So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Friday, November 14

White guilt? Done; over; dead and buried ...

For weekend reading I offer an atricle from the Philadelphia Inquirer by Tom Adkins, publisher of

White guilt? Done; over; history

There go my fellow conservatives, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. Not me. I'm virtually euphoric. Don't get me wrong. I'm not thrilled with America's flirtation with neosocialism. But there's a massive silver lining in the magical clouds that lofted Barack Obama to the presidency. For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America:

The Era of White Guilt is over.

This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn't give a fluff about skin color and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man. Not just any black man. A very liberal black man who spent his early career race-hustling banks, praying in a racist church for 20 years, and actively working with America-hating domestic terrorists. Yet white Americans made Barack Obama their leader. Therefore, as of Nov. 4, 2008, white guilt is dead.

So today, I'm feeling a little "uppity," if you will. For more than a century, the millstone of white guilt hung around our necks, retribution for slave-owning predecessors. In the 1960s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black Americans, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution to the country's problems. But if a black man can become president, exactly what significant barrier is left? The election of Barack Obama destroys the validation of liberal white guilt. The dragon is hereby slain.

From this day forward, my tolerance level for having my skin color hustled is exactly ZERO. No more Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "God Damn America," Al Sharpton's Church of Perpetual Victimization, or Jesse Jackson's rainbow racism. Cornel West? You're a fraud. All those "black studies" programs must now teach kids to thank Whitey. And I want that on the final.

Congressional Black Caucus? Irrelevant. U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.)? Shut up. ACORN? Outlawed. Black Panthers? Go home and pet your kitty. Black separatists? Find another nation that offers better dreams. To those Eurosnots who forged careers hating America? I'm still waiting for the first black French president.

No more quotas. No more handouts. No more complaining that "the man" is keeping you down. "The man" is now black.

It's time to toss that massive, obsolete race-hustle machine upon the heap of the other stupid '60s ideas. Drag it over there, right between free love and cop-killing. Careful, don't trip on streaking. Just dump it. And then wash your hands. It's filthy.

Obama's ascension also creates another gargantuan irony. How can liberals sell American racism, class envy and unfairness when our new black president and his wife went to Ivy League schools, got high-paying jobs, became millionaires, bought a mansion, and are now moving to the White House? How unfair is that? Now, like a delicious O. Henry tale, Obama's spread-the-wealth campaign rendered itself moot by its own victory! America is officially a meritocracy. Obama's election has validated American conservatism.

So ... Wham!!!

That's the sound of my foot kicking the door shut on the era of white guilt. The rites have been muttered, the carcass lowered, dirt shoveled and tombstone erected. Dead and buried.

-- Tom Adkins

GOP now locked in life-or-death struggle ...

The struggle for Republican Party leadership in reality is a decisive spiritual battle for America’s soul.

The life-or-death fight -– hey, no exaggeration! -- pits entrenched big-tent moderates against conservative candidates who want to emphasize such social issues as opposition to abortion, stem cell research and homosexual “rights.”

"Free the GOP," moderates demand! End the hostage situation by "social fundamentalists," people like you and me who base our votes on abortion and stem cell research. Unless the GOP freed itself from our grip, they insist, it the party will continue to lose.

Hogwash! Marriage amendments pass from coast to coast, proving the party's conservative base is alive and well. The grass roots just isn't buying "Democrat-lite." The Republican Party has lost two general elections by forsaking conservative principles.

Kick us out to be rid of thorny issues? Free the GOP from the moral weight that holds it back? Only for an even worse defeat in 2010!

This is a crucial struggle that ultimately will decide America’s fate: Do we get it right? Or do we as a party again go left and get it wrong!?

So cross Jim Greer off the list for national party leader. Florida's Republican chairman told the New York Times, “We can’t be obsessed with issues that are not the issues that are important to American voters.”

And number Florida Gov. Charlie Crist among those on the left, er, wrong side, too. The moderate used the Republican governors in Miami to say the GOP must reach out to minority voters and tackle emerging issues like the environment and global warming, while somehow remaining true to its Reagan roots of lower taxes and lean government regulation.

If that sounds good, or at least OK, then listen to this: According to Crist, the party must take a "broad" view on abortion. "There's different ways to approach it,” he said of abortion, “different ways to communicate, different ways to utilize — I think Ronald Reagan had the right formula for doing that."

There is only one logical, scientific and spiritual way to look at abortion: Life begins at the moment of conception. Anyone who stops that God-created process ends the life of a human being. Period.

And according to the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That pre-born baby has the same rights as its mother, except that in the vast majority of cases nobody speaks up on behalf of the child.

No, this is not a lesser consideration that's supposedly unimportant to American voters. Besides, it doesn’t matter what people think; it’s what the Almighty says is right.

If moderates don't see the need or have the courage to fight for what's right, then they must not be allowed to lead -- because this is THE issue if we want God to bless America during this time of trouble.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ...

