So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Wednesday, February 16

Fitting definition of "nanny state" ...

Happy with the state of things in America? Thomas Jefferson pegged it from the start: "I predict future happiness for Americans," the founding father said, "if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

That "if" is a mighty big word, friends. Boldface and underline it!

I, for one, am unhappy because in recent years we the people haven't been very successful in preventing our government from "taking care" of us. Remember what Ronald Reagan said: "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Well, those now in control of our government want to help us out, whether we need it or not, by taking care of us in every way they can concoct -- and too many Americans gladly are letting them do just that.

Something must be done, hypocritical power-hungry liberals say, urging kneejerk action before proper analysis. And their answer? It's always the same: More and more government, dolling out or otherwise wasting more and more of your tax dollars.

Our once-great nation thus is rapidly becoming a "nanny state." And Rep. Michele Bachmann pointed out a fitting definition Tuesday.

The tea-party backed conservative, who nursed all five of her children, took issue with First Lady Michelle Obama for wanting the government to buy breast pumps so mothers can breastfeed their children and help avoid childhood obesity. "You want to talk about the nanny state," Rep. Bachmann said on The Laura Ingraham Show, "I think you just got a new definition."

Yes, Mr. Jefferson was right about the pursuit of happiness, not to mention life and liberty. I think he also was on target when he said: "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."

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