So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Thursday, October 16

At least Gov. Palin can count to four ...

Obama's campaign has made much of Gov. Sarah Palin's inexperience, even though she has more than Barack. But at least she can count to four. Her opposing vice president hopeful, Joe Biden, apparently is as challenged at math as Obama, who said he was looking forward to campaigning in all 57 states.

Aging Sen. Biden, an old-way enemy of change and hope if ever there was one, is a fountain of errant statements. "Gaff-a-day Joe" is guilty of so many it shouldn't be surprising he doesn't count:

With full bluster and no stutter during a campaign speech, Biden called "jobs" a three-letter word = "J-O-B-S!"

Honest, he really did. No, seriously. I'm not kidding. See for yourself at

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