So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Friday, November 21

Jumpin' Jehosaphat knows what to do ...

A noted pundit recently wrote the Republican Party is doomed to failure if its best hope is for the Democrats' united front to splinter into unproductive disunity.

That may well be, but the comment started me thinking about a favorite Bible passage, one that I've not only included in sermons but taken to heart as God's way of facing overwhelming odds.

"Jumpin' Jehosaphat!" Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet, often blurted that name on the old TV series right before Superman soared into action. So when, as a new Christian, my Bible studies came across the name, I was interested. First of all, there was nothing in 2nd Chronicles chapter 20 about Jehosaphat jumping. But what I found was and is invaluable.

Jehosaphat was king when the united armies of three enemy nations marched on Judah. He called for God's help, and the people came together in a nation-wide prayer meeting. "...We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us," the king prayed. "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You."

Then the Holy Spirit came upon Jahaziel, a priest, who spoke God's response. It sure wasn't the answer I was expecting, but I've done as instructed, and I assure you IT WORKS!

"Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army," Jahaziel said. "The battle is not yours, it's God's. ... You will not have to fight this battle."

The next day, before Judah had to face the combined enemy that threatened their country, their very lives, Jehosaphat bowed to the ground and worshipped. Inspired, the king arose and told the people to "have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in His prophets and you will be successful."

What Jehosaphat then ordered just doesn't make sense, certainly not for military warfare. But this was spiritual warfare, just as it is today.

The king actually assembled a choir on the front line and had the singers march out AHEAD of Judah's soldiers! As the choir began to sing praises, the Lord went to work on Judah's behalf. One enemy army turned against another and then the third. Nobody was left alive when Jehosaphat arrived on the battlefield.

Prayer and praises to God won the day way back then. They still do today.

The Democrats represent a massive combination of God's enemies. Many are evil, or at least under Satan's control. And evil, by definition, cannot long stay united. God will see to it -- IF we will follow the example of Jehosaphat: Pray and praise, because the battle belongs to the Lord.

We do not know what to do, Lord, but our eyes are on You.

Easter bunny, tooth fairy, global warming ...

The Easter bunny, tooth fairy and global warming are childhood myths that make us reach for our wallet to continue their illusion. But the latter is going to cost us far more than plastic grass and hard-boiled eggs or occasional quarters under a pillow.

As a "strategic communicator" for a Fortune 500 electric utility that sought to corner the market (at least the entire western grid), I was one of several assigned to research industry Godzillas who potentially might stomp on our shareholders' Tokyo -- acid rain, electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) and global warming to be exact.

You see, the thing most dear to CEO and VP hearts -- their golden parachutes -- depended on identifying threats that could endanger their company's status and profits. So each issue was researched thoroughly.

Acid rain? Nothing to it. Coal-fired power plants were not guilty of doing damage where their smoke drifted. No, soil content was found to be acidic long before the advent of electricity.

EMFs? "Ummm, maybe it would be best to watch where we build power lines so the incidence of cancer in children living nearby isn't increased to a level that attracts public attention," the brass was told. In other words, evidence was serious enough to be carefully watchful.

And global warming? A political hoax, obvious back in the '80s. Whatever existed in "scientific evidence" was more than offset by factually supported data that pointed to climatic cycles. Besides, the board was urged, look at who's behind the still unproven theory.

Then as now, they are socialistic radicals intent on championing any cause that sticks it to corporate America, hastening the day of doom for hated capitalism.

Number Obama among them. Remember, it was Barack who welcomed summer's skyrocketing gas prices. Why? Because jumps at the pumps would help condition Americans to go along with socialistic mass transit and accept the radical environmental agenda intent on turning the United States into just another European country.

BHO would like nothing better than for us to junk our SUVs and oil up our bicycles. Boy, all those expensive-but-unused bike lanes should start looking good to us any day now.

Drill here; drill now; pay less? Well, terrorist-supporting OPEC sure did drop the price of gas like a heavy rock in order to scuttle that issue and get their candidate elected. What's a little less money to some of the richest men in the world when they can help put their choice in the Oval Office who will surrender Iraq without a shot and backburner the war on terror.

So energy independence now is off the table at Democrat-dominated Congress and at the left-leaning White House -- all in keeping with whatever it takes to undercut capitalism. Saving our planet from the dreaded hoax of global warming now will go into overdrive.

Expect power-hungry politicians to blacklist scientists who reject global warming alarmism, for congressmen to threaten companies that fund climate-change dissenters, for public schools to preach the unfounded theory as solid as evolution, and for mainstream media to ignore or smear any who dare speak the truth.

Unscrupulous scientists candidly admit the need to twist the facts to paint an uglier picture in order to greedily fool a misled public into accepting their conjecture as gospel while of course keeping our tax money flowing.

As for me, it's laughable if they weren't so deadly serious about the sham. I like what former senator Fred Thompson said:

“It seems scientists have noticed recently that quite a few planets in our solar system seem to be heating up a bit, including Pluto. This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non-signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists who run their air-conditioning at 60 degrees and refuse to recycle.”