Some supposedly in the know believe President-elect Barack Obama's broad victory will be accompanied by broadly appealing policies and broad-minded appointments.

These experts find solace in the fact only 22 percent of 2008's voters say they are liberal, that 44 percent are moderate and 34 percent conservative. They point out Obama won by convincing an ideologically stable electorate that he isn't a radical, not by shifting the electorate toward radicalism.

Therefore, they claim, Obama will govern as a centrist, not a radical, so there's nothing for us to fear.

I disagree. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you'd better duck!

Think about it: Obama knows he in truth is the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate. He further knows he brings the least administrative or executive experience of any President-elect into the White House. He of course knows his long-developing plans for America are not what the people want, but he also knows he has successfully deceived a majority into voting for him and now has a golden opportunity not possible in Stalin's dreams.

That takes a great deal of exaggerated pride or deluded self-confidence, doesn't it? Say, isn't that the definition of hubris?

In football, the spot where a runner went down or a referee's penalty flag can mean the difference. Right or not, it goes in the W column and counts as a victory, without an asterisk, toward a bowl berth or even the national championship.

Obama got all the breaks. He prevailed because he fooled enough of the people enough of the time to capture the world's biggest prize for the left. Do you really think he won't now wield the full power of the Oval Office to make good on his win and bring his unAmerican plans to reality?

Be ready for this ungodly enemy of capitalism to do everything in the power of his stealthfully gained office to rewrite the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights, criminalize Christianity and subvert this great nation as far as he can for as long as he can -- until we, the people, finally wake up and put a stop to his subterfuge.

Wednesday, November 12

'Evangelical left' did its dirty work well ...

It sounds like an oxymoron: the evangelical left.

The two words just don't go together. Yet in present-day America, where bad is good and good is bad, liberals craftily are "evangelizing" people off the straight and narrow, using religious terminology and concepts.

The “Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant,” for example, is a leftwing league of politically correct leaders intent on dragging America down the slippery slope faster than ever. The ruse concocted by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, along with former vice president Al Gore, fooled far too many right-minded Americans, who even now still are blind to the unholy threat.

The gathering, held Jan. 30-Feb. 1 in Atlanta, was nothing more than a Trojan horse, a smokescreen out of hell to promote the liberal agenda. It wasn’t even thinly disguised. And it worked, setting a model successfully used by Obama and other Democrat candidates.

This new liberal voice in reality belittles and opposes courageous believers, who make their stand on the inerrant Bible. What’s worse, ungodly media finally have a “respectable” religious mouthpiece that will say whatever liberals need in order to lead Americans further astray.

Created by politicians, not preachers, it was held only days before Super Tuesday’s primaries. One left-leaning speaker after another took the pulpit –- including avowed evolutionist Gore, who was proclaimed a “prophet.”

Carter opened by calling for unity among all Baptists by complying with homosexuals, condoning abortions, conceding Bible errors and continuing separation of church and state. He indirectly likened unwavering conservatives, who refused to compromise their beliefs, to cancer in the body of Christ.

As a conservative believer, I think you agree that our bedrock doctrine is NOT tolerance for diversity, but tenacious adherence to the gospel of Jesus Christ, Who is more than capable of transforming anyone out of anything.

Throughout the event, however, “narrow minded” and “intolerant” conservatives were urged to yield on differences that divide Baptists. Fundamentalists were criticized for being “divisive” and “not forgiving enough” of those in the Covenant who believe the Bible is flawed, or that it’s OK to abort the pre-born and embrace the liberal political agenda.

Gore, who charged $35 a plate, interspersed his 90-minute closed presentation with slides of Scripture. He used Luke 12:54-57 to say it is dishonest, and thus sinful, for anyone to claim global warming is merely a theory rather than a scientific fact. A Covenant spokesman said the program was off limits to media because Gore didn’t want the slides of Bible verses “getting out to the Internet.”

While Carter has religious credentials, you’ve got to wonder what qualified Clinton or Gore to address such a gathering. There’s no doubt, though, that all three former Southern Baptists are hard-core, died-in-the-wool, card-carrying liberals.

The Covenant, which also showed Gore’s documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” didn’t stray far from the Democratic Party line. The Iraq War was opposed to the point the U.S. Army was not allowed a booth to recruit chaplains.

Activist Marian Wright Edelman urged solving the problems of America’s children by making sure the Bush tax cuts don’t become permanent. And novelist John Grisham, who called for an end to the death penalty, offered this advice to Baptists: “Stay out of politics.”

The event accomplished its purpose by helping to lure progressive Christians into the secular liberal web and thus divide the vote while forging a seemingly believable political force worth quoting on the nightly news.

The question that exasperated me is: How so many Americans could vote for change without knowing whether the changes would be good or bad?

How could hundreds of thousands of supposedly evangelical Christians dutifully enter voting booths without first asking God's will? How could they instead pull the lever for increased abortions, homosexual unions, loss of religious freedom, socialism and ultimately godless Marxism. How could Christians be so easily deceived when it is abundantly clear socialism has never, ever, not once come through as promised?

