So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Tuesday, October 14

Who's the most anti-capitalist politician?

Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U -- wait, that answers the question of what's the most ridiculous fictitious name ACORN has registered to vote for the Democratic Party's candidate.

Here's the real question of the day: Who's the most anti-capitalist politician ever nominated by a major party?

B-A-R-A-C-K O-B-A-M-A!

Yes, that's the well-deserved label Investor's Business Daily slaps on Obama -- "the most anti-capitalist politician ever nominated by a major party." An IDM editorial further exposes Obama's anti-America skulduggery:

"It starts with a tax system right out of Marx: A massive redistribution of income -- from each according to his ability, to each according to his need -- all in the name of "neighborliness," "patriotism," "fairness" and "justice."

"It continues with a call for a new world order that turns its back on free trade, has no problem with government controlling the means of production, imposes global taxes to support continents where our interests are negligible, signs on to climate treaties that will sap billions more in U.S. productivity and wealth, and institutes an authoritarian health care system that will strip Americans' freedoms and run up costs.

"All the while, it ensures that nothing -- absolutely nothing -- will be done to secure a sufficient, terror-proof supply of our economic lifeblood -- oil -- a resource we'll need much more of in the years ahead."

Obama will punish initiative and ingenuity. It's "patriotic," he says, to pay more taxes. In the tough economic times we find ourselves, the last thing government should do is hurt businesses.

But what should we expect from a leader who liked the skyrockerting price of gasoline because it would force U.S. businesses and citizens to forsake their autos and embrace public transportation just like in Europe?

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