So how exactly do we "get it right"?

Friday, November 14

GOP now locked in life-or-death struggle ...

The struggle for Republican Party leadership in reality is a decisive spiritual battle for America’s soul.

The life-or-death fight -– hey, no exaggeration! -- pits entrenched big-tent moderates against conservative candidates who want to emphasize such social issues as opposition to abortion, stem cell research and homosexual “rights.”

"Free the GOP," moderates demand! End the hostage situation by "social fundamentalists," people like you and me who base our votes on abortion and stem cell research. Unless the GOP freed itself from our grip, they insist, it the party will continue to lose.

Hogwash! Marriage amendments pass from coast to coast, proving the party's conservative base is alive and well. The grass roots just isn't buying "Democrat-lite." The Republican Party has lost two general elections by forsaking conservative principles.

Kick us out to be rid of thorny issues? Free the GOP from the moral weight that holds it back? Only for an even worse defeat in 2010!

This is a crucial struggle that ultimately will decide America’s fate: Do we get it right? Or do we as a party again go left and get it wrong!?

So cross Jim Greer off the list for national party leader. Florida's Republican chairman told the New York Times, “We can’t be obsessed with issues that are not the issues that are important to American voters.”

And number Florida Gov. Charlie Crist among those on the left, er, wrong side, too. The moderate used the Republican governors in Miami to say the GOP must reach out to minority voters and tackle emerging issues like the environment and global warming, while somehow remaining true to its Reagan roots of lower taxes and lean government regulation.

If that sounds good, or at least OK, then listen to this: According to Crist, the party must take a "broad" view on abortion. "There's different ways to approach it,” he said of abortion, “different ways to communicate, different ways to utilize — I think Ronald Reagan had the right formula for doing that."

There is only one logical, scientific and spiritual way to look at abortion: Life begins at the moment of conception. Anyone who stops that God-created process ends the life of a human being. Period.

And according to the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That pre-born baby has the same rights as its mother, except that in the vast majority of cases nobody speaks up on behalf of the child.

No, this is not a lesser consideration that's supposedly unimportant to American voters. Besides, it doesn’t matter what people think; it’s what the Almighty says is right.

If moderates don't see the need or have the courage to fight for what's right, then they must not be allowed to lead -- because this is THE issue if we want God to bless America during this time of trouble.

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