It could have been worse, but only half of professing Christians register to vote, and only half of those registered actually make it to the polls. So, in reality, we ourselves are responsible, one way or another, for the leaders we get.

It’s time for God’s people to stand up for what’s right -– yes, even in political circles. Especially in politics!

We must counter the false prophets in waylayed pulpits who have been urging church-goers to end poverty, homelessness, AIDS, racial division and usher in world peace. And of course not to dirty our righteous hands in politics.

It’s obvious those of us who hold traditional Biblical values have a vital role to play in the days ahead. This insane notion we shouldn’t address anything political was a lie born in hell designed to destroy our God-honoring nation.

We cannot again let the unholy enemy, seeking to take our nation out from “under God,” marshal his unwitting forces for decisive action on the next Election Day to further sweeps America under his disastrous spell!

We must not let other misguided Christians ignore, twist or water down God’s inerrant Word in order to make it politically correct -– and thus render it powerless!

We MUST make our voice known! If we don’t, the words of Edmund Burke may soon be our nation’s epitaph: “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”

Obama to create Gestapo-like police force ...

Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. America thus may soon wear the dunce cap and join deluded Germany and Russia in the corner of scorn.

I share the same apprehension as Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), who fears President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship on his changed version of the United States.

"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with the Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."

It's true: Obama warned America back in July that he favored a civilian force to, ahem, take some of the national security burden off the military. Riiiight!

"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany, and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun points out. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."

I, too, find Obama's words shocking: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Although Obama claims to respect the Second Amendment's right to bear arms, Broun believes the President-elect will seek to ban gun ownership while building the national police force.

"We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun cautioned. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."

Farrakhan praises Allah's man at mosque ...

Barack Hussein Obama is Allah's man, a divine messiah with a god-given capacity to handle any burdens he'll face as the nation's leader because he draws a "oneness of spirit" from all people.

Or so said Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan during a Sunday address that celebrated the new President-elect at a Chicago mosque.

"President-elect Obama has energized all segments of the depressed, downtrodden, rejected and despised," Farrakhan said in the 90-minute speech. "Now it is up to us to take the new energy that he has given us."

The 75-year-old Muslim admitted he stayed quiet about his support for Obama during the past few months after praising the Democratic Party candidate last February as "the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better."

B. Hussein quickly distanced himself from Farrakhan at the time, and the Islamic leader didn't object: "I decided it would be better for me to just be quiet rather than be drawn into the controversy that was swirling around his pastor (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), Father Pfleger, and others," Farrakhan said.

Obama ready to change good for bad ...

America's voters demanded change, and by Barack they're going to get it! President-elect Obama is about to give the people what they didn't realize they don't want.

Abortion's all-time political champion is intent on reversing an estimated 200 administration actions and executive orders implemented during President George
W. Bush's eight years -- including White House policies on climate change, stem cell research and reproductive rights, according to The Washington Post.

Dozens of advisers reportedly have been working for months to prioritize the issues, especially regulations imposed for "overtly political" (read pro-life) reasons.

Insiders say you can count on these two changes for the worse:
==> Ending a limit on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
==> Ending a rule that keeps international "family-planning groups" from receiving your tax dollars to encourage women to get abortions.

If you thought President Bush didn't do enough for our cause, wait until you see all that the new messiah will undo upon taking office. Americans won't be able to say he didn't warn us.

Tuesday, November 11

Boot failed fake leaders who betrayed us ... Honor veterans as America's real heroes ...

Sunday and Monday weren't good days medically for me, hence no posts. And I'm not doing much better today, but I need to pass along the words of Michael Reagan, followed by Oliver North's message for Veterans Day:


"Dear Conservative Friend,

"It's official: America has its first truly Socialist president... and it's the Republican Party's fault.

"No, scratch that -- it's the so-called "leaders" of the GOP who are at fault for this humiliating defeat -- and I say it's time to name names and make heads roll in our party. Because, my fellow conservatives, we have been BETRAYED by the very people who promised that, if we would just elect them, they would get into office and vote OUR conservative values.


"But we CAN resurrect it -- IF we start TODAY to take action, by both booting out our failed fake-conservative "leadership" AND vowing to FIGHT tooth and nail against the coming tidal wave of destructive, anti-American legislation that's now heading our way... thanks to Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

"We CAN fight back -- Join me now in the NEW Reagan Revolution, to bring Conservatism BACK!"


"Dear Proud American,

"Heroes aren't athletes who set new sports records or Hollywood actors who make daring films or politicians who make bold promises. Heroes are people who place themselves at risk for the benefit of others.

"My Heroes wear flak jackets, flight suits and combat boots, and we owe them a debt of gratitude. America enjoys freedom today because our true heroes, the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, are willing to sacrifice their tomorrows for us.

"This Veteran's Day, please pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women who wear our nation's uniform."

LtCol Oliver L. North, USMC (Ret.)