So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Friday, October 10

Obama Fails Test for Litmus Test

The Obama Campaign can deny all it wants that the rookie senator has no pro-abortion litmus test for U.S. Supreme Court nominees, but his own words from a recent email sure sound like such:

“While I have no litmus test for judges,” wrote the most liberal member of the Senate, “my bottom line is confidence that a judicial nominee will respect the constitutionally protected rights of all Americans and resist the temptation to substitute personal ideology for legal reasoning. I believe, however, that a judicial nominee with a history of undermining settled law like Roe v. Wade deserves greater scrutiny."

Abortion’s greatest political champion then added: "Nominees to the federal bench who are out-of-step with mainstream America should not be confirmed. That is why in the past I have opposed the nominations of Supreme Court Justices Roberts and Alito."

The definition of a "litmus test" is a question asked of a potential candidate that determines whether or not the nominating official procedes. Sure sounds like Obama intends to dip a strip against pro-life jurists, huh?

Little ACORNs Sprout BIG Scandal?

Two mighty oaks tower in my front yard that's nestled at the foot of Virginia's Blueridge Mountains. So many acorns litter the grass that my walk to the mailbox sounds like Rice Crispies. And when I mow, they become stinging missiles bounding off the bark. I don't like acorns, unless as an acronym:

Barack Obama is feeling the sting amid a flurry of voter-fraud accusations, as ACORN sprouts what may well be a mighty scandal. This latest reason why the freshman senator should must never be trusted with any public power, let alone made commander in chief, has its roots back to B. Hussein's community-organizing days, his lone claim to fame. Google this one quick, if you can handle the truth. These links will jump-start your search for the truth about Obama and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now:

Fight for What's Right ...

Divine providence inspired our forefathers to create the United States as a constitutional republic. They trusted in the God of the Bible and His Word, basing our laws on His Ten Commandments. Our founding documents prove they believed in the sanctity and equality of life, in the freedom of -- not from -- Christ-centered religion, in personal and states rights protected and enabled by a federal government.

These brave patriots fought to be free of high taxes, of unscrupulous magistrates and selfish officials. They risked their fortunes, their families, their very lives to earn their Independence against all odds. Two hundred years later, our nation has lost its way.

It's time again to fight for what's right! There's no need yet for muskets. We'll fight with computer keyboards, emails, faxes and phones. And we will again prevail.

America still is under God. So for our nation's sake, enlist in the conservative corps and take action to turn the tide. It's not too late for you, your friends and family to make a difference. Act today!

-- Rev. Rusty Weller
Director of RightSite.US