So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Thursday, November 6

California voters "get it right" on marriage ...

Not all was doom and gloom on election night. In a major triumph for what's good and right, California voters convincingly passed a constitutional amendment reaffirming marriage as the time-honored definition of one man and one woman.

The Associated Press, making its arch-liberal bias easy to see, called the vote a ban against homosexuals and began its report by terming the outcome "a heartbreaking defeat for the gay-rights movement."

Let's get it right: The vote wasn't against homosexuality, as perverted and disgusting as its sexual practices are. Californians simply stood up for the rightful definition of marriage in order to override their state Supreme Court's outrageous ruling. The vote doesn't mean homosexuals can't have legal unions. It's just that such living arrangements can't legally be called marriages.

The AP should have reported the outcome as a clear-cut majority of Californians opposing rogue judges who legislated from the bench to legalize and honor sodomy with undeserved status not otherwise possible. But once again the wire service severely slanted a story.

Thirty states now have successfully defended marriage. Arizona and Florida also upheld the traditional definition Tuesday night with 57 percent and 62 percent landslides, respectively, while Arkansas voters approved a measure that keeps unmarried couples from serving as adoptive or foster parents.

Gay activists of course didn't waste any time challenging California's affirmed definition, vowing to resist any effort to invalidate the 18,000 same-sex "marriages" that occurred after the court's ruling. The ACLU, totally missing the point while confusing apples with oranges, contends the will of the people cannot be used to undermine one group's access to rights enjoyed by other citizens. Twisted and so sad -- but that's the anti-Christian ACLU.

God loooong ago defined marriage, and our society, like almost all others throughout time, recognizes and honors the union of a man and woman with rights. That's the age-old definition, and there's no need for society to change, because homosexuality is a choice that can be changed. Tens of thousands of former homosexuals attest to the transforming power of Jesus.

Of course, you won't hear this fact in mainstream media, and gays shout down the voices of those who prove there's a better way. Homosexuals and their liberal supporters absolutely must silence the truth that Christ transforms anyone out of any detrimental lifestyle. That proven fact means society doesn’t need to change, that all the money spent, time invested and progress achieved so far toward legalizing sodomy is in vain.

Nevertheless, with Massachusetts and Connecticut the only states left allowing same-sex marriage, the homosexual movement is looking for new battlegrounds for its well-financed and -supported compulsion to transform American culture to accommodate their lusts. So watch out in your backyard.

Here's why: statistics show one in seven boys is molested by males before age 18, with the unwanted experience greatly contributing to a wrong choice of lifestyle. Granting special rights to homosexuals will enable and encourage more incorrect choices while silencing opposition to this predatory practice.

Legalizing gay marriages, as well as approving and even promoting the homosexual lifestyle, like many schools do in the name of "diversity," adds to the odds that impressionable children will be duped.

But, thank God, right-minded majorities in California, Arizona and Florida got it right!

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