You know, twice this fall I've dusted snow off my car here in Virginia -- and it's not even Thanksgiving yet. Right now, as I shiver on a 32-degree afternoon, I realize I can't stand much more of this politically inspired global warming.

Oh, but it's just a weather cycle, proponents counter. To which I say, my point exactly.

Get ready for attacks on conservative radio ...

Brace yourself for an unprecedented government assault upon the First Amendment. President Barack Obama will lead the charge, wielding his cloaked version of a “Fairness Doctrine.”

Arch liberals have been waiting for this coercive opportunity since 1987 when the Federal Communications Commission, under President Ronald Reagan, scraped the original Fairness Doctrine, allowing conservative talk radio to mushroom into popularity across America. The whiners can't wait to silence the hated Rush Limbaugh, who skyrocketed to a position of great influence as a result of Reagan's repeal that freed radio stations to air what listeners wanted to hear without having to include what they didn't.

President Reagan saw it right: America must have the opportunity to hear an alternative voice to what passes as reporting on the nightly news. As Rush is known to say: “Don’t ask me for equal time; I am equal time. I am the rebuttal to the liberal, mainstream, drive-by media.”

Now, with control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine to stifle conservative talk radio’s criticism of the Democrats' so-often-failed agenda.

Obama claims to oppose that, however, knowing such a blatant move surely will inspire an outraged march on Washington by listeners of Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Bill Bennett and other hosts. (Come to think of it, now's a good time to launch a pitchfork-sharpening business, offering free maps of DC to spur business.)

Ah, but the president-elect still is counting the days to the strangled death of conservative talk radio! Just listen to the opening of Hannity's radio show for a collection of Obama's sound bites against Sean. Makes you wonder: Has a presidential candidate ever had so much to say against a broadcaster?

Eschewing a frontal assault, Obama plans to sneak through a side door to silence that pesky conservative voice. The FCC, you see, has an ambiguous rule called “localism” that requires stations to serve the interests of their local communities in order to maintain their licenses. Obama, who will immediately sack FCC Chairman Kevin Martin upon taking office, needs only three votes from the five-member FCC to redefine localism in such a way that handcuffs conservative talk radio.

Warning signs abound if you look closely. Check out Jack Thompson's report at Human Events for more details.

The skulduggery already is afoot: the FCC has called for permanent station advisory boards, made up of community officials and leaders, to periodically advise of local needs and issues that ensures diversity of on-air content. That way, any station that fails to appease “local community leaders” will lose its license.

Can't happen? Well, answer this: What organization first successfully used FCC “localism” to silence a station?

Answer: The United Church of Christ, Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s highly-politicized denomination. That's right, the racist reverend's Office of Communication, Inc., yanked a broadcast license away from a southern station deemed not to be covering the civil-rights movement fairly. The precedent is set!

Hummm, you gotta wonder about anyone who, with a straight face, claims such chicanery didn't influence him over a 20-year association.

So, like I said, brace yourself! One way or another, the attacks are coming. Let your conservative voice be heard and help America get it right!

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss ...

Sigh! So much for hope and change:

In calling his second major shot as president-elect, Barack Obama picked pro-abortion Tom Daschle as Secretary of Health and Human Services. The former U.S. senator from South Dakota, known for taking no prisoners as Senate Majority Leader, will replace pro-life advocate Mike Leavitt, who has been working on protecting pro-life doctors and nurses. Sigh!

As the health secretary, Daschle will likely play a role in shaping Obama's health care plan, which has come under fire for possibly including abortion coverage or mandating that hospitals or insurance companies cover abortions. Sigh!

Hope? Not for pre-born babies. Change? Yeah, a sad step deeper into, not out of, bitter partisan politics. This isn't reaching across the isle; it's throwing a sucker punch!

To quote the Who from Don't Get Footed Again: "Meet the new boss; same as the old boss." Not at all what voters expected from the messiah's mantra on the campaign trail, huh?

Reminds me of a Fanny Mae lender who died and arrived at the pearly gates, where Saint Peter gave him the choice of heaven or hell after visiting each.

First up was hell, and the lender was stunned to see a gorgeous lush-green golf course, complete with a ritzy clubhouse that offered plenty of booze, massages and an unending poker game. Then came heaven, a serenely beautiful place of peace and tranquility.

When Peter called for the decision the next day, the lender said: "Well, this might surprise you, but I think I'll fit in better in hell."

"So be it," Peter said, pointing to the elevator. Down the lender went to his exciting and attractive destination for eternity.

But when the doors opened, the Fanny Mae lender was greeted by blast-furnace flames and searing pain. As Satan emerged from the fire, the lender cried out, "What happened? Yesterday it was so beautiful..."

"Yesterday," Satan hissed with an evil smile, "we were campaigning. Today you voted!"