So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Tuesday, November 4

Campaign twists like science-fiction flick ...

I couldn't agree more with James Hirsen, who wrote today in his The Left Coast Report email: "To me, it feels as if we’ve been unwittingly cast in a surreal science-fiction flick.

"> A presidential hopeful runs on a 'brother’s keeper' slogan while his own brother lives in a Kenya shack and his auntie abides in a Boston slum.

"> The right to choose extends to denying even a Band-Aid for a baby brutalized by a botched abortion while compassion gets redefined as a tax rebate in every pot.

"> A citizen plumber gets the Roto-Rooter treatment while VIP medical records are quarantined and birth certificates are deep-sixed.

"> The elite media twiddle their thumbs as a vice presidential candidate is hung in effigy and 'Halloween art' is the explanation.

"> A former 'SNL' jokester runs for a Senate seat while his current 'SNL' pals hit the ratings jackpot with one-sided mockery.

"> A ballot from a cartoon character barely raises an eyebrow while a ballot from a soldier is pored over with a magnifying glass.

"> Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is given a halo while Justices Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Scalia are handed horns and pitchforks.

"> Reporters are booted from planes and anchors reprimanded for asking questions while the Rev. Jeremiah Wright lands a book deal.

"> Infomercials get free rein while commercials get censored.

"> Networks declare races over while encouraging viewers to tune in for the final tallies."

Thanks, James. One clear case after another of calling bad good and good bad. Hey, isn't that biblical?

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