evaporate the day he takes office.

Obama a Christian? Evidence shows he is anything but. Yet believers are being duped despite the fact he denies Christianity’s most central truth and essential doctrines.

I believe God is calling Christians like you to break this grip on voters’ minds while there’s time! Your effort today can awake our nation from this unholy stupor!

We, who see through this subterfuge, must act to expose this false prophet’s watered-down “faith” that’s slyly stripped of core beliefs and diluted into a pluralistic hodgepodge of religiosity with the goal of fooling and then silencing believers. Stand up today and say Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.

Help get the truth to as many as possible. Americas depends on your action!